City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 168 The special medicine for cancer, the god of medicine is alive, and the achievements are

Early October.

Nebula University, Center for Drugs.

A grand press conference is being held.

The theme of this conference is "Cancer Special Drugs Available"!

At the scene, thousands of media reporters gathered to report on this grand occasion.

The press conference begins.

The host said: "Nowadays, cancer has become the number one enemy of people.

According to statistics, the number of cancer patients worldwide increases by nearly 20 million every year, and the number of deaths is as high as 9.6 million.

In our country, there are more than 4 million new cancer cases every year, and more than 2 million deaths.

There are more than 200 types of cancer.

Since cancer is a disease caused by gene mutation, the malignant transformation of a cell is often related to the mutation of several tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes.

Mutation of each gene in different positions may have different effects on the effect of drug treatment.

Because of this, the current medical level has not been able to conquer cancer so far!

Hearing this, the media reporters present nodded.

Cancer has become the world's number one 'killer' and the biggest 'stumbling block' to human life expectancy and life extension


At this time, the host changed the topic and said excitedly: "However, just a few days ago, Academician Chen Xuejie of the Nebula University Drug Center has successfully overcome the bottleneck of medicine 02, developed a special cancer drug, and applied it to clinical trials to cure Dozens of terminal cancer patients!"

The voice just fell.

The scene was instantly sensational.

Academician Chen Xuejie is well-known in the medical field of Xia State, and has the title of "Nv Bian Que".

She is the junior sister of Academician Shi Kexin, and she is also the winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

"Great, a special cancer drug has been developed!

"Such a brilliant scientific research success is unbelievable!"

"Academician Xuejie Chen is truly a peerless scholar! She will save millions of cancer patients in Xia!"

"Yes, tens of millions of cancer patients in the world will be saved!"

In the discussion room.

The young Academician Chen Xuejie stepped onto the high platform.

She used a holographic projection of a case of a terminal cancer patient to make it more intuitive for everyone present to see.

Chen Xuejie said: "The diagnosis report at that time showed that multiple organs in the patient had failed, and the cancer cells had spread to the whole body. We could only take conservative treatment as much as possible to alleviate the patient's pain."

After speaking, she waved one hand.

A new case appeared on the high platform.

"Everyone, please see, the latest case shows that the cancer cells in this patient have been completely removed, and now they only need to take care of them slowly, and they will recover in a few days."


Chen Xuejie successively displayed dozens of advanced cancer cases and cured cases on the high platform for everyone to see clearly.

After this session is over.

All the media reporters were also on the scene and saw those terminal cancer patients who were cured.

I saw them all full of energy and ruddy.

Then, Chen Xuejie began to tell everyone the principle and research and development process of special cancer drugs.

The medical experts present were fascinated and nodded frequently.

Finally, the scene entered the media interview.

A reporter from Xia Guo TV interviewed: "In the field of cancer treatment, the use of the word 'cure' is very cautious.

Patients will generally use 'cure' to describe, while doctors often use the technical term 'clinical cure'

Academician Chen Xuejie, I would like to ask, is the cancer of this group of patients completely cured or clinically cured?

Hear this question.

Chen Xuejie said decisively: "It is a complete cure!

The superficial symptoms of cancer in this group of patients disappeared completely without any complications.

Their condition has completely recovered, not a 5-year survival rate in a general sense.

From now on, their bodies will return to health, no doubt like ordinary people.

At this time, a reporter from the People's Daily interviewed: "In the medical field, there are five intractable diseases, namely ALS, cancer, AIDS, leukemia and rheumatoid.

I would like to ask Academician Chen Xuejie, why did you conquer leukemia and cancer not long after the establishment of the Nebula Drug Center?"

Chen Xuejie said: "This is mainly related to artificial intelligence.

As we all know, it has been one year since the birth of intelligent life, and artificial intelligence has changed the world in all aspects.

In the medical field, because of the existence of artificial intelligence, many intractable diseases have also been overcome.

Our various drug trials at the Nebula Drug Center have been helped by artificial intelligence, and progress has been remarkable.

Hearing this, everyone present nodded suddenly.

After the advent of artificial intelligence.

The development of science can no longer be viewed with common sense.

Not only the medical field, but also the field of materials, electronics, physics, and chemistry have ushered in earth-shaking changes!

Of course, the advancement of science and technology is mainly concentrated in Nebula University.

Because of Xingyun University, there are intelligent life Huanhuan.

All artificial intelligences that appear in the outside world have various permission restrictions.

At this time, a reporter from interviewed: "Academician Chen Xuejie, I would like to ask, after the cancer medicine is available, will future cancer patients no longer need to undergo clinical surgery?"

Chen Xueying shook her head: "No! At present, special cancer drugs need to be combined with clinical medicine.

I recommend that cancer patients come to Nebula Medical Center for diagnosis and treatment, and then use the special cancer medicine of Nebula Medical Center, so that they can be completely cured! 99


Chen Xuejie answered questions from the reporters and ended the media interview.

at last.

The host of the press conference said: "Throughout the history of human development, it is a history of struggle against the survival of the fittest.

The natural law of survival of the fittest will eliminate the weak and congenital insufficiency, making the entire human race healthier and stronger.

But from an individual point of view.

Every one of us and our loved ones has the potential to be that 'eliminated'.

The significance of medicine's existence is that when we become the "eliminated", it can save us from the doom of elimination to a certain extent and continue to survive.

in the days to come.

Nebula Drug Center will continue to overcome various medical bottlenecks.


ALS, Alzheimer's, rheumatoid, diabetes, hepatitis B, polio and other intractable diseases will be completely conquered!39

After the press conference.

The outside world was instantly sensational.

In the face of cancer, everyone is equal.

Whether you are a billionaire or an ordinary person.

Once you have cancer, the end result is the same.

Moreover, when someone in a family gets cancer, the exchange is often ruined and parted.

but now……

The cancer medicine of Nebula Drug Center gave them a chance to live.

This undoubtedly makes all cancer patients, ecstatic.

from this day.

The threshold of Nebula Medical Center is almost broken by cancer patients from all over the world.

Because there are too many cancer patients coming to see a doctor, it is overcrowded.

Nebula University dispatched a large number of intelligent robots to maintain order in the hospital.

have to say.

The magic medicine for cancer.

Whether you are an early-stage cancer patient or a late-stage cancer patient.

After taking the special medicine, all the cancer cells in the patient's body will be killed.

As for the failure of major organs caused by cancer, it is enough to slowly recover.

Every day, a large number of cancer patients are born again!

Major media reporters also conducted an exclusive interview with these recovered cancer patients.

They repeatedly mentioned in the interview: "Before, when I was diagnosed with terminal cancer, I felt that the rest of my life had become 'borrowed time'.


These borrowed times may be weeks, months, or even years.

But without exception, they completely lost ownership of their bodies.

I don't know when, God will take away these 'borrowed time'.

bring their lives to an end.

But now, because of the special cancer drug developed by Academician Chen Xuejie of Nebula Drug Center.

They have staged the miracle of life alive!

Later, they will be reborn.

Never suffer from pain again!

on major social media.

Netizens are celebrating.

"Thanks to Academician Chen Xuejie, my mother's cancer was completely cured!"

"Thank you, Academician Chen Xuejie, for the special medicine developed by my father's cancer! 35

"Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, and what is it that saves the lives of thousands of people? Academician Chen Xuejie is a medical god alive, and in ancient times, he would have been conferred a god!""

"Guo Shi Wushuang, this is the idol worthy of our lifetime!"

"That's right, everyone can chase after this star with confidence, no need to pour milk!""

"Academician Chen Xuejie is a god! How can those idols and stars be compared?!"

"In ancient times, a state scholar like Chen Xuejie would really build a temple to worship him in a hundred years!

"Hey... It's not that the people don't love scientists, it's that they have too little exposure!"

"I hope everyone will pay more attention to national defense and medicine, and don't pour milk every day to chase stars!"

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