City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 178 Nebula Drug Center, Always Drop God!

Early March.

Nebula University.

Principal's office.

Li Yi just finished looking at the property list.

In the list, the reputation value has skyrocketed to 24.25 billion.

He did not hesitate, and immediately spent 20 billion reputation points in exchange for the virtual reality center and the biological gene center.

The Nebula Virtual Reality Center covers all fields such as VR Spirit Lab, VR Helmet Lab, VR Glasses Lab, VR Audio-Visual Lab, VR Game Lab, and VR Experience Lab.

At present, VR technology has entered people's lives.

But there is still a long way to go before this technology reaches the level of science fiction movies.

The virtual reality technology in the movie is really immersive, making people feel like they have come to a virtual world similar to the real world.

In reality, there are still many bottlenecks in VR technology.

How to completely virtualize the whole world is always the final direction of the research field.

it's good now.

With the Nebula Virtual Reality Center, the school will definitely be able to make new breakthroughs in the field of VR!

The Nebula Biological Gene Center covers all fields such as genetic engineering, gene introduction, gene regeneration, gene restoration, gene enhancement, gene synthesis, and gene cloning.

Immortality, transfusion immortality, gene editing, rebirth from severed limbs...

As long as it's human, who doesn't want to live forever?

Not to mention immortality.

Even if you can live a few more years and make your body healthier, it is still good.

And all of this can be changed through genetic technology.

Existing genetic technology has been applied in many fields such as the production of genetically modified food, biological weapons, genetically engineered drugs, crop cultivation, and molecular evolution technology.

Li Yi believes that the school will be able to achieve greater breakthroughs in these fields with the Nebula Biological Gene Center.

March 10.

Nebula Drug Center, held a press conference.

At the press conference, researchers announced that they have developed a "hair loss medicine"!

This news instantly made countless people excited.

Hair loss and baldness are saved!

Nowadays, with the increasing pressure of people's life.

Staying up late, lack of exercise, disorder of life and rest, disorder of diet balance, genetic factors and other reasons make more and more people lose hair.

Based on Xia Guo alone, the hair loss rate is 19%.

On average, one in five people loses hair.

Walking in the streets, baldness, the Mediterranean Sea, and the receding hairline can be seen everywhere.

For young people, hair loss is even more difficult.

Once you lose your hair, your appearance will plummet!

But baldness is irreversible.

In addition, this world is a society that looks at beauty.

They often laugh at themselves.

"I'm bald, but I'm also getting stronger."

"A 30-year-old man is like a dandelion, nothing is left when the wind blows.

"There's no solution to being bald! Can't see the big guys on the Forbes Rich List, are they all bald?"

"There is no help, wait to die, and say goodbye!

Now, the "special medicine for hair loss" developed by the Nebula Drug Center has instantly brought tears to the eyes of netizens.

"Buy, buy, buy! How much money I want to buy!"

"Oh my god! The special medicine for hair loss has been developed, and I finally have the opportunity to grow hair!"

"I've had hair transplants for 2 years, and I'm almost bald again. This time I can finally cure the root cause! 35

"Thanks to the Nebula Medicine Center, you are living Bodhisattvas who save suffering!

For a time, countless men and women went to the Nebula Medical Center to buy special medicines for hair loss for the first time.

March 15.

Nebula Drug Center, held a press conference.

At the press conference, the researchers announced that they have developed a "myopia special drug".

As soon as the news came out, the community was once again a sensation.

Compared with people with baldness and hair loss, the number of myopia in China is even higher.

According to statistics, there are as many as 400 million people with myopia in Xia Guo.

In the streets and alleys, young people wearing glasses are unknown.

Although the medical field can use laser to correct myopia, many people are reluctant to do surgery.

People often joke about it.

Even the little brother of the Penguin Group does not do laser surgery.

They are ordinary people, and there is no need for laser surgery.

Now, as soon as the "myopia medicine" comes out, they can completely lose their glasses and solve their troubles.

"Great! Myopia is finally saved!"

"My eyes are 800 degrees. If I don't wear glasses, I'm like a blind man. I've had enough!"

"Now those optician shops are going to die, and a pair of good-looking glasses costs 1,800 yuan!"

"Even if the special medicine for myopia sells for 10,000 yuan this time, I will buy it!

March 20.

Nebula Drug Center, held a press conference.

At the press conference, the researchers announced that they had developed a "special medicine for dysmenorrhea".

As soon as the news came out, the women's group was instantly excited.

According to statistics, 80% of women in the country suffer from dysmenorrhea.

This made their lives miserable.

Now, the special medicine for dysmenorrhea is available, which has aroused warm cheers from female compatriots.

"OMG! This is the best news I've heard this year!""

"My constitution is weak, and it hurts every time. Now there is finally a drug! 99

"Buy, buy, buy! This is a magic medicine for us women!

When the girls cheered.

The fellow men also breathed a sigh of relief.

In the past, they could only tell their girlfriends and wives to drink more hot water.

But every time they say that, it makes them even more angry.

This time, the special medicine for dysmenorrhea can finally let them get rid of the dilemma of "drinking more hot water" and just buy the medicine directly.

March 25.

Nebula Drug Center, held a press conference.

At the press conference, researchers announced that they have developed a "male specific drug"


As soon as the news came out, the Internet was calm.

It didn't seem to cause any storms.

on major social media.

A female netizen posted and asked: "The special medicine for dysmenorrhea is the magic medicine for women. The special medicine for men is the magic medicine for men. Aren't you excited?39

Below the post, many netizens are talking about it.

"The magic medicine for men, we all know this! What's the matter?"

"The question is why are we excited? Everyone is healthy!"

787 "Yes! Everyone is healthy, this medicine is optional for us!

"Hey... This time, the Nebula Pharmacy Center spent so much research funding to develop a special medicine for men. Those men who are not in good health are blessed. But we don't need this!

"I don't need it myself, but my friends seem to need it!"


major social media platforms.

All male compatriots, the caliber is very consistent.

That is they are physically strong and don't need this at all.

However, at this moment, the male compatriots are all happy and crazy.

They love this drug!

In their world, the phrase "elbow, come into the house with me" is the most terrifying word in the world.

Therefore, they "visited famous doctors" and searched for "old Chinese medicine doctors" everywhere, hoping to buy the magic medicine for men and regain their lost dignity.

Unfortunately, many so-called famous doctors are liars.

Now, the male special medicine developed by the Nebula Drug Center is equivalent to saving their lives!

Artificial intelligence, holographic projection, controllable nuclear fusion, and anti-gravity technology are of course unparalleled black technologies in the world.

But this "male special medicine" is the "black technology" that really belongs to them!

Nebula Drug Center, always drop God! Nebula University, always drop God!

For a time, countless male compatriots gathered at the Nebula Medical Center, just to buy this medicine one day earlier.

Of course, their calibers are still very consistent, and they are all bought for friends!

That's right!

They all have a mutual "friend"!.

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