City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 59 The counterattack of the scumbags, the rise of Nebula University!

After military training.

The classes at Nebula University have officially started.

School of Economics and Management, Department of Finance.

Gui Jie, a high school math teacher, is giving his students a linear algebra class.

before class.

He is mentally prepared.

Students may skip class, skip class, sleep in class, play with mobile phones, etc.

After all, this is in line with the "scumbag" personality of the freshmen.

But something unexpected happened to him.

All of the above behaviors did not happen at all!

On the contrary, every student listened carefully and took notes attentively.

"Now, ask students to turn to page 30 of the textbook..."


There is a uniform sound of flipping books in the classroom.

At this time, Gui Jie paused and said loudly: "The college class is completely different from the high school class.

It may take a semester to learn a book in high school, but in college a few class hours are complete.

University study requires more self-discipline.

Of course, my lectures may be a little quicker.

Next, I'll slow down a bit.

The voice just fell.

A student said: "Teacher, you can teach at your own pace. We will take notes. If there is anything we don't understand, we will ask other students or ask you in person."5

The other students nodded in agreement.

Gui Jie was stunned for a while, feeling a little strange.

Before coming to Nebula University, he taught at other universities.

Even a student at a university felt that his lectures were fast and hoped that he would slow down.

But the students of Xingyun University are so "considerate" to him...

What a great student!

Gui Jie calmed down and continued to lecture.

Nebula University.

Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science.

Mao Gai's teacher, Luan Song, is teaching the students.

After the roll call.

Luan Song asked with a smile, "Students, have you all previewed this book?"

A classmate said: "Teacher, I just read the catalog carefully, and I didn't have time to preview. 55

A classmate said: "Teacher, everyone said that the university lectures are fast, I have already previewed the 50th page!"

A classmate said: "Teacher, I've previewed page 80!"

Luan Song smiled and said slowly: "Students, you may think that the politics class is boring, and think that Ma Zhemao's theory of Deng is very boring, but it is not.

These political courses are all dragon slaying techniques, which can make you become talented.

Mao Jie, Ma Zhe, and Deng Lun can all frame your spiritual structure, as well as the surrounding economic structure.

After speaking, he officially began to lecture.

Luan Song is a very good teacher.

His lecture style is lively and humorous and disciplined.

In terms of teaching content, explain the profound things in a simple way, step by step, and teach students in accordance with their aptitude.

In terms of teaching form, it is advanced and flexible, actively interacting with students, and does not adopt a cramming education model.

The students are also fully immersed in the classroom atmosphere and quickly absorb the knowledge.

After the class is over.

Luan Song is very satisfied with the positive mental state of the students.

Even in a university classroom, few classes can have such an outstanding learning atmosphere.

Nebula University.

School of Foreign Languages, Department of Neon Languages.

The teacher Jing Yun is teaching the students neon language.

She asked: "Classmates, can you tell me why you want to learn neon?"

A classmate said: "Teacher, I want to be able to work in neon language translation, teaching, tourism and other industries after graduation.

A classmate said: "Teacher, I want to work in foreign trade, journalism, publishing and other fields in the future.

A classmate said: "Teacher, only by knowing ourselves and the enemy can we be safe in a hundred battles. I want to understand the language of the enemy."

A classmate said: "Teacher, there are many female students in the neon language department, so it is more convenient to find a girlfriend. 35

A classmate said: "Teacher, I think it will be more convenient to watch neon movies in the future, and I don't need to read subtitles, I can even add subtitles myself!"

Hear people's answers.

Jingyun nodded and said, "No matter what your original intentions of learning neon language are, I think everyone's final goal is the same, that is, learn neon language well.

Neon Language major at Neon University aims to cultivate a multi-application neon language specialization with solid knowledge of neon language, profound humanistic knowledge, strong ability to use neon language, and an international perspective. talent.

As a student said just now, it is very correct that he wants to work in foreign trade, news, publishing, translation, tourism, etc. in the future.

Compared with English majors, small languages ​​have many choices when looking for a job after graduation.

The country urgently needs talents in this field.

I hope everyone can study hard and be worthy of their majors!

After speaking, she began to teach the students to learn neon language bit by bit.

Teachers teach seriously and students study hard.

Everything is what it looks like in the classroom.

at the same time.

The classrooms of the various departments of Xingyun University have a very good learning atmosphere.

In the eyes of teachers of various disciplines, students have a very poor foundation and do not understand a lot of knowledge.

But they study very seriously and are not ashamed to ask questions.

If you can maintain this state of learning, you will definitely have a bright future in the future!

Still, four years of college is a long time.

Now that the semester has just started, the students are full of freshness about the university.

Whether it can continue to maintain a positive attitude in the follow-up remains to be tested.

Sun Mo is a freshman at Nebula University.

When he was in the third year of high school, he always longed for the free life of the university.

Longing for the lecture hall of the university, longing for the romantic love of the university, longing for the bright library of the university, longing for the luxurious basketball hall of the university.

On the first day of school, he listened carefully throughout the course.

However, the pace of the class is too fast.

The shortcomings of his weak foundation are obvious in the university classroom.

after dinner.

Sun Mo took the campus subway to the library of Xingyun University.

He needs to find some study materials in the library to make up the foundation.

However, as soon as he arrived at the library, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

The library is full of people.

Looking around, there are at least five or six thousand students sitting there.

Everyone in the library is studying consciously in their seats, flipping through the materials and notes of various disciplines, and only the sound of flipping books is left.

Sun Mo smiled.

I am not alone!

Nebula students are failed college entrance examination students with poor foundation, so what?

As long as everyone maintains self-discipline and this love of learning, sooner or later, they will catch up with the students of those key universities!

(Wang Zhaohao) Time is like flowing water.

The students of Nebula University have gradually adapted to the rhythm of university life.

Among the freshmen, the Nebula Student Union was established.

There are many student union departments.

Learning Department, Organization Department, Literature and Art Department, Sports Department, External Relations Department, Information Department, Propaganda Department, Girls Department, VIA Department, Discipline Inspection Department and other departments perform their respective duties.

Because of the establishment of the student union, Nebula University instantly became orderly.

In addition, major clubs in the school have been established one after another.

Hundreds of clubs such as football club, basketball club, tennis club, volleyball club, astronomy club, swimming club, debate club, literary club, dance club, advertising club, artificial intelligence club, etc. came into being.

Various class activities are occasionally held between classes at Nebula University.

For a time, Nebula University was thriving and lively.

The daily lives of Nebula students are also very regular.

Dormitories, classrooms, cafeterias, libraries, clubs, five points and one line.

The beautiful university life is thoroughly displayed in front of every Nebula student!

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