City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 68 Academic papers, submitted to scientific journals!

Nebula University.

School of Life Sciences.

in front of an office.

Freshman Huo Xing knocked on the door respectfully.

"Come in!"

A breath of air came.

Huo Xing slightly pushed open the door cautiously and came to a professor who was about 60 years old.

He said politely: "Professor Zhuo, I'm Huo Xing, a freshman majoring in biological science. I recently wrote a paper, both in Chinese and English, can you help me read it? 35

Zhuo Maode glanced at Huo Xing and nodded.

He had an impression of this student, and he was very smart when he was in class.

Next, Zhuo Maode took the U disk from Huo Xing, put it into the computer usb interface, and read the paper.

He asked curiously: "It's only been two and a half months since the start of school, why did you think of writing a thesis?"

Huo Xing smiled shyly: "I heard other students say that papers and reading notes are a way to solidify knowledge and thinking. If you are fortunate to publish academic papers, it will also be good for future postgraduate entrance examinations.

Zhuo Maode applauded slightly: "Yes! Writing a paper is like a bee gathering honey. The fragrance of a book is like a flower, the essence of the book is like pollen, and the paper is the two bee legs used to attach the pollen. 02"

conversation room.

The thesis has been read.

The title appears on the screen.

"Estimated Abundance of Tyrannosaurus Rex".

Seeing the title, Zhuo Maode asked with a smile, "Why do you suddenly think of writing a paper about dinosaurs?"

Huo Xing scratched his head and blushed: "Lingard is very popular in the football world recently, and everyone is making fun of it. Dinosaurs died out because their forelimbs were too short to applaud Lin Huang. So I had a flash of inspiration and thought of studying this... …”

Zhuo Maode smiled and said nothing more, and began to read the paper seriously.

He is a professor of biological sciences and understands the concept of "abundance" very well.

Species abundance refers to the number of species in the community.

In different communities, the abundance is also different according to the different environment and geography.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex was the most terrifying overlord of the Cretaceous period and has long since become extinct.

Estimating its abundance is a very tricky job.

In this paper, Huo Xing estimated that during the 2.4 million years that the Tyrannosaurus rex lived, there may have been up to 42 billion Tyrannosaurus rex on the earth!

Of course, so many Tyrannosaurs didn't appear at the same time.

Huo Xing used the relationship between body size and population density of extant species, combined with current knowledge of Tyrannosaurus rex, such as size, weight, growth pattern, reproductive age, life expectancy and other factors.

He used the data to build a model to calculate population variables and survival rates for juvenile T. rex, taking into account the abundance of T. rex fossils that had been excavated in the strata.

The final research conclusion is.

The total number of Tyrannosaurus rex that have ever lived on earth is between 140 million and 42 billion, with the most likely number being 2.5 billion.

There are about 20,000 adult Tyrannosaurus rex living on earth at any one time.

There are 20,000 Tyrannosaurus rex, distributed in an area of ​​about 2.3 million square kilometers, with an average of about 100 square kilometers.

Zhuo Maode saw this, and his heart turned violent.

The research conclusions in the thesis are not fabricated out of thin air, but are justified and convincing.

Is this really a paper written by a freshman?

Wouldn't it be copied from a foreign research paper?

thought here.

With suspicion, Zhuo Maode randomly intercepted a piece of paper and searched it with Du Niang.

no match!

After thinking for a while, he logged on to a paper review website and uploaded the entire paper.


Qualified can no longer qualify!

Zhuo Maode raised his head and looked at Huo Xing sharply: "You really wrote this paper?

Huo Xing, who was still a little cautious just now, said with a firm face: "Professor Zhuo, this paper is really written by me!""

Seeing Huo Xing's clear eyes, Zhuo Maode nodded slightly and continued to look at the papers on the computer.

After a long while.

Zhuo Maode rejoiced: "The process of your argument is very clever, but there is a problem with the typography.

The wording of the details and the format of the citations are slightly off, but these are minor issues.

Put the paper here first, and I'll change it for you. 55

Huo Xing quickly thanked: "Thank you, Professor Zhuo!

Zhuo Maode smiled kindly.

He was very satisfied with the freshman in front of him.

The major of biological science, the content of freshman year, is mainly to cultivate students' basic theory and basic knowledge of biological science and technology.

When he worked in a top prestigious school before, few scholars were able to complete academic papers of this level in their freshman year.

Zhuo Maode suddenly remembered something and asked, "Xiao Huo, have you decided which journal to submit this paper to?"

Huo Xing said truthfully: "I just finished my thesis and came to you for advice, I haven't decided which one to vote for!"

Zhuo Maode was in a good mood at the moment and patiently explained: "The three top international academic journals are "Nature", "Science", "Cell", that is, "Nature", "Science", "Cell".

As long as you can publish a paper in these three journals, it will be useful to publish more articles than you can in ordinary journals.

Hearing this, Huo Xing nodded.

These three academic journals, he has long been like thunder.


Journal of Natural Science, impact factor 41.577.

The world's oldest international scientific journal, founded in 1869, consistently reports and reviews the most important breakthroughs in global science and technology.

Covering life sciences, natural sciences, clinical medicine, physical chemistry and other fields.


Scientific journals, impact factor 41.058.

It is an academic journal published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science and is one of the most authoritative academic journals in the world.

It mainly publishes the latest scientific research results, covering various disciplines.


Cell Journal, impact factor 31.398.

The best academic journals in the biological sciences.

Huo Xing knew very well in his heart that if his paper was fortunate enough to be published in these three academic journals, it would be of great benefit to him after the post-683 postgraduate entrance examination.

After graduation, hrs of major business units will also give him a high look.

At this time, Zhuo Maode suggested: "Since you haven't thought about it, I suggest you submit to the "Science" journal.

"Okay! I'll listen to you." Huo Xing responded quickly.

Two days later.


Zhuo Maode returned the USB flash drive to Huo Xing.

"I have already revised the paper, and there are not many parts that need to be changed, so I won't be ashamed to ask you to add my name."

Hearing this, Huo Xing's heart suddenly froze.

Although he is introverted, he has also heard of some rules in the education industry that require a co-signature.

When he came to ask Professor Zhuo to revise the paper two days ago, he had made a plan in his heart.

To be able to publish as a second author, he is already content.

Huo Xing hurriedly said: "Professor Zhuo, your name must be added to the paper! Without your guidance, the format of my paper is wrong, and the submission will also be returned!

Zhuo Maode smiled and shook his head: "You child...

I'll help you make a layout and modify some minutiae things.

This is far from academic discussion, let alone co-signature.

I don't care about the rules of other professors, at least I don't have this rule here! 39

Given his status in academia, this has long been uncommon.

And for Huo Xing.

An independently published paper is precious.

Professor Zhuo sees this very clearly,

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