City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 213 Nebula Dark Matter Center, college entrance examination volunteers in the new era!


Nebula University.

Principal's office.

Li Yi just finished looking at the property list.

In the list, his reputation value has reached 15.2 billion points.

After careful consideration.

Li Yi spent 10 billion reputation points to exchange for the Nebula Dark Matter Center in the system mall.

The Nebula Dark Matter Center covers all fields of dark matter detection, hot dark matter theory, cold dark matter theory, warm dark matter theory, dark matter research, and dark matter applications.

Dark matter is an invisible matter that exists in the universe, accounting for 26.8% of the matter in the universe.

This material is the glue of galaxies.

If humans can master dark matter, it can distort space and change the structure of space.

Humans can also develop dark matter engines, which can easily exceed the speed of light, and the energy is inexhaustible.

In addition, dark matter can create interstellar communication equipment, make matter from tangible to intangible, can cross all obstacles, and can also create dark matter weapons...

All in all, once the dark matter 02 can be mastered, technology will usher in a leap again!

Count the dark matter center of the nebula.

Nebula University already has 32 scientific research institutions with "system production".

The remaining 5.2 billion reputation points.

Li Yi also made the best use of it, and exchanged 1040 discipline auras in the system mall.

In the new academic year, the school will add 10 colleges and hundreds of majors.

These colleges have a lot of professional courses.

For example, "Warp Engine Design and Principles", "Application and Principles of Anti-gravity Technology", "Quantum Radar Detection Technology", "Space Folding Theory and Technology", "Battleship Design and Theory" and so on.

With the assistance of these academic halos, Nebula students can be more at ease in scientific research and professional fields.

late June.

In the school stadium, Li Yi once again bid farewell to a group of Nebula graduates, ending the 9th academic year of Nebula University.

Year 2031-2032.

Nebula University has a total of 9,200 undergraduate graduates.

There are 9,200 students, with a postgraduate rate of 72%, and a total of 6,624 students who choose to pursue postgraduate studies.

There are 23,514 master graduates from Nebula University.

There are 23,514 students, with a postgraduate rate of 17%, and a total of 11,051 students who choose to pursue doctoral studies.

Nebula University has 4,612 doctoral graduates.

Of the 4,612 people, 1,752 chose to work in the post-doctoral research station or post-doctoral research station of Xingyun University to engage in disciplinary research.

Undergraduates, masters and doctoral students who did not choose to further study, or choose to start their own businesses, or choose to work in major domestic and foreign well-known enterprises, the overall employment rate is 100%.

late June.

All major high schools across the country are explaining to senior three graduates the relevant matters of college volunteering.

Because society has entered the interstellar age.

This year's college entrance examination is undoubtedly more cautious.

At this moment, the group of students were all annoyed.

They did not get admitted to Nebula University and lost an opportunity to change their destiny.

If they don't choose a college major, they're really screwed!

at the same time.

Smart Island, Nebula Middle School.

High school (1) class.

Liu Qingqing, the head teacher, is filling in the knowledge of the students' popular science volunteers in this class.

She introduced patiently: "Students, your college entrance examination scores are very good, and the score line completely meets the admission threshold of Nebula University.

Seven points test, three points report!

How to choose a future major is your top priority now!

The voice just fell.

Some students raised their hands and said: "Teacher, there are many majors in Nebula University, and each major is the first in the world! Don't we just fill in the major without thinking?

"No brains to fill in the report, that is the past!"

Liu Qingqing said with a smile: "The current technological development is changing with each passing day.

Many traditional professions are gradually eliminated by society.

I suggest that you choose a popular major, which will be of great benefit to your future development and employment.

In addition, this year, Nebula University has added 10 colleges including Space College, Mecha College, Quantum College, Robotics College, Antigravity College, Virtual Reality College, Battleship College, Weapons College, Laser College, and Nano Institute.

These colleges are the most popular nowadays.

If you are interested, you can fill in these 10 colleges!

Hearing this, the students present nodded.

Humanity has entered the sea of ​​stars.

Intelligent robots, mechas, warships, laser weapons and other fields have a bright future.

If you fill in these majors, you will have an iron rice bowl after graduation!

At this time, a student asked: "Teacher, the competition for qualifications in these colleges must be very fierce. Do you have any recommendations for other disciplines?"39

Liu Qingqing replied: "First of all, medicine, material majors, mechanical majors, electronic information majors, computer majors, artificial intelligence majors, and science and engineering majors will always be one of the most popular industries.

When you master these, no matter what the world will become in the future, you will have food to eat.

Secondly, the arrival of the interstellar era will make astronomy majors, atmospheric and ocean science majors, environmental science majors, aerospace majors, architecture majors, tourism and other majors become super popular industries.

Interstellar travel, transformation of planetary habitability, transformation of planetary environment, lunar architecture, Mars architecture, etc., will allow a group of students of this major to get more opportunities.

I suggest that when you fill in the major, try to think about whether this major has a future in the interstellar era, and then choose your own major. ""

The voice fell.

The students suddenly started chattering about 817.

"I think astronomy majors are the most popular in the future. I want to sign up for the School of Astronomy of Nebula University! 35

"Obviously, the architecture major is the most popular, okay? Every time a planet is transformed, a lot of real estate needs to be built. The architecture major has a bright future!

"I think the economic industry has the brightest future! With the advent of the interstellar era, the economic systems of all countries in the world may usher in unity.

"I chose the tourism profession, the profession of interstellar tour guide, it sounds very cool!

"So, are the majors of music, drama, film and television, painting, sculpture, and art not popular anymore?"

"It's popular! No matter what era human beings enter, they need entertainment to adjust it!"

"I think atmospheric science is the most popular! Every time humans go to a planet in the future, they will take the lead in changing the planet's climate, and the future will be bright!"

"Everyone, stop arguing, it's still the old saying, the majors of Nebula University are just brainless! 39

At this time, Liu Qingqing said to everyone: "The choice of major, I hope everyone is cautious, after all, it is related to everyone's future.

Of course, no matter how the world changes, all majors at Nebula University are the best in the world.

You have become a student of Nebula University, and you have surpassed tens of millions of senior high school candidates across the country on the starting line.

The teachers are really proud of you!

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