City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 58 Aircraft, tanks and artillery shells go into battle, and schools across the country are j

September 1.

The main campus of Nebula University.

Nebula Stadium.

All teachers and students gathered to participate in the first opening ceremony of Nebula University.

The opening ceremony begins.

All stood up and sang the national anthem.

Then, on the big screen at the scene, a documentary of Nebula Middle School began to play.

on the documentary.

The old Nebula campus with a dilapidated campus environment first caught the eyes of the freshmen.

Abusive parents, sneering from students, belittling from the outside world, and extremely poor student grades were the main theme of Nebula Middle School two years ago.

From this moment, Nebula Middle School began to transform.

No. 1 high school campus in the country.

The competition of five disciplines is beginning to emerge.

The school sports meeting has repeatedly broken national records for middle school students.

The major middle school students in Magic City won the first prize.

The students' college entrance examination results are stunning across the country.

The school ranks 18th in the national high school rankings.

Five discipline competitions won 100 Olympic gold medals.

The National Student Games won 145 gold medals.

The champions of various national competitions were swept up by Nebula students.

Ranked first among the top 600 high schools in the country in the 100-school joint examination.

All Nebula students were admitted to 985 prestigious schools.

The school ranks first among high schools in the country.

The 30-minute documentary shows the rise of Nebula Middle School incisively and vividly!

After watching this short film, all the teachers and students were very emotional.

The way of education at Nebula Middle School is truly unparalleled in the world!

At this time, Li Yi walked to the high platform of the stadium and said to all the teachers and students: "This documentary tells the two years of the rapid rise of Nebula Middle School, and interprets the true Nebula spirit.

You may be wondering why I'm showing you a high school documentary.

Actually, what I want to say is very simple.

The group of Nebula students who created countless miracles in the video were also a group of scumbags back then!

02 Hearing this, all the students in the stadium nodded.

It is precisely because the Nebula students used to be scumbags, so when they counterattacked and became academic masters, they were more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Li Yi continued: "Most of the students here are students who failed the college entrance examination this year.

But as you step into the campus of Nebula University, all the dark history will disappear, and everyone will have an extremely bright future.

Nebula University does not belong to 985 universities and 211 universities, but it belongs to a small transparent in the university education circle.

But I dare to say that Nebula University is the best school for you!"

Hear this.

The freshmen were excited.

The content of this speech is actually quite ordinary.

But these words were said by Principal Li Yi, who has repeatedly created educational myths.

The weight in their hearts is never the same!

At this time, Li Yi said again: "I won't say more about chicken soup.

Now, let me briefly describe your next study arrangement.

From September 3 to September 18, 50,000 freshmen collectively participated in the school's military training, which lasted for 15 days, with no rest in between.

Due to the large number of new students this year, the military training is based on academies, and the address is located at the military training grounds of Xingyun University.

Finally, I wish the students a happy university life!

Guan Wenhao is a freshman.

As early as two years ago, he heard that the military training at Nebula Middle School was the most "hard-core" in high school and had the opportunity to get in touch with real guns and live ammunition.


This time, he was full of expectations for the military training at Nebula University.

The first day of military training.

The instructors took 2,000 freshmen from their faculties and departments to perform basic training such as morning running, standing in the military posture, walking in unison, standing in queue, etc. The training content was mediocre.

The second day of military training.

The training contents of the freshmen were youth rhythmic gymnastics, enemy fisting, red flag exercises, captive knives, women's self-defense, battle tactics and battlefield rescue, military boxing, etc., which were a little more interesting than the first day.

The third day of military training.

Camping training, orienteering and other links began.

The instructor euphemistically called it, let the students measure the campus of Xingyun University with their footsteps, and measure the land of the magic capital with their footsteps.

Guan Wenhao himself didn't know how he persisted.

Fourth day of military training.

The training content is gradually hardcore.

The instructor took them to the campus shooting range to shoot live ammunition.

Guan Wenhao touched a real gun for the first time.

When shooting, every time he pulled the trigger, he was accompanied by violent recoil and gunshots.

This made Guan Wenhao feel as if he was on the battlefield and felt the atmosphere of the barracks.

The classmates even joked with each other, 'I bet you don't have bullets in your gun!

The fifth day of military training.

The training content is more hardcore.

The instructors drove hundreds of tanks to the training ground, euphemistically called "increasing the students' real battlefield experience"!

This day's training is mainly to master a variety of skills such as driving a tank, aiming the main gun, communicating with communication equipment, and teamwork.

The classmates ridiculed again, "Li Yunlong, shoot at me! I, Xiuqin, will still be your woman in the next life!"

Guan Wenhao was surprised to find out.

All the students are learning at an astonishingly fast rate.

The operation of the tank is obviously so complicated, but they have mastered the basic driving method, which is incredible.

The sixth day of military training.

The freshmen trained fire evacuation drills, rope knot self-rescue demonstrations, fire-fighting drills for fire officers and soldiers, students' fire extinguisher practice and safety education training.

in these trainings.

Guan Wenhao's favorite is the evacuation tent, Heimlich suffocation first aid, safety knot rope, passenger car ride safety VR and other experience projects, which are very interesting.

The seventh day of military training.

The training content is very interesting.

The instructors brought the freshmen to the Nebula University campus airport.

There are brand new planes, helicopters and so on in the airport.

Guan Wenhao studied very seriously on this day, and mastered helicopter driving and throwing training bombs.

Eighth day of military training.

The instructors took the freshmen to a port on Smart Island.

Several battleships and destroyers are moored in the port.

On the ship, the students saw various missiles and precision guidance weapons, and began various professional training.

The ninth day of military training.

The instructors took the students to the seaside of Smart Island and started sea training,

The main content is maritime military sports.

Boating, beach landing, sea rescue, mine clearance and target shooting, anti-nuclear biochemical drills, etc., made all the students dizzy and addicted.

In addition, in the special forces TV series, the famous scene of soldiers squatting with wood on the seashore appeared on the Nebula students.

Tenth day of military training.

The instructors took the students to climb the mountain in the morning.

In the afternoon, I took the students to practice skydiving.

After the day's training, Guan Wenhao's legs were shaking.

The eleventh day of military training.

The instructors took the students to conduct offensive drills of the mountain infantry class, including rifle shooting and bombing.

Guan Wenhao played the role of a blaster on this day.

Carrying a specially made bazooka, he attacked the city and pulled out the village, and he had a sense of being alone.

Of course, with the safety of the students in mind.

Except for the real rifles and bullets, other equipment such as rocket launchers are simulated props.

Twelfth day of military training.

The instructors took the freshmen to training in driving training, camping, map interpretation, military documents, field skills and so on.

The training content of female students focuses on field first aid, basic nursing, wireless and wired communication and civil defense knowledge.

Thirteenth day of military training.

Counter-terrorism drills begin.

Guan Wenhao needs to "rescue the hostages".

However, he made a mistake during the drill and successfully killed the hostage.

The instructor made him stand for 2 hours.

Fourteenth day of military training.

The instructors brought freshmen to the military theme park of Nebula University.

In the park is a simulated real battlefield, with realistic trenches and front lines, and a guerrilla village.

The freshman department where Guan Wenhao was in started a fierce battle with the opponent's department.

The morning of September 18.

The main school stadium.

The Nebula University freshman military parade begins.

The freshmen of 32 departments were in high spirits, and the queues were neatly waiting for the review.

The first show session.

The freshmen changed their phalanx and started the "manpower" countdown.

In a neat and uniform formation, numbers such as "10", "9", and "8" are displayed.

The countdown scene is no less than the countdown to the Olympics.

Not only that.

The freshmen squads also put on "fonts" one by one


For example, words such as "Xingyun University", "Department of Business Administration", "Xia Guomeng", "Seeking Truth", "Inspirational", "Practice" and so on.


Then, a military exercise project appeared in the stadium of Nebula University.

With all the links come to an end.

Li Yi, President of Nebula University, took the stage to deliver a speech.

He said that the military training this year was very hard and tiring.

But as long as they persevere, students can not only learn basic military knowledge and skills, but also cultivate good living habits and perseverance, and shape the spiritual quality of unity, love, and positivity. their greatest gain.

Then, he praised all the freshmen.

I hope they can hope that they can pass this military training and forge iron-like will, down-to-earth tenacious style, and iron-like discipline in their future study and life.

Finally, he announced the successful conclusion of this new military training show!

at the same time.

Military training in major colleges and universities across the country has basically ended successfully.

The students all posted on the Internet, showing off how awesome their school's military training is!

Harbin Institute of Technology: "In this year's military training, our Harbin Institute of Technology has fired live ammunition again!"

Central China Normal University: "Huh? Isn't live-fire target shooting the basic exercise of military training?"

Shangdu University of Light Industry: "You must remember a good year, the most orange-yellow-orange-green. Please enjoy the video of our school's military training parade. For details, please click the video link.

Zhejiang Ocean University: "Our school's water hard core military training is the real cow! The video link is sent, please give pointers from the school leaders.""

Yangcheng Medical University: "Please enjoy the fancy countdown program and the live-action version of CS at our school's military training show!

Guicheng University of Finance and Economics: "Our school has military training, there are guns, smoke bombs, field training, and Internet celebrity military training!"


When other college freshmen saw the military training videos of these universities, they immediately felt sour.

"Damn, this is someone else's school, is it someone else's military training? Love, love!""

"It's someone else's home again! Our school just stood in line at the big playground, and then went to shoot a target outside the school (crying expression).

"The military training at your school is really wonderful! I'm so envious!"

Student discussion room in each school.

Students of Nebula University uploaded a wonderful clip of their own school's military training video.

The content in the video includes skydiving, tank driving, helicopter driving, maritime military competition, destroyers and battleships, bazooka blasting and training bomb throwing, real anti-terrorist operations, and simulated battlefield real drills...

The screen of the military training of Nebula University, famous scenes frequently appeared, and the click rate instantly exploded!

In a short period of time, it became a hot search on Weibo.

In the comment area, netizens have a lot of discussion.

"What the fuck?! Your military training at Nebula University is too hard-core, isn't it?"

"It looks so bloody! You don't want to end this kind of military training at the beginning, right? I'm really envious! 35

"If our school also had such hard-core military training, I wouldn't be in the sick company (dog head to save my life)!

"The military training of our group of military academies is not as good as your Nebula University's military training Niubi!"

"The military training of other people's homes is so cool, isn't it? It's super interesting!"

"Wow? The military training at Nebula University is amazing, but it's still military training (dog head)."

"It's the military training of other schools, (Lemon), (Lemon), (Lemon).

"Xingyun University, give me Chong Chong Chong! (thumbs)!"

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