City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 93 There are millions of colleges and universities in the world, and they must bow their eye

Each of the 24 research universities in the Russell University Group is regarded as a top university in the Eagle Country.

Oxford University, majors in business, management, economics, engineering, geography, environmental studies, mathematics, etc., ranked first in the Eagle Country.

Cambridge University ranks first in the Eagle Country with majors in architecture, biological sciences, history, education, chemistry, law, medicine, linguistics, and sociology.

University College London ranks among the best in art, architecture, mathematics, philosophy and other majors.

Imperial College of Technology, with majors in earth and ocean science, engineering, mathematics, etc., is among the best.

London School of Economics, Management, Anthropology, Sociology and other majors, among the best.

The University of Manchester ranks among the best in anatomy, physiology, computer, dentistry, pharmacy, music, drama, dance and other majors.

University of Bristol, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, pharmacology and other majors, among the best.

The University of Leeds ranks among the best in accounting, finance, agriculture, forestry, food and other majors.

The advantageous majors of 24 universities cover almost every field in the world.

Moreover, the education system of Eagle Country cultivates professionals!

After students enter the university, they have to determine the major direction and work hard in a certain field.

This leads to each of them being very good in their majors!

When I just set foot on the land of Xia Kingdom.

How arrogant and arrogant they are.

Although he has been complaining all the time, it is a waste of time to come to Xiaguo to hold a college exchange seminar.

But I definitely hope that it will shine. 02

Let the students of Xia Guo know what is the top student of Russell University Group!

But now...

Nebula students, in their proudest and proudest major, beat them.

This is a huge psychological blow to them!

At this moment, top students such as Eddie, Baker, Rodney, and Sheila were extremely disappointed.

Eddie laughed at himself: "I thought we could crush all the colleges and universities in the c11 league.

Now that I think about it, it's ridiculous!

Nebula University is a university founded less than 2 years ago.

But we can't even compare to their students...

Xia Guo's university is really terrible!

Yenching University was founded 127 years ago.

Huaqing University was founded 114 years ago.

How terrible should the students of their two schools be? 35

Seeing that Eddie had risen to the height of the school again, everyone was speechless.

What is the relationship between the academic level of students and the history of the school?

If the school has been established for a long time, the students can have a high level.

The Italian University of Bologna, founded in 1088, has long been invincible!

But at this time, they were not in the mood to tease.

Baker also laughed at himself: "Why am I not a frog at the bottom of a well? I look down on this, I look down on that. Now think about it, the clown is actually me!"

Sheila sighed and smiled bitterly: "As I said earlier, Nebula University is a school with very strong comprehensive strength, and its students have won championships in various competitions.

In this exchange seminar, although we were easily crushed by them, there was always something to gain, right?

Everyone calm down and take it easy.

We will go to other colleges and universities in the c11 alliance next to continue the exchange and discussion!

After a moment of silence, Eddie shook his head and said, "I don't really want to go.

Nebula students have proved Hodge's conjecture in the narrow sense and have entered the ranks of top mathematicians.

And I'm still standing still.

The only thing I want to do now is to go back to Oxford and study mathematics harder!

The voice just fell.

Baker nodded in agreement: "I don't want to go either.

For the students of the Russell Group, it is enough to be defeated once.

We and other universities in the c11 alliance will continue to exchange and discuss for 10 times.

If you lose everything, will you still be alive in the future?"

Hear this.

Sheila hesitated: "The academic level of students from other universities in the c11 league is not as high as that of Nebula University. We will not lose 11 times in a row! 95

Rodney on the side said: "Sheila, you don't need to say it. For the students of the Russell Group, losing once is heart-wrenching enough.

Sheila nodded slightly and said nothing more.

at the same time.

Other Russell Group students, like Eddie Baker and others, are not ready to continue their exchanges.

The Chancellor of Imperial College Keith, who learned that the students wanted to go back to the school for further study, also agreed.

This academic exchange seminar.

Although it was crushed by the Nebula students.

But the students have grown.

They will no longer be arrogant because they are Russell Group students.

Case is very pleased with this.

A brief failure doesn't mean anything.

In the future, this group of students who have experienced failure may become even better!

So, after he and Li Yi resigned, they went home with thousands of students.

Xia Guo College Forum.

"Report~~ Nebula students, in the field of life sciences, easily beat the Russell University Group!

"Report~~ Nebula students, in the field of marine science, easily beat the Russell University Group!"5

"Report~~ Nebula students, in the field of mechanical engineering, easily beat the Russell University Group!

"Report~~ Nebula students, in the field of astronomical science, easily defeated the Russell University Group!

"Explore and report again!

"Yes! 99

"Report~~ Nebula students, in the field of architecture, easily beat the Russell University Group!""

"Report~~ Nebula students, in the field of history, easily defeated the Russell University Group! 99

"Report~~ Nebula students, in the field of medicine, easily beat the Russell University Group! 39

"Report~~ Nebula students, in the field of law, easily defeated the Russell University Group! 35

"Explore again! 99

"Yes! 55

"Report~~ Nebula students, in the computer field, easily beat the Russell University Group!""

"Report~~ Nebula students, in the field of economics, easily beat the Russell University Group!""

"Report~~ Nebula students, in the field of sociology, easily beat the Russell University Group!"5

"Report~~ Nebula students, in the field of linguistics, easily beat the Russell University Group! 35

"And then again and again and again! 35

"Sir, all the professional fields of the Russell University Group have been wiped out! What else do you want to instruct?

"Go away, I don't need you anymore!"

"Damn, pick up the bowl to eat, put down the bowl and curse the mother, it's just like you!"

Inside the University Forum.

The gongs and drums were loud, and the firecrackers were blaring.

A joyous scene.

Students in various colleges and universities have put down their portal views and put down the school's contempt chain.

Uniformly praised Nebula University.

"Xingyun University Niubi! Raise the might of our country!

"Congratulations to Nebula students! Congratulations to Nebula University! Congratulations to Xia Guo's education!"

"There are millions of colleges and universities all over the world, and you must lower your eyebrows when you meet me!

"Suddenly I heard that there are nebulae in the demons, and they are too high to reach!""

"Students of Nebula speak true martial arts, and the sky is the ink and the earth is the book! 39

"Seeing the fairy in the colorful clouds from a distance, the magic city of Xingyun Town, the universe!

"How much blood and sweat you donate, the students of Nebula will be famous!

"There is a nebula before the sky, and Russell has become an immortal! 55

"The Luo 710 group is in vain, and the world returns to the nebula! 35

"On Smart Island, on the coast of the East China Sea, the peaches and plums do not speak, and they form their own trails.

"Put the hibiscus in your hands and sneak up on Taiqing. Now that the nebula is gone, I won't return it to the world!"

The students racked their brains to praise Nebula University, for fear of falling behind.

A talented student even imitated the format of "World Football" and published a long article.

"26-year-old Li Yi looked into the distance with affection,

Recalling what it was like to study at Yanda University.

The confusion of the principal for 4 years has already made him lose his former edge.

Looking back, the surprise of the past has turned into a swan song.

forget, forget.

There are also a few people who are thinking about the past of Li Yiyan University students.

Nebula Middle School.

It was once sung as a joke.

sing, sing...

The best love is to let go,

The best care is to be far away but to meet each other.

22-year-old Li Yi left Yenching University,

With his father's expectations, he became the principal of Nebula Middle School.

The young principal was slightly jerky,

The distant Yan University campus is no longer home.

But fate seems to be so miraculous,

Yet life always seems so exaggerated.

Li Yi patted the dust on her body,

fade away the melancholy,

Become the President of Nebula University!

c11, double first-class.

The crushing of the Russell Group is heartbreaking!

Li Huang, Li Huang.

Help Nebula students become the strongest in the country!

brilliant, brilliant...

Even though education is not always smooth sailing,

A kind and kind smile always hangs on his face.

Maybe Li Huang is no longer young,

Maybe soon, Li Huang will not be rampant.

But I can experience the era of Emperor Li in my lifetime,

My youth is destined to no longer be confused.

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