Now the old ancestor Zhang Changsheng and his party have basically considered the core research of this Mount Tai secret realm.

And everyone followed behind the Patriarch, and the area at the core of the Mount Tai secret realm was originally small.

But behind everyone and Zhang Changsheng, they finally rushed to the Leaning Tower of Death.

However, along the way, Zhang Zhiwei and other sect leaders still saw the aftermath of damage caused by the shocking sword of the ancestor Zhang Changsheng.

A large amount of dark brown mud was lifted up, and a black hole with a diameter of more than 100 meters appeared outrageously in front of everyone.

The celestial master Zhang Zhiwei briefly left the team with curiosity, and walked to the black hole that was still braving a little bit of air.

He kicked a small stone with his foot into the front of him, into this unknown black hole.

After a long period of no response, Zhang Zhiwei broke out some cold sweat on his forehead.

He still underestimated the power of the old ancestor Zhang Changsheng, the Flying Sword. Zhang Zhiwei thought that perhaps the energy of this sword was fortunately poured into the ground.

If it broke out outside the earth, 19 probably the core area of ​​the 30-kilometer Mount Tai secret realm is estimated to have been wiped out by the old ancestor.

With a trembling feeling, Zhang Zhiwei returned to the team. The head of Shushan Qingwei on the side frowned and said, "Zhang Zhiwei, what are you doing on the black hole? In case of any accident, we can't save you. I am afraid that you have already clearly felt the power of that sword of the old ancestor."

To be honest, the head of Shushan Qingwei Daoist was also completely shocked by the sword of the old ancestor Zhang Changsheng, and now looking at the huge black hole that is not far away, it is very timid.

Even Chief Qing Wei wondered, what would it be like for this old ancestor to swing a sword with all his strength?

He didn't dare to think about it, and of course he didn't want that unlucky target to be himself.

Tianshi Zhang Zhiwei clasped his own nose and said, "Qingwei, you fellow, how do you ask me how I feel, and how can I feel? The old ancestor is going to pierce the ground with this sword. You still ask me what I am doing."

"So do you want to try the power of Patriarch Sword Qi?"

Zhang Zhiwei is notoriously harmful to others. Obviously, at this point, the head of Shushan Qingwei is not better than him.


Qing Wei said helplessly with a long cough, "I am seriously injured now. I don't have the idea you mentioned, and I'm afraid we don't have time to behave."

Everyone looked at the ancestor Zhang Changsheng in front of him and finally stopped.

And the one in front is the unknown leaning tower with a height of more than fifty meters in the core area of ​​the Mount Tai secret realm.

On the first floor of the leaning tower, there are still a dozen members of the elite guards who had died early and entered this Mount Tai secret realm.

Zhang Changsheng raised his head slightly to look at the members of the guards who had died early, and frowned.

Immediately he turned to Zhang Zhiwei and said, "Zhang Zhiwei, you and a few of the heads of the army will bring down the bodies of these guards and burn them. It can be regarded as sending them off."

As soon as Zhang Changsheng's voice fell, Zhang Zhiwei nodded quickly, and then began to follow Zhang Changsheng's instructions with several heads of the school.

Shen Mubai and Qin Yin looked at each other and jumped off Dragon Turtel's broad turtle back.

When they walked to the place where the body of the guard squad was piled up not far ahead, the two lowered their heads slightly, expressing their own apologies and thanks.

Shen Mubai and Qin Yin knew very well that as long as it was related to the study of the Super S-level mission Spiritual Recovery, the pressure on the guards was very high.

There is no other way. You need guards whether you are exploring strange areas or catching upgraded creatures.

And since the incident of the upgraded creature White Tiger last time, it has also made the capital officials ruthless to cooperate with various ancient martial arts.

Among them, the most worthy of the capital's official attention is Zhang Changsheng, the ancestor of Wudang.

Not every Practitioner is Zhang Changsheng, and Zhang Changsheng is currently the only Practitioner with the highest honorable title in the capital.

This is already the official attitude of the capital, and this is something that other ancient martial arts sects cannot imagine.

Zhang Changsheng carefully looked at the leaning tower in front of him. He always felt that the leaning tower was a bit weird, but he couldn't tell what was strange.

Dragon Turtel also slowly crawled to Zhang Changsheng's side, raised his hind limbs, and looked at the leaning tower in front of him.

And Dragon Turtel also feels more familiar with the leaning tower as he looks at it. If it is simply the things it has touched, he will definitely not forget it.

Although there are speculations in my heart, this is not certain.

Shen Mubai looked at the old patriarch and Dragon Turtel standing quietly in front of the leaning tower, after taking some more pictures.

With curiosity in his heart, Shen Mubai walked to Zhang Changsheng respectfully and said, "Patriarch, do you have any new discoveries in your old man? This leaning tower is really weird. I have never seen it in the world with my knowledge. This kind of building is unique in shape but with an unusually beautiful sense of beauty."

Zhang Changsheng looked at the leaning tower in front of him and shook his head and said, "I didn't get anything, I just felt it in my heart. This leaning tower is very strange and seems to have other functions, but we don't know it."

Naturally, Zhang Changsheng doesn't know much about this kind of antiquity. After all, this is not knowledge that can be made up in time, but depends on learning and current contacts.

Obviously, the ancestor Zhang Changsheng is a Practitioner of Life in modern times.

It's not an old guy who has lived for nearly a thousand years, and Zhang Changsheng knows that although he doesn't know, the little tortoise next to him may already have his own guesses.

It's just that Dragon Turtel is still not sure whether his answer is right or wrong, so he didn't speak immediately.

A hundred meters away from the leaning tower, a fire formed. Zhang Zhiwei briefly moved his own neck and said, "This time the exploration of Mount Tai secret realm is probably about the same. It is time to look for my ineffective disciple. Everyone, we still wait for the old. Patriarch means here."

"After all, this Mount Tai secret realm has been searched by us, except for some peripheral areas."

Obviously Zhang Zhiwei is very satisfied with this trip to Mount Tai secret realm, which feels that it is about to end.

After all, the disagreeable abbot noticed that he was dead, and he also got a lot of useful broken Magical Items.

Master Emei strongly agreed and nodded slightly and said, "Now this matter is almost over, but gathering the disciples we brought is indeed the most important thing, but for the sake of safety, walking with the Patriarch is the best solution. "


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