City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 167 Guo Shi Wushuang, the special drug for leukemia is now available!

Liu Yang is a leukemia patient, 28 years old this year.

Since he was diagnosed with this disease, he suddenly felt that his life was over, and he was extremely decadent.

Fortunately, with the support and guidance of his family, Liu Yang gradually adjusted his mood and actively cooperated with the treatment.

Currently, he has completed 3 chemotherapy treatments.

While he was hospitalized, he opened a live broadcast platform to share his third chemotherapy experience with netizens.

It just went live not long ago.

Many netizens who follow him immediately asked about his current situation.

"Liu Yang, how's the third chemotherapy going?

"Anchor, you must get better!"

"Come on, anchor, I hope to see the news of your recovery sooner!

Seeing the comments, Liu Yang smiled and said, "The third chemotherapy went well.

Admission to the hospital, after waiting for the results, perform bone puncture, lumbar puncture, buy medicine, apply medicine, lower cells, raise cells, lose anti-infective drugs, and wait for discharge.

Everything went very smoothly. "

Hear this.

Netizens "780" suddenly burst into smiles.

They noticed it when Liu Yang was broadcasting live for the first time.

Young and light, he was suffering from leukemia acute myeloid m2 type.

Fortunately, this anti-leukemia guy is optimistic and positive.

Liu Yang continued: "However, during this treatment, I encountered a very tangled thing.

After I received chemotherapy twice, the attending doctor suggested that I do a bone marrow transplant and give it a try.

Because only transplantation can completely cure leukemia.

Then, I went to the Magic City Nebula Medical Center.

The doctor over there said that I was at low risk and had a gene with an excellent prognosis.

They suggested that I continue chemotherapy, do 4 major treatments on the current basis, and then proceed according to the results of my chemotherapy.

Also, I contacted a transplant doctor who also advised me to continue chemotherapy.

After inquiries, I returned to Sioux City Hospital for my third chemotherapy.

Netizens felt happy for Liu Yang when they heard this.

The best treatment plan for leukemia is determined according to the patient's condition.

Now many patients can be cured or stable for a long time, but the pain is unavoidable.

If you want to be completely cured, you can only choose bone marrow transplantation.

However, bone marrow transplantation is not so easy, and it is difficult to successfully find a suitable match for the patient.

on the screen.

Netizens have left messages.

"Come on, anchor, my mother is also leukemia, and she is about to have her sixth chemotherapy."

"The young man has a good attitude and is optimistic. I hope you can completely defeat leukemia!""

"Hey... After my daughter's m2 transplant, she left after four years. I hope you can have a good physique and mentality, stick to chemotherapy, and wish you all the best."5

"For a bone marrow transplant, there will be all kinds of rejection, and it will cost a lot of money, which is really confusing."

"Come on! Most people in this world are in great pain, and everyone has a different story of tragedy. I wish you a speedy recovery!""

After seeing the blessings of netizens, Liu Yang thanked them one after another.

Suddenly, a netizen exclaimed: "Anchor, turn on the TV and watch Nebula TV! Your leukemia is saved!

Liu Yang was stunned for a moment, then immediately turned on the TV in the ward.

Although holographic projection technology is popular.

But the wards of Sioux City Hospital are not equipped with holographic TVs.

on the TV screen.

The Nebula University Drug Center is holding a press conference to the outside world.

The theme of the press conference was "Successful Release of Special Drugs for Leukemia".

see this title.

Liu Yang's heart suddenly trembled.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a burst of ecstasy in his heart.

A specific drug for leukemia has finally been successfully developed!

in front of the camera.

The head of the Nebula University Drug Center, facing the media reporters, announced: "As we all know, leukemia is a malignant clonal disease of hematopoietic stem cells.

In patients with leukemia, there are a large number of abnormal leukemia cells in their blood, bones and various tissues and organs.

These malignantly proliferating cells occupy the magpie's nest.

Occupying the position of hematopoietic cells, the body loses the function of hematopoietic.

The life cycle of red blood cells is less than 4 months.

Once the hematopoietic function is lost, new blood cells, including red blood cells, cannot be produced.

As a result, anemia, bleeding, swollen liver, spleen, and lymph nodes, and bone pain all make leukemia patients suffer.

Because blood spreads all over the body.

Leukemia, also known as blood cancer, is the most difficult cancer to cure.

Also, leukemia prefers children over other cancers.

Sick children, before they can feel the beauty of the world, are killed by the disease!

Defeating leukemia has always been the wish of our doctors.

heard here.

Liu Yang was filled with emotion.

He was sick for a long time.

These medical terms that are boring to others, he can understand.

The person in charge continued: "However, leukemia is the most difficult and incurable disease to cure, and it is already in the past tense.

Just a few days ago, Shi Kexin, an academician of the Nebula Drug Center, successfully developed a specific drug for leukemia and applied it to clinical trials to cure dozens of patients with advanced leukemia. "5

Speaking of which.

The person in charge came up with a case of a patient with advanced leukemia.

He slowly introduced: "The diagnosis report at that time showed that the malignant proliferating leukocytes in the patient had spread to the whole body.

For patients in his condition, only bone marrow transplantation is left.

However, bone marrow transplantation is not easy, only about 50% of patients can survive for a long time after receiving bone marrow transplantation.

Ultimately, the patient gave up bone marrow transplantation and opted for conservative treatment.

After that, the person in charge took out a new case.

"Everyone, the latest case shows that the patient's malignant proliferating leukocytes have been completely removed, and now he only needs to take care of him slowly, and he will recover in a few days.

at a press conference.

Some patients who were originally suffering from advanced leukemia, after treatment with leukemia special drugs, their complexion has improved a lot, and their complexion has returned to ruddy.

The second half of the conference.

Liu Yang didn't understand it very well.

Mainly the professors and experts from the Nebula Drug Center, who talked about the principle and research and development process of special drugs, etc.

This academic knowledge is very profound, and Liu Yang also has a half-understood understanding.

However, he knew that his leukemia was saved!

After a press conference at the Nebula University Drug Center.

There was an uproar from all walks of life.

Late stage leukemia!

Having this disease is equivalent to stepping into the gate of hell with half a foot.

Medicine is very advanced now.

Leukemia may no longer be classified as an "incurable disease".

But there are still more than 60,000 deaths from leukemia in Xiaguo every year.

For leukemia patients, the survival rate is only a measly 24.8%.

But Shi Kexin, an academician of the Nebula University Drug Center, has developed a special drug to completely cure leukemia.

This is the rebirth of Hua Tuo!

Countless leukemia patients have rekindled hope for life.

They swarmed together at the Nebula Medical Center, came to diagnose and treat, and used special drugs for leukemia.

For a time, the Nebula Medical Center became a holy place of medicine in the world.

3.7 On major social media.

Netizens were talking.

"Academician Shi Kexin is simply the reincarnation of the god of medicine, for the benefit of all mankind! 55

"Academician Shi Kexin's feat of developing a specific drug for leukemia will definitely be recorded in the history of the medical profession!""

"Salute to the academician! The special medicine for leukemia can be called a long-term success, and the merit is immeasurable!"

"A weak question, who is Academician Shi Kexin?"

"Academician Shi Kexin, you don't know? She is now a third-year student at Xingyun University. In the early years, she won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for developing HIV specific drugs. A few months ago, Shi Kexin was co-opted into the Xia Guo Academy of Sciences and became an academician of the Academy of Sciences. !"

"Oh my God! The HIV specific drug was also developed by Academician Shi Kexin?"

"That's right! She developed it! Academician Shi Kexin has the title of Nu Huatuo in the modern medical field!""

"Academician Shi Kexin is truly unparalleled in the country!

"The real country is unparalleled, the hero of women's middle school! Academician Shi Kexin has become the backbone of our Xia Kingdom!"

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