City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 170 True Nuclear Energy Warning, the color of science, the color of dreams!

on the live screen.

The lens switches again.

From the studio screen, switch to the Nebula University Nuclear Energy Center.

The host, Bingbing, introduced the situation of the Nuclear Energy Center to the audience.

She slowly said: "The Nebula Nuclear Energy Center covers an area of ​​10 square kilometers and has the largest nuclear fusion research base in China.

There are large-scale nuclear physics laboratories here, both scientific research equipment and experimental devices, which are all top-notch in the world.

Where I am now is the Nebula Nuclear Laboratory.

Behind me is the Superconducting Vacuum Nebula Circulator!

Everyone watched the live broadcast and saw a device about 2 stories high and weighing about 100 tons standing in the laboratory.

At this time, Bingbing began to interview Li Yi, President of Nebula University.

She said, "President Li, do the researchers at the Nuclear Energy Center encounter any difficulties in the study of controllable nuclear fusion?

Li Yi said: "There were difficulties, but all of them were overcome tenaciously by the scientific research team of the Nuclear Energy Center.

Their mission is very pure, that is, to conquer controllable nuclear fusion and give an explanation to the national nuclear cause.

Nebula University has invested in scientific research funds regardless of the cost.

Fortunately, the emperor pays off.

The scientific research team finally overcome all difficulties and mastered the controllable nuclear fusion technology!"

Bingbing nodded and asked again: "Principal Li, I am very curious why the nuclear energy center is built in the school. If there is a nuclear explosion or nuclear leakage, wouldn't it be over? 39780

Hearing this, Li Yi smiled and said, "That won't happen!

The nuclear fusion reaction requires harsh conditions such as high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius and sufficiently high density for deuterium-tritium fuel.

The absence of any subtle conditions will lead to a drop in temperature density, causing the fusion reaction to stop.

The burning deuterium-tritium plasma is confined within a vacuum vessel by a magnetic field.

Its density is orders of magnitude lower than air.

Fusion reactors also have lower deuterium-tritium fuel content.

Therefore, there will be no explosion and no leakage accident.

In terms of safety, absolutely guaranteed! 35

Hear this.

Not only Bingbing breathed a sigh of relief.

Even the netizens who were watching the live broadcast breathed a sigh of relief.

The nuclear energy center was built in Nebula University, they were afraid that in the event of an accident, wouldn't it be 'bang' and it would be gone?

Fortunately, this doesn't happen.

After some interviews.

The researchers of the Nebula Nuclear Energy Center began to do the preparatory work.

They will demonstrate controllable nuclear fusion in public in front of the whole nation.

When netizens learned this, they immediately exploded.

"God, live demonstration of controllable fusion!"

"A scene from a sci-fi movie, is it about to come true?"

"Oops, what if nuclear fusion fails and there is an explosion?"

"Upstairs netizen, you are really speechless, just now Principal Li explained that failure will only stop nuclear fusion, not explosion!

"High energy ahead, no! Nuclear energy ahead!

"Haha, true nuclear warning!

under the watchful eye of the camera.

The countdown begins in the laboratory.



"Eight! 35




The researcher in the laboratory pressed the red button.

Under the focus of thousands of eyes.

The place was very calm.

There is no sound.

Netizens watched everything in front of them attentively, for fear of missing any details.

It seemed like two seconds had passed.

Suddenly, there was a series of slight sounds in the silent scene.


"Ziz! 99

"ZZZZ!" 5


It sounded like an ultrasonic sound and spread out through heavy water.

at the same time.

Live on the big screen.

The temperature gauge begins to appear.

30,000 degrees Celsius.

50,000 degrees Celsius.

80,000 degrees Celsius.

100,000 degrees Celsius.

Immediately afterwards, the temperature gauge on the screen rose rapidly!

10 million degrees Celsius!

20 million degrees Celsius!

30 million degrees Celsius!

The "Zizzi" spreading on the scene immediately turned into a "buzz"

When the scene reaches 50 million degrees Celsius.

In the magnetic field of the superconducting vacuum nebula circulator.

The deuterium and tritium elements, which are invisible to the naked eye, are all bound, and make a circular motion around the vacuum ring electromagnetic coil, forming an ultra-high pressure.

(acdh) At that time, the number on the temperature gauge had reached 100 million degrees Celsius!

So far, the two major conditions for controllable nuclear fusion have all been achieved!

where the audience can't see it.

The deuterium and tritium elements move at very high speeds.

They do not touch any material, do not touch any barrier, and collide, entangle, and explode wildly to form helium nuclei!

At that time, the number on the temperature gauge reached a peak of 280 million degrees Celsius.

"Buzz! 35

In the superconducting vacuum annular magnetic field, the reaction of nuclear fusion has reached its peak.

The energy of the helium nucleus began to appear on a large scale.

The blue light emanating from the heavy water instantly enveloped the entire laboratory.

inside the laboratory.

The researcher pressed the stop button.

The superconducting vacuum nebula circulator no longer heats up, and the numbers on the thermometer are therefore frozen.

At this time, the maximum temperature that the nebula circulator can heat is only 20 million degrees Celsius.

Everyone at the scene was wandering in a blue light, and their eyes were full of intoxication.

This is the light of the helium nucleus!

This is the energy mask of a fusion reactor!

All viewers watching the live broadcast.

At this moment, he was staring at this faint blue light, and he did not return to his senses for a long time.

This is the most beautiful color they have ever seen in their life!

For a long time.

Netizens are frying again.

"Wodetian, this light is too beautiful!"

"It's the color of science! It's the color of dreams!

"Yes! From now on, this is the color of new energy on earth!

"Tears! We succeeded! We succeeded in achieving controlled nuclear fusion!"

"Salute to the scientists! You are the real countrymen! The backbone of Xia Guo!"

"For the past 62 years, the scientific ancestors who have worked tirelessly in the field of nuclear physics for our country Xia, have you seen this light in heaven?"

"It's so burning! I'm completely ignited! A man should hold a three-foot green front and make an unparalleled achievement! 99

"The great hero, for the country and the people! Controllable nuclear fusion will be the most important weapon of our country in Xia!"

"A scientific researcher is a small grain of sand. But they form a long ladder, leading our Xia Kingdom to the great rejuvenation of the nation!

at the same time.

Scientists from all over the world are watching the live broadcast of controllable nuclear fusion.

When they saw the dazzling blue light lit up, they were all stunned.

Controlled nuclear fusion technology.

Was it really conquered by scientists from the Xia State?

This is too incredible!

Xia Guo has developed intelligent life, they can keep calm.

Xia Guo has developed intelligent robots that can keep calm.

Xia Guo developed holographic projection technology, they can keep calm.

Xia Guo has developed a special medicine for cancer and a special medicine for leukemia, and they can keep calm.

But when the controllable nuclear fusion technology was conquered.

They can't keep their composure any longer!

Scientists from all over the world felt faintly in their hearts that the day when Xia Guo's technology suppressed the contemporary era has come completely!

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