City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 184 The world's first in all disciplines, the strongest king of the world's colleg

June 18, 2030.

Nebula University, main stadium.

All undergraduates of 2026, all postgraduates of 2027, and all doctoral students of 2028, gathered together to participate in the graduation ceremony.

Wearing academic uniforms, they welcomed this memorable moment together.

at the ceremony.

He said to the crowd: "In 2029-2030, there will be a total of 8,100 undergraduate graduates from Nebula University.

There are 36,745 postgraduate graduates, including 36,745 master students.

There are 5850 doctoral graduates.

Li Yi firstly reported the undergraduate and postgraduate graduations and the conferring of bachelor, master and doctoral degrees at Nebula University this year.

Subsequently, he announced the list of advanced collectives, outstanding graduates and outstanding graduates of the undergraduate graduating class of Nebula University.

And congratulations to the honored classes, bachelors, masters, doctors and all graduates.

Then, Li Yi said: "According to the school's statistics, 8,100 undergraduate graduates this year, with a postgraduate rate of 82%, a total of 6,642 students who choose to pursue postgraduate studies.

Of the remaining 1,458 students, 423 choose to start their own businesses.

The rest of the graduates have entered major well-known enterprises at home and abroad, and the overall employment rate is 100%.

Master graduates.

The postgraduate rate is 48.2%, and a total of 17,711 students choose to study for a doctoral degree.

The entrepreneurial rate is 4.6%, and a total of 1690 students choose to start their own businesses.

The remaining graduates have entered major well-known enterprises at home and abroad, and the overall employment rate is 100%.

Doctoral graduates.

There are 4095 people who choose to work in the post-doctoral mobile station or post-doctoral research station of Xingyun University to engage in disciplinary research.

The remaining doctoral graduates enter major scientific research institutions at home and abroad, and the overall employment rate is 100%.

Students, you are the best!

The voice just fell.

The graduates had smiles on their faces.

As Nebula students, they are destined to shine in this world whether they join major companies or choose to start their own businesses after graduation!

Li Yi said affectionately: "Students, this year, technology has progressed rapidly, and all walks of life have ushered in changes.

The birth of intelligent robots has replaced more and more industry jobs.

The birth of technologies such as holographic projection, virtual reality, nuclear fusion, and antigravity has brought about a leap in the world's science and technology.

Society is full of anxiety.

However, you are different!

You are all students of Nebula, the pride of heaven in the eyes of the outside world!

I believe that after graduation, you will bloom in various fields and become the most dazzling existence!

There is a dream in the heart, and the future can be expected.

Learn something, live up to your youth.

I wish you a bright future.

Your alma mater will always welcome you back 々 "!


The 4 most authoritative international university rankings are freshly released.

In the 2030 QS World University Rankings, Nebula University ranked first in the world with a total score of 100!

In the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2030, Nebula University ranks first in the world!

In the 2030 World University Rankings, Nebula University ranks first in the world!

In the 2030 Academic Ranking of Global Universities, Nebula University ranks first in the world!

For the third consecutive year, Nebula University topped the top four lists, becoming the most dazzling presence in the education world.

The world's first university, well deserved!

at the same time.

The QS World University Subject Rankings are also freshly released.

Nebula University surpasses Harvard University and ranks first in the world in the fields of social sciences, political science and international studies, medicine, psychology, accounting and finance, law, and history.

Nebula University surpasses MIT and ranks first in the world in the fields of engineering technology, computer science and information systems, natural sciences, electrical and electronic, physics, mathematics, and astronomy.

Nebula University surpasses Oxford University and ranks first in the world in the fields of humanities, English language and literature, pharmacy and pharmacology, and geography.

Nebula University's anatomy, archaeology, anthropology and other disciplines surpassed Cambridge University and ranked first in the world.

Philosophy major, Nebula University surpassed New York University to become the first in the world.

Education major, Nebula University surpassed University College London to become the world's first.

In materials science, Xingyun University surpassed Nanyang Technological University, becoming the world's first.

Art and design, Nebula University surpassed the Royal Academy of Arts to become the world's first.

Media major, Nebula University surpassed the University of Amsterdam to become the world's first.

For hotel majors, Nebula University has surpassed the Lausanne School of Hotel Management to become the first in the world.

In agriculture and agroforestry, Nebula University surpassed Wageningen University to become the first in the world.

In English and Entrepreneurial Writing, Nebula University surpassed Durham University to become the first in the world.

In the major of library and information management, Nebula University surpassed the University of Sheffield to become the first in the world.

In Earth and Ocean Sciences, Nebula University surpassed ETH Zurich to become the world's first.

In the major of classical literature and ancient history, Nebula University surpassed Sapienza University of Rome to become the first in the world.

Explore all disciplines in universities around the world.

At the top of the list of each subject, the four characters of "Xingyun University" are prominently displayed!

In other words.

from this day.

All subjects of Nebula University are ranked first in the world!

The results of the list are out.

The students of major universities in the world were suddenly stunned.

The discipline they are proud of, just surpassed by Nebula University?

This is too exaggerated!

The comprehensive strength of Nebula University is very strong.

They have long known this.

Comprehensive strength and separate disciplines are completely two concepts!

Do you want to be bullshit?

360 lines, line by line out of the champion.

Many of them are colleges and universities, and the overall ranking of the school may not be high.

But some majors are well-deserved number one in the world!

For example, the University of Notre Dame ranks outside the 200th in the world.

But their majors in theology and religious studies are well-deserved first in the world, even better than Harvard University.

However, this rather unpopular subject was even surpassed by Nebula University!

For a time, (Zhao Nuo's) students in major universities around the world doubted their life.

on major social media in the country.

Netizens are talking about donkeys.

"Wodetian! Nebula University ranks first in the world in all disciplines, and it's blown up!"

"God! What kind of fairy school is this? 35

"There are 45,000 universities in the world, and Nebula University is No. 1 in every subject area!

"Xingyun University is the most important weapon in the country, dazzling and unparalleled!"

"When I was a primary school student, I knew that Huaqing Yan University was the king of Xia Guo's higher education institutions; when I was a middle school student, I knew that Harvard Oxford was the king of the world's higher education institutions; The strongest king of the school!"

"Woooooo...Xingyun University is a university that I will never get into. But thinking about it, I am a talent that Xingyun University will never get!!!35

"Upstairs netizen, can I understand that you are a hot chicken that Xingyun University will never need?

"Haha, Xiu'er, sit down, it's not your turn to speak yet!

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