Civilization of Azeroth: Start the Great Pyramid

Chapter 185: Copy: Never be a slave!

"Ding~, please note that the leader has triggered a large-scale special mission: World War! (Subline 1: Never be a slave!)

Mission description: The noble shamanic teachings were abandoned to the ground, blindly pursuing power and ignoring glory, causing great pain to both worlds. Defeating them will be the first step for you to make a strong voice in the world from the perspective of strength! "

Since the last system upgrade, Li De almost never called Eureka on his own initiative, which made the astronomical number of hundreds of thousands a little discouraged.

However, Li De was surprised by the news brought by Eureka today. It seems that after the system upgrade, the tasks have become more diverse, and they will even take the initiative to release tasks instead of post-mortem confirmation as before.

And the description of this task is also quite interesting. The four words "Never be a slave" not only summarize the rebellious character of the orcs, but also form a great irony in combination with their current situation.

And the word "branch line one" caught Li De's attention the most. It seems that there are many similar branch lines in the system's identification.

Opened the task interface of the system. Compared with the perfunctory sentence in the past, there is now much richer here. The details of the task include:

1. Destroy the enemy's living force 2. Cut off the enemy's logistical supplies 3. Compress the enemy's living space 4. Complete the military occupation of the enemy

After clicking on each item to meet the conditions, some more useful information will also be given. For example, after Li De clicked on the item "Destroy the enemy's living power", what appeared in front of him was a line of red text.

"Every enemy you kill on the front line will become the driving force behind the accelerated production! (Every time you kill an enemy, the leader will get 10 points of productivity!

With the passage of time, Li De sighed that with the change of his identity, the productivity of system rewards also increased when he killed the enemy.

This is not systematic inflation. When you are only a junior officer, the enemies you can kill are insignificant to the whole war. From a microscopic perspective, you can only provide yourself with a little military merit. To put it more cruelly, the loss of a life is worth so much.

Correspondingly, saving people can get ten times the reward. When a person survives, he can create greater value through labor.

Now, every time Li De and his army kill an enemy, he can get the same productivity as saving one, because his identity has changed.

War can already promote production. Every time Li De, who controls the overall situation, kills an enemy, it is the result of the joint efforts of multiple front and rear departments, and naturally he can get more rewards.

After receiving this task, Li De was more confident in defeating the orcs.

Li De admitted that the orcs are very good at fighting, and if they fight face to face, they must go all out against the orcs. But he really doesn't look down on orcs at all, at least on a strategic level.

How to fight, where to fight, who to fight with, and how long to fight, these problems are not considered problems for the orcs at all, so that as long as the operation is done properly, the orcs will be completely led by the opponent by the nose.

Li De never believed that a huge race would be full of idiots, and even murlocs would still have wise men. It was their culture and history that caused the current situation of orcs.

Of course, it can't be said that there are no smart people among the orcs. Fenris and Ner'zhul are the ones that are difficult to deal with. But other people, Li De is still interested in engaging in tactical deception. Grom Hellscream in Stonenard.

After returning to Nightshade that day, Li De famously printed out all the photos and marked them on the large-scale map of Swamp of Sorrows.

The map of the Swamp of Sorrows is like an axe with an axe blade rushing east, only because there is a regular circular lake in the east of the swamp, there is a hole in the blade of the axe.

Below the axe, to the left of the center, is the way to the south into the Blasted Land, like an axe handle, and the Orc Barracks Stonard is set up east of the axe handle.

From this, it can be seen that the orcs had no intention of going west before, and they built Stonard closer to the north route.

When Li De took people to scout Stonard, the orcs basically showed a state where the troops were assembled. If the red dragon was not ordered to blow up the road in time, the consequences would be disastrous.

"We know too little about Swamp of Sorrows other than this big map, and we have to be as familiar as possible with Swamp of Sorrows."

Then Li De took out two more blurry photos after zooming in. The current camera technology is still a bit rough, and the photos taken are not clear enough for Li De's eyes.

"These two people are the local generals, Fenris of the Thunder King Clan and Grom of the Warsong Clan, it doesn't matter if you can't see clearly, remember their general physical characteristics.

Starting today, the soldiers with the most advanced flying skills and the best eyes will be selected from the Griffin Knights, who are specially responsible for performing reconnaissance missions. We need to be familiar with the combat environment and grasp the enemy's movements. "

Kurdran stood up immediately and expressed his obedience to Li De's arrangement.

The flight troops are on the right track very smoothly, in contrast, the training of the ground troops is much more steady.

Li De did not act too impatient. The main battles in the early stage were defensive battles, and the most important task was to defend the line of defense, which did not require too much complicated tactical training.

The speed of building fortifications on Eberlock's side is still very fast, especially Li De used the round training method for the army of 5,000 people, and the soldiers also participated in the construction of fortifications when they were not training.

Sandwiched between the Swamp of Sorrows and Dusk Forest is the long and narrow Deadwind Valley, which can be said to be the most secluded area in the kingdom.

Before the orcs invaded Azeroth, the Swamp of Sorrows and the Blasted Land east of Deadwind Valley were places that no one would ever go to, so it can be said to be one of the dead ends of the kingdom.

Because of the narrow terrain and roads, it is also called the Deadwind Trail.

Li De built the fortification on the west side of the Deadwind Path. The road here is only three or four meters wide, and it is sandwiched between two mountains. Now it is completely blocked by stones and logs. A road more than ten meters high The fortifications are gradually being built.

Speaking of which, the fortifications can be built so smoothly, thanks to Dalaran's mage troops.

According to Chang's ideals, it is absolutely impossible to build tall city wall buildings without making great efforts to lay the foundation and make high-strength adhesives.

After discussing with Kel'Thuzad, Li De and Kel'Thuzad came up with a solution: using shape-shifting magic.

Shapeshifting magic is a huge and important type of magic. It is a compulsory course for almost all mages. Even if it is only an intermediate wizard, it is necessary to learn shapeshifting magic to the extent that it can deform creatures. It is very easy to achieve.

In this way, in the absence of a large number of tools and adhesives, the mages fine-tuned the building materials to create a tenon-and-mortise structure through deformation magic, and it took only three days to build a solid line of defense.

"To be honest, this experience really opened my mind. I really didn't expect that deformation magic could be used like this."

The great wizard Ansrem said with emotion, and Kel'Thuzad smiled reservedly. This is his role as chief of staff in this team. He is one of the few people who understands both magic and military. It can be very helpful in the application of magic.

Li De did not participate in the communication between the two mages, and he was more concerned with practical issues.

"Will the fortifications not collapse again this time?"

This can't be blamed on Li De's nervousness, because when he first used the deformation magic to build the fortifications the day before yesterday, the construction was halfway through, and the deformation magic applied to the building materials all failed, causing half of the fortifications to collapse, and it was caused on the spot. A dozen people were injured, but fortunately no one died.

For this reason, the project had to be stopped. After several hours of discussion, the mages came to the conclusion that the site of the fortification was too close to Deadwind Valley.

Karazhan in the depths of the Deadwind Path is still radiating magical energy to the outside world. The closer the distance, the greater the impact. It is precisely because of Karazhan's influence that the permanent deformation that could have been applied to dead objects can only last for more than ten years. Hours.

The Kirin Tor sent mages to explore Karazhan several times before, but few were able to enter Karazhan, and even those who went in were able to come back alive. Once, Ronin was almost sent to Karazhan to die.

Listening to the mages talking about Karazhan, Li De also had lingering fears. At first, he was only cleaning up the magic puppets in the lower layer, and he almost lost his life there, and he also had a deep understanding of the danger of Karazhan.

So Li De decided to retreat the line of defense by five kilometers, and the line of defense was finally built.

"You can rest assured that the distance of UU reading is obtained through repeated experiments, and the transformation magic is sure not to fail. Of course, for the sake of insurance, we have integrated all the loops of transformation magic on the entire fortification in the At one point, extend the core westward into Nightshade Town. In this way, this magic is equivalent to being cast in Nightshade Town, and Karazhan will definitely not be affected by such a long distance."

Li De was relieved and relieved. Looking at the roadside behind him, there were staffs that extended the magic circuit. He felt the magic of magic and also marveled at the money-burning of magic.

It was such a measure that directly cut off one-fifth of the military spending allocated by Lordaeron!

But to tell the truth, Li De can only say that he made a lot of money to build a solid fortification within three days with one-fifth of the military expenditure.

Of course, don't think about building a city quickly by pointing to this method. Just such a small section of wall will cost tens of thousands of gold coins. If you want to build a large city the size of Stormwind City, I'm afraid it will cost hundreds of millions of gold coins? !

And just after the fortifications were completed, Li De received another piece of good news. His ship of soldiers from Du Huo Hu finally arrived.

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