City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 176 Xingyun Tiangong, Architecture students are so happy!

February 21.

Back to school day after winter break.

Nebula students, as usual, walked into the campus with large and small bags on their backs.

As soon as they arrived at the school gate, everyone was stunned.

I saw a majestic building standing above the school gate.

The building is in the shape of a ring, with four cool characters at the top - Nebula University.

Below the font, there are two rows of fonts.

A row of small Chinese characters - the world's first university.

A row of small English characters - xingyun-univ~ersity.

Below the font is a blue-colored ring-shaped hollow building similar to a minaret.

This kind of hollow is not a visual deception caused by a transparent material, but a real hollow without the slightest support column.

Further down, a hundred-meter-high indoor waterfall "rain vortex" poured down from the dome of the ring-shaped building, pouring majestic into the deepest part of the underground Xingyun Park.

Nebula Park, planted with 800 trees and 24,000 bushes, as well as different plants from all over the world.

Under the rising clouds and mist of the waterfall, it is like a fairyland on earth.

The crowd was amazed.

The waterfall of the rain vortex becomes a water curtain.

Accompanied by the beautiful music, the colorful light show began to be staged.

Under the reflection of the lights, the water curtain becomes colorful and beautiful!

Under the Nebula Park.

Rows of white spiral staircases spread downward, reaching 50 cm above the ground.

The amazing thing is that under the stairs, there is nothing to support it, and it is so quietly suspended beside the building, motionless.

Nebula students are certainly well-informed.

But they were still shocked by the spectacular scenery in front of them, and they couldn't take their eyes off.

The students took pictures with their holographic bracelets while admiring the beautiful scenery.

The light show goes on for a while.

The water curtain turned into a waterfall again, which was amazing again and again.

A student asked the robot doorman: "Nebula 0008, is this an anti-gravity building?

The robot guard nodded anthropomorphically and said, "When you went home for the New Year, the students of the Nebula Architecture Department designed a lot of anti-gravity buildings.

In the end, this Nebula Temple building stood out and was selected as the first prize of the school's anti-gravity building, with the qualification to stand at the gate of the Nebula University!35

A student asked: "How does this Nebula Temple integrate anti-gravity technology?"

The robot guard said truthfully: "The anti-gravity field is installed inside the Nebula Temple building, and the energy supply is from the large nuclear fusion reactor below."

A female student murmured: "The Xingyun Tiangong building, with such a large waterfall, how much water will be wasted?"

The voice just fell.

A student laughed: "Now with controllable nuclear fusion, desalination of seawater is not easy, and there is no shortage of water resources! 35

The robot guard said: "This waterfall is not only a scenic line, but also an environmentally friendly design for collecting rainwater. The dome of the building can collect rainwater, and when the water flows down, it will be pumped up by a pump to form a huge waterfall."

Hearing this, the students nodded in surprise.

At this time, a student asked: "Xingyun 0008, there is a floating staircase next to the Xingyun Tiangong building, can we walk up to take pictures?"


The robot guard nodded again: "If you are interested, you can also take graduation photos here."

The words fall.

The students cheered.

Without putting the backpack on, walk up the stairs directly, take a photo to open it, or shoot a short video.

In the Xingyun Park, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the scenery is pleasant.

The rain whirlpool waterfall, the water curtain emerges, and the momentum is magnificent.

In addition to these landscapes, there are also entertainment facilities such as the starry sky maze, fantasy slides, cloud bowls, and sky suspension bridges.

The students visited after a while.

Go straight up the stairs to the top of the building.

At the top of the building, in addition to various fonts, there are also the school emblem and school motto.

"Xingyun Tiangong, it's so beautiful!"

"Yes, the Nebula Heavenly Palace is breathtakingly beautiful!"

"Our anti-gravity building at Nebula University is unparalleled in the world! 35

"Inconceivable, the birth of anti-gravity architecture is destined to change the pattern of the world's architecture industry!""

"The design of the Nebula Temple feels like alien technology, shocking!"

"That's right! The Nebula Temple stands high in the sky, like a palace in the sky, it is simply a gathering place for spiritual energy, a court of immortals."

After Nebula students check in.

Stepping into the Nebula Campus with no end in sight.

0.. ask for flowers.....

As soon as they stepped into the campus, everyone was stunned again.

All kinds of anti-gravity buildings can be seen everywhere.

Suspended pavilions and waterside pavilions.

Suspended sculptural building.

Suspended campus plaza.

Suspended garden views.

Suspended coffee hut.

A floating bookstore in the sky.

All of this amazes the students.

In addition, there are ingenious designs of architecture students in the school.

Such as fancy arrow signs.

Such as anime characters floating in the air.

Such as tables, chairs and benches suspended in mid-air.

Such as lines of verse suspended in the air.

Such as paintings and calligraphy suspended in the air.

These architectural designs made students laugh or cry.

What's even more bizarre is that some students have designed an anti-gravity suspension toilet.

All kinds of designs have added some unique fun to the campus of Xingyun University.

Nebula students upload photos and videos of the anti-gravity building to the Internet.

The students of major colleges and universities suddenly felt like lemons.

"Mass! Is this someone else's university? I'm just a lemon!

"Take your time, Cha! In our generation, does Cha have less lemons?"

"The Nebula Temple is so shocking, it's a miracle in the world of architecture!"

"Anti-gravity building was born, don't know when, we can also live in anti-gravity house?

"Wait slowly, anti-gravity housing will be commercialized, it is estimated that it will take a long time. 35

"Hehe, these anti-gravity buildings, let me live, I can't live! If the small nuclear fusion reactor inside explodes, I don't know how it will die! 35

"Upstairs netizens, are you a pig? The nuclear fusion reactor will not explode, it will only stop! Experts have popularized it 800 times!

"By the way, at the top of the Nebula Temple, there is a line of small characters 'The World's No. 1 University'. Do you think Nebula University is too high-profile?"

"It's not high-profile! You can find me which university in the world is better than Nebula University?

"Yes! New Oriental Cooking School and Lanxiang Excavator School!

"Hehe... Fuck Nima!" Go.

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