City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 182 Nebula Biological Gene Center, the bones of life and death!


Nebula University.

A special press conference is being held.

Thousands of media gathered to report first-hand information.

The start of the conference.

Qi Qingqiu, the official spokesperson of Nebula University, took the stage.

She said slowly, "Welcome to the press conference jointly organized by the Nebula Biogene Center and the Drug Center.

After the establishment of the Nebula Biological Gene Center, remarkable achievements have been made in the field of gene repair.

With the concerted efforts of the two centers, an epoch-making medical drug-Gene Restorative Medicine has been developed!

It is a magical drug extract that can quickly repair external wounds, repair damaged organs, activate cell nerves, and remove viruses and bacteria!

It can heal cells, repair cells, restore nerve chords and human organs through deep genetic repair.

In other words, muscle atrophy, nerve rupture, "seven-eight-seven" ligament damage, broken hands and feet and other diseases.

Nebula Gene Recovery Potion, all can be cured!"

The voice just fell.

The media reporters present took a deep breath, and their horror was beyond words.

They all know that the Nebula Drug Center is very good, and has developed "magic medicines" such as leukemia special drugs, cancer special medicines, and hair loss special medicines.


I never thought that this Nebula Biological Gene Center could treat incurable diseases such as nerve rupture and muscle atrophy.

Gene recovery, this is a field only "God" can touch!

It is no exaggeration to say that life and death are flesh and bones.

After Qi Qingqiu said the opening remarks.

Academician Tang Wei of the Center for Biological Gene stepped onto the high platform.

She told everyone about the detailed process of developing gene recovery and the various difficulties overcome in the research and development process.

Then, Tang Wei used holographic projection technology to come up with cases of illness.

"This is a case of a patient with a torn ankle ligament," she said slowly.

After he used the gene recovery agent, the ligaments in his ankles have regrown, and he can walk on the ground.

This is a case of a patient with a comminuted knee fracture.

Nebula Medical Center first performed surgery to remove the broken bone in his knee.

After he used the gene restoration agent, the bones in the knee have begun to repair and grow again.

This is a case of a patient with brain atrophy.

After she used the gene recovery agent, the veins of the brain nerves began to repair and grow again.

This is a case of a patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Mr. Hawking, a scientist, got this disease.

This kind of motor neuron disease will cause the muscles innervated by the medulla oblongata, the limbs, the trunk, and the muscles of the abdomen and abdomen to gradually weaken and atrophy.

The medical field has never been able to treat this disease.

For patients who have long been paralyzed, the upper and lower neurons start to repair and grow again after using the gene restoration agent.

The atrophied muscles and organs of the body are also repaired under the action of gene repair, and various cells are repaired.

The patient's latest recovery report shows.

The gene recovery medicine not only perfectly heals the patient's nerves, but also restores all the atrophied organs and muscles in his body!

At present, the patient's body is basically healthy.

The media reporters in the audience were dumbfounded listening to all this.

The doctors who came to attend the press conference were very excited at the moment.

In the medical field, it is more difficult to heal and repair cells than to regenerate cells.

The birth of the gene recovery medicine is destined to make more than 90% of the diseases will not affect human beings!

on the high platform.

Academician Tang Wei, through case after case, described the magic of gene recovery medicine.

She said enthusiastically: "From now on, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, trigeminal neuralgia, migraine, Alzheimer's disease and other incurable diseases will be completely cured!

Nebula Gene Recovery Liquid is a sacred medical product for the bones of life and death.

Nebula Gene Recovery Liquid is the greatest therapeutic drug in human history!"

The voice fell.

There were deafening cheers and applause from the audience, which lasted for a long time.


The interview session with media reporters begins.

A reporter from Xia Guo TV asked: "Academician Tang Wei, according to what you said, the gene recovery solution can cure most diseases.

Does this mean that the Nebula Biological Gene Center, Nebula Drug Center, and Nebula Medical Center will reduce their investment in scientific research in the medical field in the future?

Tang Wei shook her head: "Xingyun University's research investment in the medical field will never decrease.

On the contrary, as long as there is still pain in human beings, scientific research in the medical field will not stop for a day!

A reporter from Xia Guo Youth Daily asked: "Academician Tang Wei, the gene recovery medicine is a super medical holy product that can be used inside and outside.

Once this kind of agent is fully popularized, the existing pharmaceutical field will undoubtedly suffer a devastating blow..

Have you thought about the benefits involved here?

Tang Wei said bluntly: "Sorry, I am a researcher and take academic research as my responsibility.

From my point of view, if anything has to take into account the stakes, then technology doesn't need to progress.

The invention of the electric light eliminated the candle industry.

The invention of the automobile eliminated the carriage industry.

Could it be that, because of the interests of the candle industry and the carriage industry, humans cannot use electric lights and carriages?

Society is cruel, and the emphasis is on the survival of the fittest. If you cannot keep up with the pace of progress, you will only be eliminated!

It's been like this since time immemorial!"

After the press conference.

The major media have successively reported the magic of gene recovery medicine.

"Xiaguo TV: The legendary magic medicine that can live and die - Nebula Gene Recovery Potion!"

"Penguin News: The Greatest Healing Drug in Human History - Nebula Gene Restoration Potion!"

"Daily Toutiao: Rebirth of Broken Limbs! Repair of Nerve Breaks! Repair of Cells! Countless Incurable Diseases Are Overcome!"

"Du Niang News: Parkinson's Disease, Epilepsy, Migraine, Paralysis, Alzheimer's Disease... All Overcome!"

"Xinlang News: Magical Medicine Now! The Human Medical Revolution Is Coming!"

on major social media.

Netizens were talking.

"Bone of life and death, Nebula Gene Recovery Potion, invincible!"

"3.7 I heard that there is a life-saving medicine in Xiaguo called Angong Niuhuang Pill. I wonder which one is more effective than Nebula Gene Restoration Medicine? 99

"Angong Niuhuang Pills? I've heard of this medicine. It's called a life-sustaining elixir, a genuine product that survives the world. Patients who are dying can breathe a sigh of relief, and use one less!"

"The upstairs is bragging again, Angong Niuhuang Pill is not a magic medicine. It is just to hang your life when you have a stroke, and it will make you go to the hospital a little longer.

"That's right! The gene recovery medicine developed by the Nebula Gene Center this time is the unparalleled magic medicine in the world!

"Genes has always been the domain of the gods, but I didn't expect that Nebula University would make such great achievements and breakthroughs in the gene domain!

"I found that all the scientific research institutes under the name of Nebula University are more than a beating!

"Yeah, Nebula University develops in all fields, and this is the real No. 1 university in the world!"

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