City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 183 The appearance of love, seven days in the mountains, it has been a thousand years in the

Early June.

Nebula Medical Center.

Nurse Zhou Ling, saw the "look of love" in the ward


Five years ago, Mr. Meng suffered brain damage in a car accident and was sent to the hospital, where he became a vegetative state.

Mr. Meng's wife, Ms. Xia, quit her job to take care of her husband day after day.

during treatment.

Doctors are in the ward every day, giving Mr. Meng brain acupuncture, body exercises, playing music and other treatments to facilitate the recovery of the brain.

Ms. Xia, on the other hand, took care of Mr. Meng for bathing, eating and excreting every day.

She insists on talking and chatting with her husband every day, even if she gets no response.

The high cost of treatment makes relatives shake their beliefs and want to give up treatment.

But Ms. Xia disagreed, quarreling with her relatives again and again, arguing, and then secretly wiping her tears.

All this was seen by nurse Zhou Ling.

Ms. Xia's 5 years of careful care moved Zhou Ling very much.

Zhou Ling also asked Ms. Xia why she insisted so much.

Ms. Xia answered unequivocally that she did not want her children to lose their father.

Perhaps it was Ms. Xia's behavior that moved God.

Her son and daughter are very good.

Both were admitted to the world's No. 1 university, Nebula University!

In this day and age.

It is very unbelievable that a family has 2 children admitted to Nebula University.

After the sons and daughters were admitted to Nebula University, their performances were amazing in all aspects.

Ms. Xia's 02 son, Meng Qi, has won a lot of school bonuses through a piece of sci paper.

The high medical costs were immediately relieved.

Ms. Xia's daughter, Meng Shu, started her own business at school and has a net worth of tens of millions.

After the family has money.

A Nebula intelligent robot was added to the patient to help Ms. Xia take care of her husband.


Mr. Meng's brain is seriously damaged, and it is difficult to completely cure it with today's medicine.

The emperor pays off.

Just last month, the Nebula Biological Gene Center developed a gene recovery agent.

Ms. Xia immediately applied to the Nebula Medical Center, requesting that her husband be treated with gene recovery medicine.

After the hospital agreed, Mr. Meng was sent to the medical cabin.

Then, the blue gene recovery solution spread and covered Mr. Meng, soaking his entire body in the gene recovery solution.

After only one course of treatment.

Mr. Meng, who had been sleeping for five years, opened his eyes.

Ms. Xia's family jumped and jumped with excitement, and the tears couldn't stop flowing.

However, Mr. Meng, who had just woken up, was confused, could not speak, and could not even recognize his parents and children.

Obviously, the nerves in his brain need a period of time to grow and repair.

the next 20 days.

Mr. Meng did several more courses of treatment.

His memory slowly recovered, he was able to recognize his parents, wife and children, and his speech became fluent.

Can eat and drink independently and walk with support.

Inside the ward.

Ms. Xia was telling her husband what had happened over the years.

She said slowly: "Five years ago, you became a vegetable in a car accident, and I cried every day.

Our family’s conditions are also average. Children need money for education, parents need money for pensions, and you need money for medical treatment and hospitalization.

During that time, I really don't know what to do!

Fortunately, Meng Qi and Meng Shu competed well and were admitted to the world's No. 1 Nebula University.

The local rewards gave us a lot of money to get through the toughest times..."

heard here.

Mr. Meng was stunned and said, "The world's No. 1 Nebula University? Isn't the world's No. 1 university Harvard University?

Ms. Xia said with a smile: "That's all the old yellow calendar!

In the first year of its establishment, Xingyun University ranked among the top 100 universities in the country.

In the second year of its establishment, Xingyun University ranked among the top ten universities in the country.

In the third year of its establishment, Xingyun University has become the number one university in the country in one fell swoop.

In the fourth year of its establishment, Nebula University has become one of the top five universities in the world.

In the fifth year of its establishment, Nebula University has become the number one university in the world.

In the sixth year of its establishment, Xingyun University has become the first in all disciplines in domestic universities.

This year is the seventh year of the establishment of Nebula University. If nothing else, it should be able to become the first in all disciplines of universities in the world.

When you were hospitalized in a car accident, Nebula University hadn't become the first in the country!"

Hearing this, Mr. Meng suddenly realized and nodded.

He has been lying in the ward for five years, really unaware that the world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Mr. Meng said solemnly: "When I get better, I will go to the factory to work hard, or go to the construction site to do hard labor, and I will double the medical expenses for these years!

Ms. Xia curled her lips and said, "What kind of class are you still in with your current body! Besides, in today's world, with your high school education, where can you find a job?"

"As long as you are willing to endure hardship, how can you not find a job?" Mr. Meng said unconvinced.

The daughter Meng Shu beside him said while eating apples: "Dad, Mom really didn't lie to you! You really can't find a job now!

The son Meng Qi beside him nodded.

He pointed to the Nebula intelligent robot in the ward and said, "Dad, intelligent robots have gradually become popular, and many factories and construction sites no longer recruit assembly line workers.

What workers can do, intelligent robots can do better!”

"Then I'll drive a taxi to make money!

Mr. Meng said dissatisfiedly.

When Ms. Xia heard this, she raised her eyebrows and said, "You got into a car accident just because you were driving, and I will never let you touch a car in this life! 35

"Then what do you want me to do?"

Mr. Meng said macholy: "I haven't even turned 50 this year, so I can't sit at home and eat the mountains!"

At this time, Meng Shu suggested: "Dad, if you have to work to make money, I suggest you work in the virtual world.

In the virtual world, you can also work part-time to earn money.

Even if something unexpected happens.

It will not affect the body of the real society.

After a while, I'll buy you a virtual gaming pod.

"Okay! This is good!" Ms. Xia nodded in agreement for the first time.

Mr. Meng wondered: "What is the virtual world? What is the game cabin? I'm almost 50, what games are I playing!

The voice fell.

Everyone present laughed.

Seeing that his father didn't understand anything, Meng Shu quickly turned on the holographic TV in the ward.

On the holographic projection screen, the host of Nebula Satellite TV appeared.

She is broadcasting the news.

"After the birth of the virtual game "Nebula World", all walks of life have set off a virtual world craze!

"Countless people enter the virtual world every day, hoping to change their destiny!

"According to the estimates of major authoritative organizations, the market value of Nebula Games has exceeded 10 trillion US dollars in market value, becoming the number one among the world's top 500 companies!"

"So far, the top 10 companies in the world's top 500 have been taken over by the Nebula Group!

“Companies such as Nebula Game Company, Nebula Automobile Group, Nebula Intelligent Robot Group, Nebula Holographic Group, Nebula Pharmacy Group, Nebula Construction Group, and Nebula Fusion Energy Group have all exceeded US$8,790 trillion in market value!

News broadcast here.

The host continues with other news.

"Smart Island Anti-Gravity Residential Project has been launched a few days ago, and it is currently selling well and has been favored by the rich!

"The latest announcement from Nebula Game Company, the second virtual world is under development, no surprise, a virtual world in film and television dramas may appear next year!

"Smart Island City Skyline Project is officially completed! According to preliminary estimates, the GDP growth rate of Smart Island will double again this year! Help Magic Capital surpass New York in total GDP and become the world's largest city!

"The state has issued the latest regulations, citizens who marry in the virtual world, the marriage information will appear in the real social household register!"

"The state has issued the latest regulations. The virtual world is not a place outside the law. If you break the law in the virtual world, the real society will also be punished by the law!"5

"After the Nebula Aerospace Center launched a holographic satellite into the sky, Smart Island officially became the first holographic city in the country!

"Xia Guo's first aerospace aircraft carrier was completed, and the delivery ceremony was completed at the Smart Island Military Port yesterday!

When Mr. Meng saw the various news broadcasts in the news, his mind was full of question marks.

what's the situation?

He just slept for 5 years, not 50 years!

Why can't I read the news?

At this moment, he has a sense of absurdity that "seven days in the mountains, the world is a thousand years old".

Suddenly, Mr. Meng looked around and saw the smiling wife Ms. Xia, son Meng Qi and daughter Meng Shu in the ward, as well as the intelligent robot in the corner.

He understood immediately.

In fact, he didn't recover, it was just a "dream" he had when he was in a vegetative state.

But then again.

This "dream" is not bad.

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