City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 177 Goddess Nebula is in Love, Bai Ce's Fate!

Early March.

Smart Island, in an anti-gravity luxury villa.

Li Yi is taking care of his son Li Hao.

Watching his son grow up day by day gave him a sense of accomplishment.

Li Hao was born at the end of March 2028 and it is now March 2030.

After all, it's already 3 years old.

In this regard, Li Yi had to feel that time was like running water.

At this moment, Su Qianyun, who was wearing a long dress, came over.

She smiled and said, "Qingyun will bring her boyfriend over for dinner in a while. I really don't know what kind of boy can be favored by her."

Hear this.

"I'm curious too. 35 Li Yi shrugged.

This younger sister is called the "Goddess of Nebula".

The suitors are unknown.

But her eyes are so high that she doesn't look down on ordinary men at all.

In the 4 years since college, Li Qingyun has not had a boyfriend.

Li Yi even felt that her sister could not find a partner until she was 30 years old.

Never thought that when Li Qingyun was about to graduate, she told them that she had found a boyfriend.

This took the family by surprise.

Li Yi glanced at the time and said with a smile, "They should be coming soon!

The voice just fell.

The doorbell rang.

The nurse stepped forward to open the door.

I saw Li Qingyun came with her boyfriend, carrying a large bag and a small bag.

Li Yi and Su Qianyun looked up and were stunned.

White Ce?!

Former President of Nebula University Student Union!

When did Bai Ce talk to his sister as friends?


Li Qingyun introduced: "Dad, mom, brother, sister-in-law, this is my boyfriend Bai Ce, you should all know each other, right? 35

Li's father, Li's mother, Li Yi and Su Qianyun, the four looked at each other a few times, all very surprised.

Bai Zhe said cautiously: "Uncle and aunt, Principal Li, President Su, I am Bai Ce, Qing Yun's boyfriend.

Li Yi smiled and said, "Bai Ce, everyone is an old acquaintance, don't be so polite, sit down!

After a few chats.

The people understood the whole story.

It turned out that after Li Qingyun served as the president of the student union of Xingyun University, when he encountered some tedious questions, he would always ask Bai Ce for advice.

After going back and forth, the two gradually developed feelings and became boyfriend and girlfriend.

Bai Ce has been the President of the Student Union of Nebula University for three years, and is impeccable in terms of ability, character, and appearance.

The Li Yi family is not against Li Qingyun and Bai Ce together.

At this time, Li's father Li Daozong asked: "Bai Ce, after you graduated from your undergraduate degree, you went to work as a civil servant. We haven't seen you for a few years. Which department are you currently working in?"

Bai Ce said truthfully: "I am now working in the government of Smart Island as the director of the urban planning department.

Li Qingyun added: "Dad, now Smart Island is going to build an anti-gravity floating residential project on the north side of the Yangtze River. This project is in charge of Bai Ce.

Hearing this, Li Daozong nodded slightly.

"Yes, so young and promising!

Then, Mother Li began to ask about Bai Ce's family situation.

Bai Ce didn't hide it either, and revealed his own situation.

He is a native of Sioux City. During college, he made tens of millions in business and changed his destiny.

Now, he has bought a house and lived in Smart Island, with a house and a car.

The more she listened, the more satisfied she became, and she was particularly satisfied with this "prospective son-in-law".

When a few people chat.

The dinner is ready.

The group enjoyed a sumptuous dinner.

During the meal, the atmosphere is very harmonious.

Bai Ce is generous, mature, and prudent, and has left a deep impression on the Li family.

Whether it's looks or abilities.

Bai Ce is a leader of the younger generation.

He is in love with Li Qingyun.

The Li Yi family are all very supportive.

after dinner.

Inside the study.

Li Yi is talking with Bai Ce about current affairs.

Bai Ce said: "Li Xiao, Smart Island is now the most prosperous area in the magic capital.

This anti-gravity housing project is the first anti-gravity housing complex in China.

It will become the landmark building of Smart Island, the new city card. "

Li Yi nodded with a smile: "This year, Nebula University and Smart Island have reached a lot of cooperation.

For example, in the previous holographic city project, the Nebula Aerospace Center also specially launched a holographic satellite to the sky, so that the holographic image covers the entire island.

This anti-gravity floating residential project is a pilot project.

If the response from all walks of life in the community is good.

Anti-gravity buildings will appear on a large scale and become a hot new type of residential project in the future. ""

Bai Ce nodded slightly.

The appearance of high-rise buildings has made the population of the city soar.

The emergence of anti-gravity buildings will increase the number of urban populations.

At this moment, Li Yi changed the subject and said, "Bai Ce, do you know why I made you the president of the student council?"5

Bai Ce was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

Li Yi smiled and said, "That should be August 31, 2023, the first freshman reporting day at Nebula University.

A petite girl went to the cafeteria to eat alone and was approached by a boy.

The boy chatted a lot, hoping to get Weixin from the girl.

The girl shook her head, but refused to give it. She hated this frivolous way of talking up.

As a result, the boy still refused to give up.

At this time, you appeared next to you and said, 'The little girl doesn't want to, is it interesting that you look like this?

The boy was upset and said, 'What's your business?'

You ended up saying with a blank face, 'Which college are you from? What's your name?'

That boy was fooled by you at that time..

But there were a lot of people around, and he bit the bullet and said, 'Can you handle it?

As a result, you took the phone and said, 'Who is your counselor? I know several departments near the dormitory building in District A here. It seems that xxx and xxx are in charge of it. I will call now and ask.

When that boy saw you with a mature look, and saw you calling xxx by your first name, he thought you were a teacher.

He quickly apologized to you and left in a daze.

The little girl asked, 'What's your name, teacher?

You said expressionlessly, "Just call me Teacher Bai!"

Then, the little girl took the initiative to exchange a contact information with you.

Speaking of which.

Li Yi laughed and said, "All the freshmen around at that time were shocked by your aura and thought you were really a school teacher.

If I hadn't known that the school teacher didn't have you, I would have been deceived by you!"

Hear this.

Bai Ce smiled awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

It's 2030 now, who still remembers what happened in 2023!

He had long forgotten about it.

Li Yi continued: "At the time, I felt that you were very suitable to be the president of the school's student council.

The president of the student council, if even the students can't hold back, how can this president be?

Besides, your sanctimonious appearance is really intimidating.

When I was studying before, the student union president of Yan University was exactly the same!"

Bai Ce smiled bitterly: "Li Xiao, if I didn't have the ability to be the president of the Xingyun University Student Union at that time, wouldn't 3.7 be a shame for you?

"It won't!

Li Yi smiled and waved his hand: "At the beginning of the school's establishment, the first president of the student council was to cross the river by feeling the stones.

If you have the ability, you can naturally manage the student union properly.

If you are incapable, it is naturally capable of taking office.

It's that simple!"

At this moment, Bai Ce was filled with emotion.

He was originally a college entrance examination student.

But since he entered Xingyun University, his life seemed to be on hold.

As soon as he entered the school, he became the president of the student council of Nebula University!

In terms of academics, sports, entrepreneurship, and professionalism, he is one in a thousand.

After graduating, he became a civil servant and rose to prominence.

Now, he is in love with the "Goddess of Nebula" Li Qingyun, and has a face-to-face chat with Li Yi, the president of Nebula University.

And the beginning of all this actually originated from a "pretend to be a teacher" when he was a freshman.

The word fate.

It's really hard to fathom!

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