City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 171 Anxiety about technology? Isn't it delicious to move towards a new era?

After the birth of controllable nuclear fusion technology, the heat was extremely high.

All walks of life are talking about the changes that controllable nuclear fusion will bring to the current society.

Some people are apprehensive and feel that society is developing too fast, and some of them cannot keep up with the times.

Some people are full of expectations, wishing that human beings can enter a new civilization as soon as possible.

The two sides disagree.

Often arguing online, no one can convince anyone.

at the same time.

A "hot stalk" came into being.

Netizens call it "Technology Anxiety"


Yes, technology can also cause anxiety.

Just like economic anxiety, life anxiety, education anxiety, future anxiety, marriage anxiety and so on.

A netizen whose id is [Back to Carbine] confided: "My education is not high, I only have a high school diploma.

Before, I could still sell a handful of strength.

To deliver food, to deliver courier, to move bricks, to be a driver.

However, after the emergence of intelligent robots, many changes have taken place in these industries.

Nebula Food Delivery Company, all of which are intelligent robots to deliver food.

Nebula Express Co., Ltd., all of which are intelligent robots for express delivery.

Nebula Construction Company, all of which are intelligent robots and engineering robots.

Nebula driving company, all of which are driven by intelligent robots.

Of course, I also know that these Nebula companies collectively dispatched intelligent robots in order to expand their influence in the industry and seize market share.

However, the struggle between these giant companies has affected the survival of our bottom-level personnel.

In addition to takeaways, couriers, construction workers, chauffeurs, and other occupations that do not require a diploma, can I still earn 10,000 yuan a month?


Now, I am very anxious every day.

In the past, my father used to say, as long as you can endure hardship, are you afraid of not having food?

Now, I want to say, I'm really afraid of running out of food!

Because the world has changed.

High-level talents are becoming more and more popular and more and more valued.

And those of us at the bottom of society may lose their way out.

Finally, I say something to the students who are still studying in school, you must study hard!

Reading can change fate, it's no joke!

If you don't work hard now, when you graduate, you really won't be able to find a job!"

A netizen whose id is [Carp King] expressed his sincerity: "I am an engineer in a thermal power plant, with a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan, but I am really anxious.

Just two days ago, the leaders of the power plant held an all-staff meeting.

The factory manager said that the factory will be disbanded after a while.

The country wants to build nuclear fusion power stations and shut down all thermal power plants.

I have a hunch in my heart that this time will be very short.

Maybe three months, maybe half a year, no more than a year at most.

I am 40 years old this year, there are old people and young people, what should I do in the future?

Starting from scratch, learning a new technology?

This is a little unrealistic.

Once I lost my job, the family finances completely collapsed!

The country's science and technology must develop, and nuclear fusion can change the world. As a native of Xia, I am honored.

But the speed of your technological development, can you slow down a bit?

Because our generation is really a little behind the times..."

A netizen whose id is [Same Age Bird] said with emotion: "I am a high-speed rail driver with an annual salary of more than 300,000 yuan, but I am also very anxious now.

After the birth of controllable nuclear fusion, the country officially launched the super high-speed rail project, that is, the vacuum superconducting maglev train project.

In previous years, the plan had been shelved due to the high demand for electricity.

The emergence of controllable nuclear fusion makes the energy on earth inexhaustible.

The Hyperloop project, entirely driven by intelligent robots.

In addition, the high-speed rail group I belong to is also preparing to purchase a batch of intelligent robots.

Ha ha……

Think about it too.

An intelligent robot costs 1 million yuan, three times my annual salary, and can work 24 hours a day.

I guess it won't be long before I'll be laid off.

If I really want to be laid off, I may not be able to find a job with an annual salary of 300,000 yuan in my life.

The posts of these three netizens have resonated with many people.

"Damn, I write novels. Now that intelligent robots are popular, they are competing with us for jobs. We update 10,000 words every day, and intelligent robots update 100,000 words every day, which is better than yours...

"I am a construction worker who builds a railway on a plateau of more than 4,000 meters. Due to altitude sickness, our group of people is highly paid. But I heard that the robot is going to the plateau soon, I am a little anxious, maybe soon will lose their jobs.”

"I am a top student who graduated from the University of Petroleum. According to my career plan, I will deal with oil for the rest of my life. Now... the birth of controlled nuclear fusion, the collapse of oil prices, my major has been learned for nothing!"

"If you don't worry, I have to worry for you too! It's not a matter of losing your job now, the fourth industrial revolution has begun!"

"That's right! Now the price of a smart robot is one million yuan, when the controllable nuclear fusion is completely commercialized, the material cost is much cheaper, and the pressure from all walks of life will really come!

In fact, everyone is very supportive of the development of science and technology, because technology can bring people a better life.

However, every time technology develops, a large number of occupations will disappear.

Of course, new industries will emerge.

But netizens don't think they can seize the wind and change their destiny.

The fishing reels are boiling.

Nebula Satellite TV specially produced a special talk show and invited Li Yi, president of Nebula University.

Inside the studio.

The host, Ai Ping, asked: "President Li, have you heard of the hottest buzzword 'technological anxiety'?"

0.・Ask for flowers・

"Well, I heard about it recently."

Li Yi nodded and said slowly: "In the past year, all sectors of society have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Artificial intelligence, intelligent robot, holographic projection technology, leukemia special medicine, cancer special medicine, controllable nuclear fusion technology.

This makes many young people confused about the future.

They had no idea what the development of technology would look like.

They don't see where their future lies.

They are afraid that they will be abandoned by the times.

In fact, in my opinion, the so-called technology anxiety is unnecessary!"

"Why?" Ai Ping asked in confusion.

Li Yi said bluntly: "First of all, it will take some time for the popularization of these high technologies to be completely commercialized and enter every household.

During this period, everyone can adapt to the development of technology and seek new job opportunities.

The future of mankind belongs to the sea of ​​stars overhead.

At that time, there will be countless jobs waiting for you.

Secondly, from a general perspective, the use of nuclear fusion will benefit everyone without any harm.

The earth has endless energy.

The energy cost is gone, and fossil energy is used elsewhere.

Environmental pollution, air pollution, acid rain, greenhouse effect and other problems have been completely solved.

We use cheap electricity to desalinate seawater.

The problems of water scarcity, desert problems and drought have been completely solved.

The costs of heating, cooling, food, transportation, and transportation have all come down.

Chai Rice Oil Salt Sauce Vinegar Tea.

Food, water, electricity, gas.

Vehicles, boats, toys, tools, furniture.

The prices of various items will plummet, and may even be tens of hundreds of times cheaper!

Prices plummet a hundred times, your wages remain unchanged, and the happiness index will explode!""

The voice just fell.

The host, Ai Ping, quickly said, "Principal Li, do you mean that our quality of life will increase exponentially?"


Li Yi smiled and said: "Let's think about it carefully, artificial intelligence, intelligent robots, holographic projection, leukemia special drugs, cancer special drugs, controllable nuclear fusion, have these technologies made everyone's life better?

I personally think that's for sure!

Intelligent robots have changed all aspects of us.

Holographic projection makes our entertainment more colorful.

Cancer special drugs, saving one family after another.

Controlled nuclear fusion, not to mention.

In summer, you can turn on the air conditioner without distress, and in winter, it is not difficult to use the heating.

Low-cost desalination and vertical farming make everyone no longer hungry.

Magnetic levitation has been widely used. In the future, suspended cars will fly all over the sky. You can even work in Yanjing during the day and live in a self-built villa in the Sahara Desert at night.

We can't pick up the bowl to eat and put down the bowl to curse mother?

Let's calm down and step into a new era, isn't it delicious?" On.

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