City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 169 The birth of controllable nuclear fusion, the pinnacle of human technology!


Nebula Medical Center.

in a ward.

Min Hua was in a very good mood.

His father's advanced liver cancer was successfully cured.

As long as you continue to rest for a few days, you can be discharged home.

This gave him a sigh of relief as a son.

The long-lost smile returned to his face.

Suddenly, Min Hua's attention was attracted by the holographic TV screen in the ward.

At the moment, the channel broadcast by the holographic TV is the first set of Xia Guo TV.

The news host said loudly: "Audience friends, you are now watching the special program of Xia Guo TV - "The Birth of Controllable Nuclear Fusion, the Peak of Human Technology!"

Today is October 15, 2029, a day worth remembering in history and a day worth writing about.

Researchers at the Nuclear Energy Center of Nebula University successfully achieved controllable nuclear fusion!

For this reason, all daytime TV programs on Xiaguo TV are canceled today. "

see here.

Min Hua was slightly taken aback.

what's the situation?

Xia Guo TV even canceled the daytime program and only broadcast one special topic.

This is usually the case, but it's rare!

As for the high-level professional term of nuclear fusion, Min Hua is actually not clear.

However, to make Xia Guo TV pay such attention, controllable nuclear fusion must be very remarkable.

On a holographic projection.

As soon as the screen turned, it switched to an indoor studio.

The news host and an academician in the field of nuclear physics began to teach the audience what nuclear fusion is.

The host asked: "Academician Wang, can you briefly tell everyone what is nuclear fusion?"

Academician Wang nodded and said slowly: "Nuclear fusion is a kind of thermonuclear reaction. Under extremely high temperature and pressure, atomic nuclei can be attracted to each other and collide with each other, and the atomic nuclei will polymerize with each other, releasing all the nuclear energy in an instant. form.

There are two types of nuclear fusion, controllable nuclear fusion and uncontrolled nuclear fusion.

The hydrogen bomb that everyone is familiar with is the uncontrollable nuclear fusion technology, which is gone after the explosion.

The sun that everyone is familiar with is the controllable nuclear fusion technology.

The core of the sun is a super-large natural nuclear fusion reactor, which can continuously and steadily release energy for billions of years, radiating the entire solar system.

The host asked again: "Academician Wang, for nearly a hundred years, countries around the world have been studying controllable nuclear fusion technology, hoping to overcome this technical bottleneck, right?"

"That's right!"

Academician Wang nodded: "As we all know, the growth of all things depends on the sun.

Most of the energy we humans need comes from the sun.

Coal, oil, natural gas, solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, and even the food we eat on a daily basis are all given their energy by the sun.

The energy of the sun comes from the hydrogen-helium nuclear fusion reaction inside it.

If we can achieve controlled nuclear fusion, the energy on earth will be inexhaustible.

We can be completely self-sufficient and no longer even depend on the sun!

At that time, human science and technology will usher in a big bang, go out of the solar system, and realize a technological leap.

There is no need to compete for resources between countries, and the world can develop peacefully.

Humanity will officially rise and enter the next civilization!"

The host asked: "Academician Wang, what are the difficulties in the realization of controllable nuclear fusion technology?

Academician Wang said slowly: "To complete controllable nuclear fusion, it must be carried out under conditions of ultra-high temperature and ultra-high pressure.

In theory, it is not difficult for humans to obtain the energy of nuclear fusion in a continuous and stable way.

The first step is to put the fusion material into a container.

The second step is to heat and pressurize the fusion raw material to produce a fusion reaction.

The third step is to guide the energy in the container smoothly in some way.

But theory is theory after all.

The difficulty lies in this 'container'


Nuclear fusion will produce a high temperature of at least 50 million degrees Celsius, and at the same time it will generate powerful radiation energy.

We simply cannot make materials that can withstand this extreme 'torture'.

80 years ago, foreign research institutes invented the tokamak device, which took the first step in the field of nuclear fusion by means of magnetic field current.

34 years ago, my country's first superconducting tokamak device ht-7 was built.

27 years ago, my country's first tokamak device with a divertor configuration, Xiaguo Circulator No. 2a, was built.

Twenty-three years ago, the world's first fully superconducting tokamak device, the Orient Hyperloop, succeeded in its first plasma discharge.

Eleven years ago, my country's fully superconducting tokamak nuclear fusion experimental device east achieved a number of major achievements such as "100 million degrees Celsius plasma operation".

Eight years ago, my country's Xiaguo Circulator No. 2m became the largest and highest-parameter magnetic confinement controllable nuclear fusion experimental research device.

Technological progress is getting faster and faster.

It is still difficult for us to truly realize controllable nuclear fusion technology. ""

The host nodded sympathetically.

Controlled nuclear fusion is as difficult as reaching the sky, and it has always been hailed as the pinnacle of human science and technology.

Nevertheless, scientists all over the world are enthusiastic about it.

Because, controlled nuclear fusion is the future of mankind!

At this time, the host asked: "Academician Wang, how did the nuclear energy center of Xingyun University overcome the technical bottleneck?

Academician Wang said with a smile: "This has to mention the various high-tech equipment in the Nebula Nuclear Energy Center.

In the nuclear laboratory of the Nebula Nuclear Energy Center, there is an excellent 'container' called the superconducting vacuum nebula circulator.

This nebula circulator device is much stronger than the Xiaguo Circulator No. 2m device.

Its current can be increased to 5 megaamps from 3 megaamps of Xiaguo Circulator No. 2m.

Its magnetic confinement volume is more than three times that of Xiaguo Circulator No.2 m.

Many of its component craftsmanship are unprecedented creations.

Moreover, its vacuum annular electromagnetic coil device can use a strong magnetic field to directly bind the 300 million-degree high-temperature plasma, so that all elements move in a circular motion around the coil to form ultra-high pressure.

under the combination of many factors.

The nebula circulator device has successfully achieved the collision fusion of deuterium and tritium to generate new energy - helium nucleus!"

Hearing this, the host said excitedly: "`" Academician Wang, so, the Nuclear Energy Center of Nebula University has completely mastered controllable nuclear fusion?

"That's right!

Academician Wang said with a smile: "The mastery of controllable nuclear fusion can make our Xia Kingdom advance 50 years of cutting-edge technology! God bless Xia Kingdom! 35


The netizens who were watching the live broadcast were instantly sensational.

"Wodetian! Controllable nuclear fusion is really realized! Nebula University Niu Beep! 35

'Fuck?! We humans officially have the ability to step into space on a large scale! 35

"The world pattern is about to be reshuffled. We will completely solve energy and environmental problems, truly break free from shackles, and move towards the space age!"

"Haha, starting from today, energy will be inexhaustible (Zhao's money), and the oil country will spiral into the sky!"

"The history of the development of human civilization is a history of the utilization of energy. Every time the total energy used rises a step, civilization enters a new height!

"Congratulations to Xia Guo and Xingyun University!"

"Woooooo, damn bird! I work in a thermal power station in our town, with a monthly salary of tens of thousands. Now that controllable nuclear fusion is born, my job is going to be smashed... Pure"

"Yes, in the future, planes and ships will go directly to the reactor, the power system will be completely liberated, all thermal power plants will be shut down, wind power plants will become tourist attractions, hydropower plants will adjust the ecology, and the world will be completely changed! 99

"Our Xia Kingdom has climbed the technology tree again! 35

"It must be beautiful to click on the technology tree, but whether life is beautiful or not depends on whether we 'old people' born in the 10s can adapt to life in space in the future..."

"Old people born in the 10s? Ma Dan! What do you want us to do with the 00s?"

"I hope that controllable nuclear fusion will be commercialized as soon as possible, because I want to go to heaven!

"Hey, I'll send you 'God' now!"

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