City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 92 Nebula students are crushed academically, desperate Russell Group students!

Xia Guo College Forum.

The major universities are talking about the visit of the Russell University Group.

"Today is the day when Nebula University and 24 universities in the Russell Group hold an exchange seminar. How is the progress?"

"Xingyun University is a c11 league school, I hope you don't lose too badly!"

"Although I am confident in the fans of Nebula University, I have to admit that the Russell Group is too good! Nebula students may be crushed by them in the academic field!

"Hey...Xingyun University has been very smooth in China in the past two years, and has never been beaten by society. I hope this defeat will make the students of Nebula feel a little more urgent."5

In the discussion room.

A live broadcast post was pinned high.

"Report! College Symposium Math Group Battle Report Released!"

The poster is a student of Magic Capital University of Technology who is a cross-school minor at Nebula University.

He reported: "In the latest battle situation, Lin Yikai, a sophomore freshman at the Nebula School of Mathematics, proved the Hodge conjecture in the narrow sense and shocked the audience! For details, please click the video link.

In the comment area, countless college students made a sensation.

Hodge conjecture!

This is one of the seven major mathematical "710" problems in the world.

Ordinary people can't understand it, and they can't even do popular science about it.

A formal formulation of the Hodge conjecture requires at least a PhD in mathematics.

But now...

Hodge Conjecture Proved by Nebula Students?

This is too outrageous!

The crowd watched the video link and spoke at the same time.

"Wodetian! Now that the Nebula University has made a big deal, it will shock the mathematics world immediately! 35

"Weakly asked, 'On non-singular complex projective algebraic varieties, any Hodge class is a rational linear combination of algebraic closed-chain classes.' Why can't I understand this sentence?

"Nonsense! If you can understand it, you are a PhD in mathematics! You know, algebraic geometry is the crown jewel of mathematics!

"Blow up! Just rely on Lin-Kay to prove Hodge's conjecture in the narrow sense, and next year's Fields Medal is his!"

"Huh? Why not this year?"

"Stupid! Fields awards it every four years, and the award will be officially awarded next year at the International Congress of Mathematicians in 2026!

"Let me tell you about popular science, the Fields Medal is known as the Nobel Prize in mathematics, and it is the highest international award in the field of mathematics!

"Landlord, investigate and report again! We need to know more information!"

Nebula University.

School of Life Sciences, Multimedia Conference Room.

The biological field exchange meeting is going on.

on the high platform.

Shi Kexin, a female student of Nebula, is telling everyone about her latest research results.

She pointed to the paper on the big screen and said slowly: "It is well known that HIV virus can lie dormant in the patient's cells for a long time without transcribing, so it will not be detected by the immune system."5

However, we already have therapeutic strategies to 'activate and kill' the HIV virus.

This therapeutic strategy, designed to reverse this latency, makes infected cells easier to eliminate by the immune system by increasing the expression of viral genes.

With the assistance of Nebula University Biological Research Center.

We took advantage of interventions in animal models using a drug called azd5582, which activates the transcription factor nf-kb – a major stimulator of gene expression for hiv-1.

Depletion of cd8+ T cells through antibody therapy first reduces immune cells at the level of viral transcription. Then n-803 drug treatment, the drug can activate the transcription of hiv-1.

The combination of the two immune interventions can effectively kill the HIV virus in the patient's cells..."

Under the high stage. Excited

Russell Group biology students and professors were stunned.

Shi Kexin's research results can be called another major breakthrough in the field of life sciences.

If internationally renowned biologists launch this research result, they will take it for granted.

But the Nebula female student in front of me is only a sophomore!

Do you want to be so exaggerated?

For a time, the professors of the Russell University Group looked at each other.

The exchange seminar clearly could not go on.

The level of the students on both sides is not at the same level at all.

They can't go up and discuss with Nebula students in person, can they?

Nebula University.

Ocean Academy.

Communication workshops are in progress.

On the high platform, Zhang Qi, a student of Nebula, talked eloquently.

He pointed to the paper on the big screen and said with high spirits: "We are assisted by the Ocean Research Center of Nebula University.

The important parameters reflecting the characteristics of sea ice, such as sea ice coverage area, sea ice density, sea ice speed and sea ice thickness in the Arctic region, are simulated by using a numerical model of ocean-sea ice coupling.

In addition, we conducted a comprehensive comparison and verification with various sea ice observation data from the Xiaguo Ice and Snow Data Center, and successfully reproduced the temporal and spatial changes of Arctic sea ice in the past 40 years.

We have captured the distribution characteristics of anomalous years of sea ice change, and analyzed in detail the response and sensitivity of sea ice to changes in meteorological factors including heat flux, long- and short-wave radiation, and wind stress..."

After Zhang Qi explained his latest paper to everyone.

Feng Yuan boarded the high platform and recounted: "We have begun to improve and develop new jet ships through our experience in manufacturing the Nebula ship.

The brand-new Nebula will adopt new technologies such as shaftless rim propulsion system technology, ballast-free ships, low-emission high-efficiency jet power units, and lightweight materials to build a new jet-powered ship.

By the way, the shaftless rim propulsion system technology subverts the structural design of the existing electric propulsion system, and combined with the rim drive technology, it belongs to the shaftless rim drive propeller.

Shaftless rim thruster with integrated motor and thruster.

The propulsion efficiency is excellent, which overcomes many shortcomings of the traditional propulsion system and is extremely subversive.

It is expected that the construction of Nebula 2 will be officially completed in one year.

At that time, a new type of shaftless rim-propelled jet boat with the fastest speed of 560 kilometers per hour will appear in front of everyone...


Students and professors at the Russell Group were bewildered.

In terms of theoretical knowledge, they are no match for Nebula students.

In terms of practical operation, they are still not as good as Nebula students.

What is this discussion about?

Just learn from you and you're done!

Nebula University.

School of Mechanical Engineering.

Communication workshops are in progress.

On the high platform, Sun Chang, a student of Nebula, was talking eloquently.

While introducing his latest paper, he said: "my country is a strong country in the field of rail transit, and new technologies are constantly being displayed.

With the assistance of the school's engineering research center, we have carried out a hyperloop vacuum pipeline high-temperature superconducting maglev traffic experimental system and a rail transit system safety comprehensive test, verification and evaluation platform some time ago.

The lateral acceleration in the pipeline loop of the hyperloop train is lower than that of the subway, which can effectively prevent passengers from motion sickness.

The train pipes are made of aluminum alloy, and the capsule cabin is specially designed to reduce friction caused by moving parts and air resistance.

The innovative design theory and wide applicability of this technology will make it a model of a new generation of ground transportation, subverting the traditional ground transportation system.

At the same time, we also cooperated with the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics of Xingyun University to establish a space supersonic ground transportation system.

The purpose of this transportation system is to build a national super-city cluster flying train transportation network..."

Under the high stage.

The students and professors of the Russell Group are still bewildered.

Do you Nebula students want to be so exaggerated?

The high-temperature superconducting maglev train in the vacuum pipeline is always in motion, and the supersonic ground transportation system in the space is always in motion.

How does this allow them to communicate?

Is this still mechanical engineering as they understand it?


Nebula University.

School of Astronomy.

Xu Shengfan, a student of Nebula, is telling everyone about his thesis.

"For the past 13 years, radio telescopes around the world have been detecting powerful bursts of radio waves known as frbs to achieve 'fast radio bursts'," he said brightly.

Until now, these seemingly random bursts of energy have been considered one of the most mysterious cosmic events ever discovered.

Due to the extremely short duration of the frb, lasting only a few milliseconds, it is almost impossible to precisely locate and analyze it.

However, according to our latest research findings, frbs come from magnetars - magnetic stars in our galaxy!

This star produces more energy in a few millimeters than the sun can emit in millions of years..."

Under the high stage.

The students of the Russell University Group are still confused.

real or fake?

Astronomers around the world have been unable to locate and analyze the frb's burst of radio waves.

Why are your Nebula students able to accurately locate?

All are college students.

Why are you so stupid?.

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