City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 67 Nebula University Foundation, a gift from parents!

Nebula University.

Principal's office.

Li Yi is reflecting on what he has done recently.

During this trip to Yenching University, he learned a lot.

Previously, he exchanged for five-star hotels, playgrounds, zoos, and botanical gardens in order to restore blood to the school.

Now it looks like a big mistake!

Huaqing University and Yenching University have a profound background and can earn 20 to 30 billion yuan every year.

And what about Nebula University?

It will only throw money to gain attention, just like a nouveau riche!

more than two years ago.

The novice gift package rewarded his school with 10 billion yuan of start-up capital.

After that, the school spent most of the time sitting on the mountain, and currently only 3.6 billion yuan of funds are left.

Thinking about it now, for more than two years, he has been a failure as a principal.

"Li Xiao, I heard Assistant Cui say that you have returned from Yanjing."

Su Qianyun knocked on the door and came in with a surprised tone.

Li Yi stood up, poured her a cup of tea, and said, "Mr. Su, do you think my principal is not called the "683" position?"

Su Qianyun said bluntly: "You are competent! You are very kind to the school teachers and students, and everyone likes you very much!""

Li Yi shook his head: "I mean school management.

Su Qianyun thought for a moment and said, "Apart from being a little prodigal, you don't have any shortcomings.

Li Yi's mouth twitched: "Prodigal? You think so too?"

"It was!

Su Qianyun looked around and found no outsiders.

She took a sip of tea and said bluntly: "Actually, I don't think you need to equip all the teachers in the school with luxury cars, and you don't need to spend so much money on student food.

Don't teachers stop teaching if they don't have million-dollar cars?

Are students not attending classes without luxury meals?

People's desires are endless, and the cravings are hard to fill!

Our Nebula University has no mines, so we cannot afford to build it like this. "

Li Yi nodded slightly.

This evaluation is very pertinent, the school is spending too much money in these areas.

Li Yi said, "So now I am going to set up the Nebula University Education Foundation, and let you serve as the president.

"President of the Foundation?"

Su Qianyun's eyes lit up, and she said with joy: "Okay, I was originally a top student in the Department of Economics and Management of Yenching University, and being a teacher simply buried my talent!

Hearing this, Li Yi smiled.

Su Qianyun does have a talent for investment and financial management.

He knew this when he was in school.

During school, Su Qianyun made a lot of money by investing in the stocks of new energy vehicles such as Weilai, Ideal and Xiaopeng with the money earned through work-study.

Guarantee estimates that she earned at least 1 million in four years of college!

After graduation, Su Qianyun came to teach at Nebula Middle School.

Under the blessing of her potential halo and talent halo, her talent for investment and financial management has fully blossomed.

As far as Li Yi knows, Su Qianyun was still in Yanjing not long ago, and bought a house for her parents with all the money.

Letting her serve as a teacher at Nebula University is really overkill.

At this time, Su Qianyun smiled and said, "Li Xiao, what is the original funding of our Nebula University Education Foundation?"

Li Yi pondered: "There are 3.6 billion funds in the school account, you can take 2 billion as the original funds.

"Alright!" Su Qianyun nodded, "Apart from the 2 billion, are there other industries under the foundation's name?

Li Yi said: "Yes, the three Nebula Hotel, Nebula Amusement Park, Nebula Zoo, and Nebula Botanical Garden under my name are all under the foundation's name.

Su Qianyun suggested: "I think it's better to separate.

You should first set up a Nebula Group and hire professional managers to manage industries such as hotels, amusement parks, and zoos.

The Nebula Education Foundation operates independently.

Hearing this, Li Yi nodded: "That's fine. Then, do you have any thoughts on the development of the Nebula University Education Foundation?"

Su Qianyun said clearly: "I will first refer to the foundations of top famous schools to build the structure, and then start planned investments and set up education fund projects one by one."

Li Yi said with satisfaction: "Then you have to manage it well. In the future, you will be the money bag of Xingyun University!""

Su Qianyun pouted and complained, "Don't be so ugly! It's all for education, okay?

After speaking, she asked again: "Li Xiao, can I hire students to join the foundation?"

"Student? Why do you ask this?" Li Yi was puzzled.

Su Qianyun explained: "Last year, I discovered that many students of Nebula Middle School are very talented in financial management.

Many students made millions in stocks during their third year of high school.

And Nebula University also has many students with outstanding financial talents.

Let them join in.

It can not only train and train them, but also allow them to develop what they have learned in their life, and they can do everything with one stone.

"Okay!" Li Yi nodded, "Then implement it according to your ideas!


Nebula University held a press conference to announce the establishment of the Nebula University Education Foundation.

at the press conference.

Principal Li Yi and foundation president Su Qianyun attended the event.

Facing numerous media reporters, Su Qianyun said slowly: "The Nebula University Education Foundation is a non-public foundation, and a foundation with the nature of a charitable organization.

The purpose is to promote the development of Xingyun University's education, improve the quality of education and academic level, and strive for the support and donations of domestic and foreign groups and individuals.

The Nebula Foundation accepts any voluntary donation from the outside world and will issue a certificate to the donor.

For those who donate a larger amount, or after the donation funds have accumulated to a certain amount, we will set up a memorial or a monument to commemorate them on the campus of Nebula University.

The foundation, for those who are enthusiastic about education and donate a large amount, can be hired as the director unit or director of the foundation.

At present, the original fund of the Nebula Foundation is 2 billion yuan. "

A reporter from Magic Capital TV interviewed: "President Su, what are the projects under the Nebula Foundation?

Su Qianyun replied: "The Nebula Foundation has established scholarships, grants, alumni scholarships, international exchange funds, talent education funds, infrastructure funds, department funds, grade funds, and public welfare funds. 99

A reporter from Fuji Xun interviewed: "President Su, may I ask what other sources of income the Nebula Foundation has besides donations from the outside world?

Su Qianyun replied: "The sources of income of the Nebula Foundation include state subsidies, investment income, wealth management income and so on.

Of course, please rest assured that we will treat the raising, management, operation and use of every fund strictly, so as to establish and maintain the credibility of the foundation.

Next, Su Qianyun talked eloquently.

She introduced the development plan of the Nebula University Education Foundation in detail, which was widely recognized by media reporters.

After the conference is over.

The news of the establishment of the Education Foundation of Nebula University spread all over the Internet in a short time.

Today, there are nearly 500 university foundations across the country.

There are not many more, and there are many less.

However, as soon as the Nebula Foundation was established, it has received a large number of donations from all walks of life.

The total donation amount exceeded 100 million yuan!

This surprised many people.

Nebula University is only a university that has just been established for more than 2 months, where did it get such a big face?

Soon, the media broke the news.

The original 3.7 donors are the parents of Nebula students.

In the past two years, the education model of Xingyun Middle School has allowed a famous scumbag to enter the 985 and 211 famous universities, which changed their lives.

Parents are naturally aware.

Moreover, it is very cheap for students to eat delicious delicacies, north-south dishes, seafood steaks in the cafeteria every day.

In addition, Nebula Middle School does not accept donations or red envelopes. Every time a student wins, the school also awards a lot of bonuses.

This has left parents feeling very uneasy.

Taking advantage of the establishment of the Nebula University Education Foundation.

Parents find ways to give back to school.

They donated 100,000 yuan, and the other donated 50,000 yuan, and the total amount went up instantly.

Netizens couldn't help but sighed after learning about the incident.

Nebula Four Schools, of course, spends a lot of money.

But every penny spent on Nebula students is something that parents know in their hearts.

Perhaps, this is also a sense of seeking benevolence and benevolence!

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