City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 69 The scientific journal of science is released, and Nebula University is proud!

"Science" editorial department.

John is an academic editor for scientific journals and is a graduate of MIT.

His daily job is to browse papers submitted from all over the world, select some high-quality papers, and submit them to the editor-in-chief for review.

To be honest, he has been very depressed recently.

There are many papers in the mailbox, but very few high-quality papers.

Many top scholars have submitted their papers to the "natura" natural academic journal in London.

In just one week, the new issue of the scientific journal will be published.

If there are no more high-quality papers.

He will definitely be scolded by the editor-in-chief.

John browsed through the papers in the mailbox, and said in his mouth: "This one doesn't work, this one doesn't work either...

Reading room.

He was suddenly attracted by a paper titled "Estimated Abundance of Tyrannosaurus Rex".

Looking at it, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

This academic paper is of high quality!

The authors used a data model to calculate the total number of Tyrannosaurus rexes that have ever lived on Earth.

In the paper, each reference is well documented, and the data in all aspects are very detailed.

After reading the content of this paper patiently, John nodded approvingly.

He looked at the signature of the paper: Huo Xing (Xingyun University of Xia Guo).

John was stunned.

Nebula University?

How had he never heard of this school before?

Despite not having heard of the university, John has to admit that the paper is of high quality.

After his paper was checked, it passed the preliminary review immediately.

Then, he sent Huo Xing's academic paper to five reviewers of scientific journals for review.

Estimating the Abundance of Tyrannosaurus Rex belongs to the field of biological sciences and requires cross-review by experts in the field.

Nebula University.

The teachers and professors of many colleges, like Professor Zhuo Maode, received students' requests for dissertation guidance.

These papers cover the fields of life science, mathematics, physics, chemistry, agriculture, medicine, astronomy, geography, environment, materials, engineering technology and so on.

None of them expected it.

Why did the group of freshmen at Nebula University suddenly become interested in academic research?

It shouldn't be!

Academic research has always been the field of academic tyrants, not ordinary people.

What kind of fun are you, the college entrance examination students who failed?

Of course, in line with the attitude of being responsible to the students, the teachers of each subject still rigorously help the students to revise their papers.

I don't know if I don't see it, I'm shocked when I see it!

Huh, the level of the thesis is quite high.

For a time, the originally laid-back teachers of Nebula immediately helped the students with the typesetting and formatting of their papers, and they were very busy.

in numerous academic papers.

Most of them have not reached the threshold of the three top international journals of "Nature", "Science" and "Cell".

But being included in sci journals is not a big problem.

Thinking of this, the teachers of Nebula were full of energy and kept busy.

December 1.

"Science" scientific journal published.

After its release, the latest issue of the content immediately aroused widespread concern in the academic community.

Xia Guo academia.

When teachers from various schools saw the paper "Estimating the Abundance of Tyrannosaurus Rex" in the journal, they were stunned.

what's the situation?

Is the author a freshman at Nebula University?

Are you right?

With curiosity, everyone read the paper carefully and found that the quality is very high.

Xing Huo, a student of Nebula, used the relationship established between body size and population density of extant species.

Characteristics such as density, distribution, total biomass and species persistence were estimated for one of the most famous dinosaurs, the Tyrannosaurus rex.

And revealed many previously hidden aspects of its population ecology.

Many teachers have expressed emotion that a genius has appeared in the group of students who failed the college entrance examination at Nebula University!

You must know that the papers that can be published by the three top international academic journals, "nature", "science", and "cell", are one in a hundred, or even one in a thousand.

in a sense.

Once a paper is published in these three journals, it can not only reflect the academic level of the author, but also reflect the academic strength of a university.

And, in many cases.

Papers that can be published in the three top journals often have a significant impact on the global scientific and technological field.

For the author, it can be bragging for a lifetime!

nearly 5 years.

This is the ranking of the number of papers published by domestic universities in the three major journals.

Huaqing University has 87 articles, ranking first.

Yenching University ranked second with 53 articles.

Fudan University has 28 papers, ranking third.

Zhejiang University has 27 papers, ranking fourth.

Xiaguo University of Science and Technology ranked fifth with 25 articles.

Jinling University has 8 articles, ranking 11th.

Jiangcheng University has 6 articles, ranking 14th.

Harbin Institute of Technology has 5 articles, ranking 18th.

Shonan University has 4 articles, ranking 21st.

Jincheng University has 3 articles, ranking 28th.

Southeast University has 2 articles, ranking 37th.

South China University of Technology 1, ranked 54th.

According to this list.

The number of papers published by Xingyun University in the three major journals has already tied with South China University of Technology, and is tied for 54th in the country!

This surprised a lot of people!

You must know that Nebula University is just an undergraduate institution that has just been established for 3 months.

There are only freshmen in the school.

Sophomores, juniors, seniors, graduate students, master's students, doctoral students, not a single one!

There are 3,005 institutions of higher learning across the country, excluding junior colleges and adult institutions of higher learning, and 1,258 undergraduate institutions.

So many undergraduate colleges are not comparable to the newly established Nebula University, what is this doing?

have to say.

Nebula University has once again become the center of attention.

at the same time.

In the National University Forum, students from various schools are also talking about Nebula University.

"`" What the fuck?! (Wang Qianhao) There are students from Nebula University publishing academic papers in "science", this is too exaggerated 々 "?"

"Xingyun University is a bit outrageous this time, and it has made many schools look like they are not in the light of their neighbors!

"If the academic paper of Huaqing Yan University was published in Science, I would not be surprised at all. But the student paper of Xingyun University was selected, but I was still surprised!"

"By the way, aren't all the 50,000 Nebula students who failed the college entrance examination, why did someone suddenly become a scholar?"

"Hey, people can change! My grades were also very poor two years ago, and I was studying at the Magic City Nebula Middle School. Wasn't I recommended to go to Huaqing University before the college entrance examination? 39

"Upstairs netizen, can you speak?"

"That's it! What are you pretending to be! Look at what he said, is this human? What does it mean, 'Isn't it recommended to go to Huaqing University'?"

"Hey, I'm sorry... It's amazing to be admitted to Huaqing University, that is, you can do whatever you want in the National University Forum! Come to our school and hit me!"

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