Civilization of Azeroth: Start the Great Pyramid

Chapter 186: war with generation difference

For this adaptation of the first division of the alliance, Li De has such huge expectations.

However, in the early stage of strategic defense at this stage, Li De did not intend to make them the main force.

Once the 800-strong army of the Hanhai Protector arrives, it will first be reorganized into a division to receive unified command. 700 of them were reorganized into a model reinforcement battalion under the direct command of the division headquarters.

Another 100 men entered the squadron.

The role of these 100 people is mainly to cooperate with the dragon to complete long-distance air strikes, collect intelligence and supplement firepower.

Just after the first air raid was completed, Reed communicated with Buck Romworth about such an arrangement. Although Buck felt that Li De's arrangement was superfluous, he still obeyed the order in the end.

After making all the preparations, Li Decai set his sights on the orcs.

The Gryphon Knights have been searching for information about the orcs for the past few days. Just a few days ago, it was found that Fenris took the team to the north to check the road conditions of the Redridge Mountains.

And just yesterday, Grom, who was staying behind in Stonenard, finally couldn't hold back his 5,000 men and moved westward, and the soldiers were heading straight for Dusk Forest!

"I knew he wouldn't be able to bear it. Our gryphons go to the top of their camp every day. Grom's temperament has endured for several days, which has surprised me."

Li De commented on Grom Hellscream's actions, and sent a squadron without any hesitation.

The four dragons and twenty griffins were dispatched again, just along the Swamp of Sorrows, to carry out airstrikes on the marching procession of the orcs.

And in the course of this operation, Buck Romworth and other four dragons finally felt the benefits of cooperating with the pilots.

There is a wooden and iron hanging basket hanging under each dragon's body. This hanging basket is not large enough to only seat two goblins.

If they thought it was superfluous for Li De to send mortal soldiers into the squadron, then hanging up this hanging basket would simply be a burden.

With such a hanging basket, not only can it not help in combat, but it can even prevent it from landing on the ground for close combat.

Buck Romworth secretly thought to himself, could it be that Li De actually wanted to form a dragon knight, just to take care of the dragon's feelings, so he deliberately made such a crappy design to retreat into advance?

However, after the operation began, the dragons finally understood why the pilot was hanging below them.

A "square box" that can only hold two goblins looks unremarkable from the outside, but actually sitting inside are engineers who are proficient in mathematical calculations.

Only at this angle can they easily draw and collect data. During the battlefield measurement, a goblin engineer will broadcast the current flying height and the effective distance of enemy bows and arrows to the dragon in real time through the speaker in the cabin...

Even Buck himself only knew through the pilot's broadcast what the effective killing distance of his dragon's breath was. In the past, things that depended on feeling would not be counted by dragons, but when applied to war, dataization will become A big killer!

Two flight observers, one to map and one to record data, will also find time to drop some engineering bombs down in the process. It's just that compared to the red dragon's breath, the power of the engineering bomb is nothing more than nothing.


The dragon's attack from the sky finally brought Grom's anger to the extreme, and he roared and threw his battle axe "Blood Roar"!


Gorehowl's original target was the strongest dragon, Buck Romworth, but in the end, it hit a griffin as a guard. He fell down and threw the knight out of him.

Another griffin knight hurriedly swooped over and picked up the fellow knight on the griffin he was riding.

"The air strike mission has been completed, return immediately, and do not cause unnecessary casualties!"

The two goblins under Buck were shocked by the shock just now. One of them hurriedly sounded the alarm in the cabin and shouted his own voice through a loudspeaker.

The goblin who was shouting was none other than Knicks, an explosion expert. Now he is the deputy squadron commander of the flying squadron, and he is specially cooperating with Buck to complete the mission.

Speaking of which, the Knicks are Buck's old acquaintances. The battle that established his status in the Huanhai Duhu Engineering College was fought against Buck and the others on Tidefall Island.

After learning the identity of the Knicks, Buck immediately recalled the powerful cannon.

"Shameful coward!!!"

After the air strike formation headed towards the western sky, Grom pulled a blood roar from the fallen griffin, letting the blood of the griffin spray all over his body and roar.

This air strike caused a lot of casualties to his troops, and of course more were scattered because they couldn't fight back.

After gathering the scattered troops, Grom found that his soldiers had lost more than 1,000 in just this air strike! These are all the best warriors in his Warsong clan!

And the other party only paid the price of a flat-haired beast!

"Coward! Wait until I catch your army! Watch how I tear you apart!"

Grom's face showed a cruel expression. He never paid attention to strategy and tactics in battle, but he had a keen intuition like a beast. He didn't care what tricks his opponent was playing. As long as the opponent's ground troops are killed, the enemy's bells and whistles will be in vain.

It's just that Grom wouldn't know what was waiting for him ahead.


After Grom led the army into the Deadwind Pass, Rao Shi, this unrestricted iron man, also felt interesting and uncomfortable, and other ordinary soldiers even got goosebumps.

The harsh environment and the infiltrating atmosphere here are almost as good as the world of the orcs.

In a lifeless gray world, even the trees are the kind of gray that dry and crack after withering. On the rugged mountain walls on both sides of the road, there are huge spiders, bats and eagles...

Perhaps living in a harsh environment for a long time, these ferocious animals dare to take the initiative to attack hordes of intelligent creatures! They attacked the orc army fearlessly!

Along the way, Grom couldn't remember how many such beasts died under his axe.

Perhaps it was because the Black Dragons were afraid of the Tirisfal Guardians, and the map they gave was not exhaustive about Deadwind Valley, but Grom went west by instinct, completely ignoring the other fork in the road.

Grom took the four thousand orcs. Although they did not stray into the evil Karazhan, when they were about to cross the Deadwind Pass, they were still quite frightened by the sight of the cross of the dead.

When you enter Deadwind Valley from the road out of Duskwood, you will encounter a crooked crossroad, and at the entrance of Deadwind Valley, there are countless souls of wanderers.

The ghosts were the product of another Medivh magical insurrection that, while not as damaging as the one that detonated when he died, killed all life around Karazhan.

Orcs revere the spirit of their ancestors. Although they are not blindly worshipping the souls of other races, so many wailing souls still make some orcs feel uneasy.

But Grom didn't. As the first orc to drink the blood of the devil, all the soldiers of the Warsong clan under him also drank the blood of the devil.

When enjoying the strength brought by the fel energy, the souls of these green orcs were betrayed to the demons.

How can a group of people who even betray their own souls be afraid of a bunch of ghosts without a master?

But just after this orc army passed through a pile of ghosts fearlessly, this group of orcs who officially entered the territory of Dusk Forest also officially started their nightmare.

Unlike the orcs, the human race is taboo against the souls of the dead, so few people in the Dusk Forest will cross the Cross of the Dead. For those ghosts who can't avoid it, even building fortifications, even if they don't consider Karazhan's magical image, they will try to stay away from there as much as possible.

But after the model reinforcement camp of the Hanhai Protector everything changed.

As we all know, a large part of the troops of the Huanhai Protector came from trolls.

Even after several conscriptions in the Terran after the immigration program began, the proportion of troll soldiers remained at around 60%.

There are 700 people in the reinforcement camp, and more than 400 of them are trolls. In order to meet the cooperation of different arms, there are many witch doctors who are good at communicating with souls.

After mercifully appeasing the ghosts, these troll witch doctors tried to talk to them through psychics. In the end, I really got a response from a few souls, so the first division inadvertently added a few ghost scouts.

The troll witch doctors meditating in front of the Pensieve immediately learned that the orcs would arrive here within an hour and a half at most, and immediately reported the military information to the engineering company outside the fortifications. The engineers immediately stepped up and buried all the mines. backed away.

All the troops have done what they should do, and Li De is standing on the observation deck of the defense line, waiting for the arrival of Grom Hellscream.


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