City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 212 The Nebula Star Destroyer Delivery Ceremony, Building the Interstellar Great Wall!

Early May.

Nebula Aerospace Center.

The sun is shining brightly, and there are no clouds.

A grand Star Destroyer handover ceremony is being held.

Thousands of media gathered together to witness this historic moment.

Around, the live broadcast team of Nebula TV station and Xia Guo TV station are earnestly recording every scene.

Today's live broadcast is destined to be loaded into the history of the Xia Kingdom!

On the square, 5,600 navy soldiers stood in an orderly line at the scene, with a terrifying momentum.

both sides of the handover.

On one side is the Nebula Battleship Center.

One side is the Xia Kingdom Interstellar Force.

At this moment, on the square in front of the Aerospace Center, there is a "Nebula" Star Destroyer, which is lying quietly, full of flags, magnificent like mountains, majestic, and full of science fiction.

This Star Destroyer was built by a number of research institutes of Xingyun University jointly built "August 17".

Materials field, from the Nebula Materials Center.

Weapon field, from the Nebula Weapon Center.

Battleship design, from the Nebula Battleship Center.

Battleship engine, from the Nebula Engine Center.

Technology field, from Nebula Technology Center.

Manufacturing field, from the Nebula Industrial Center.

In the field of communication, it comes from the Nebula Communication Center.

Battleship Intelligence, from the Nebula Artificial Intelligence Center.

Battleship mecha configuration, from the Nebula Mecha Center.

With the combination of several research institutions of Nebula University, 1 trillion yuan was spent to finally build this interstellar warship!

After the handover ceremony begins.

Everyone boarded the "Nebula" Star Destroyer, and successively visited the cab, weapons room, engine room, anti-gravity room, nuclear fusion drive room, command center and so on.

Every weapon equipped on it is the pinnacle of human technology!

on live TV.

The host introduced: "The Star Destroyer Nebula is 5,600 meters long and weighs 10 million tons. It is equipped with a Class 9 warp engine, and its fastest speed can reach 3,053 times the speed of light.

When the warship is fully loaded, it can carry 50,000 soldiers.

In terms of armed bases, there are 3 armed bases on the warship, 1,500 large combat armors, 500 titanium interceptor star laser fighters and 500 titanium laser star bombers.

In terms of weapons, the warship is equipped with star destroyer x1, heavy laser cannon x500, supercharged laser turret 500, ion cannon x75, tractor beam x100, gravity generator x10, and is equipped with a protective mask.

The star destroyer on the warship belongs to the super laser cannon, and its firepower can destroy a planet.

In terms of engine energy, the entire ship has 10 warp engines, 50 lithium-ion thrusters, and super-large controllable nuclear fusion reactors to ensure that the warship can advance at full speed during interstellar voyages.

Inside the Star Destroyer, it also carries 8 landing barges, as well as basic configuration such as repairing spaceships, rescue spaceships, transport spaceships, and supply spaceships..."


All the netizens watching the live broadcast were instantly sensational.

"What the hell?! The weapons displayed in the military parade last year were shocking enough. I didn't expect our country to hide them?"

"My God! The weapon configuration of the Nebula Star Destroyer is too awesome? It's a mobile space military fortress!

"Our Xia Kingdom's Star Fleet, this is the rhythm of conquering the galaxy!

"It's amazing, the Star Destroyer of Nebula University is invincible in the world in terms of force configuration! 99

"Tearful eyes, we in Xiaguo have a Star Destroyer, and finally regain its former glory! 99

"The interstellar age, the moment has come!

Nebula Aerospace Center.

The leader said to the soldiers: "You are a brave and fearless interstellar force, and you will gallop in the universe galaxy in the future.

In the boring universe, you will lose the rising and setting of the sun and the moon, cruising the vast galaxy defense line, just for the sacred belief of protecting your home and safety in your heart.

Today, the Star Destroyer Nebula is officially handed over to you, I hope you can make persistent efforts to defend your home and country!"

The voice just fell.

The 5,600 interstellar troops said in unison: "Defend the family and the country, and build the Interstellar Great Wall!""

Soon, all the soldiers and soldiers boarded the Star Destroyer.

It didn't take long for the Star Destroyer to officially set sail, leaving the earth and heading for the vast cosmic galaxy.

Their first stop was the Space Star Port, which was built with huge sums of money by Nebula University.

After the handover ceremony is over.

Bing Bing, a reporter from Xia Guo TV, is interviewing Li Yi, President of Nebula University.

Bingbing asked: "President Li, Xingyun University has assembled all major scientific research institutions in the school to create this Star Destroyer, which can be called the crystallization of human technology. What difficulties did Xingyun University encounter in the process of building this starship?

"It's very difficult!

Li Yi said bluntly: "To build an interstellar warship, there are too many disciplines, theories, technologies, and funds involved!

For example, materials science, gravity technology, laser shield technology, battleship intelligence technology, warp engine technology, high-power output weapon technology, construction of cabin life support systems, ship equipment maintenance and research, medical technology, interstellar mining and refining Technology, biotechnology, escape pod technology, robotics, mecha technology, etc. 0..

The combination of so many disciplines and technologies can truly build the 'Nebula' Star Destroyer.

Fortunately, Nebula University has 31 world-class scientific research centers.

Discipline, theory, technology, funding, Nebula University has everything!

It is no exaggeration to say that at present, only Xingyun University and Xia Guo officials in the world can really develop interstellar warships!"5

Bingbing nodded and said with admiration from the bottom of her heart: "President Li, Xingyun University is always at the forefront of human science and technology, it really deserves to be the number one university in the world!

Li Yi said with a smile: "Xingyun University's exploration of space will never stop.

The journey of mankind is the sea of ​​stars, and the journey of Xingyun University is also the sea of ​​stars.

Nebula University, in the new academic year, established 10 colleges including the Space Academy, the Battleship Academy, the Weapons Academy, and the Mecha Academy.

The fundamental reason is to cultivate more interstellar talents, so that human beings can truly step into this galaxy. "

Bingbing nodded sympathetically.

She said from the bottom of her heart: "President Li, the name of Huaqing University is taken from 'Huaqing Garden', and the original 3.7 comes from the famous sentence 'Jingfan Songbird Collection, Shuimuzhanqinghua'.

The name of Yenching University was first named Jingshi Great Hall.

The school name of Xingyun University is also very meaningful.

I think, when you founded Xingyun University, you should have set your sights on the universe galaxy, right?"

Li Yi: "???"


Netizens watching the live broadcast are all in the mood at the moment "???

"Haha, Bingbing is actually making up for the invisible brain?"

"Invisible brain supplement, the most deadly!"

"Women like invisible brain supplements, and the ancients did not deceive me!

"Uh... Bingbing's words are so embarrassing, they almost overflow the screen!"

"Principal Li Yi: I just named it casually. Why do you automatically make up your mind?"

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