Dragon Turtel carefully looked at the tower that had been formed without knowing how much time passed, and suddenly it finally noticed the difference in the moss in the middle of the leaning tower.

That quaint pattern is a unique sign of the Sect emblem!

The huge dragon head of Dragon Turtel began to tremble, and the eyes of the golden vertical pupils flashed with excitement and trembled, "Master, we seem to have discovered an incredible existence. We did not expect that such an original ancestor star would have been born before. Does it exist?"

"The Tower of Death, in the legend, only Sect above the six stars is qualified to be a trial ground with the ability to build!"

Dragon Turtel didn't speak very loudly, but it was enough for Zhang Changsheng and Shen Mubai present to hear them clearly.

Zhang Changsheng's face flashed with a strange color, and he said, "What is the Tower of Death, and what is the place of Sect's trial, Little Turtle, have you misunderstood or thought too much."

Although Zhang Changsheng knows that Dragon Turtel has its own knowledge, he should know what kind of tower it is.

But he never expected that this sentence would pop out of his mouth.

Dragon Turtel pointed to an area in the middle of the leaning tower with the claws of the forelimbs and said, "There is a Sect's clan emblem hidden under the moss. Based on this, plus the unique shape of the leaning tower, what I said, the master pretty close!"

Dragon Turtel is undoubtedly the most exciting right now. After all, this is the test site of the Big Sect. If you enter this leaning tower, you will definitely get a lot of rewards for completing the test.

Of course, this also depends on whether the leaning tower can operate normally. If it can, then undoubtedly the importance of this leaning tower can be imagined.

It is estimated that it is also the most important and most valuable heavyweight treasure in this Mount Tai secret realm space.

Zhang Changsheng looked at the swearing Dragon Turtel in front of him, and knew that what Dragon Turtel said should be true with a high probability.

Fortunately, in order to verify the authenticity of what Dragon Turtel said, Zhang Changsheng flew directly to the middle area of ​​the leaning tower.

The entire leaning tower is built of unknown white stones, supported by this dark night, naturally it also has a slightly eerie and weird feeling.

However, Zhang Changsheng waved through the moss on the rocks with one hand, and with a strong air current he wiped out all the moss where Dragon Turtel pointed.

In front of him, a one-meter-sized Sect emblem appeared in front of the ancestor Zhang Changsheng.

After seeing the zong emblem with the blue bird design, Zhang Changsheng knew it in his heart at this moment.

It seems that what Dragon Turtel said is true. This weird leaning tower is really the Tower of Death, the place for the trial of the Great Sect.


The golden beast pupil of Dragon Turtel was proud and happy, and it knew that what it expected was right.

This is all right, the real great opportunity has arrived! And it is a great opportunity that can be obtained by relying on its own strength.

The triumphant laughter of Dragon Turtel naturally attracted everyone's attention, and then gathered around the leaning tower.

After the ancestor Zhang Changsheng fell to the ground, everyone was also waiting with great anticipation for the reply of the ancestor.

After all, all of these things will naturally be done well, and after all, the current Patriarch's right to speak is very large in the minds of everyone.

Zhang Changsheng said flatly, "Although it has been determined that this is the death tower left by the ancient Sect, and the place of trial, it is naturally a chance for us all."

"Little turtle, you can tell everyone why this leaning tower is called the Tower of Death, and some rules after entering the leaning tower. After all, Zhang Changsheng also heard this from Dragon Turtel's mouth, so naturally. Things still need to be explained by Dragon Turtel.

Soon, after a word from the old ancestor Zhang Changsheng, everyone's eyes turned to Dragon Turtel.


Dragon Turtel suddenly burst into tears, and finally it was able to pretend to rely on its own knowledge.

After a few pretend coughs, Dragon Turtel’s huge dragon head solemnly said, "I just heard of these things. The rumor is that no matter what trial site is, it is collectively called Death Tower. It is nothing more than entering. In the Tower of Trial, the death rate is 30%."

"If converted, there is a full one-third chance of death. This is also an important reason for being called the Tower of Death. However, the super-high death rate has a great chance of return. Depending on the Sect's ability, the basic All Sects that have a tower of trial will put a lot of treasures into the tower of trial for ten years."

"Every time you complete the corresponding challenge, you will get a certain treasure reward. As for the others, after entering the Tower of Death, it can theoretically accommodate 10,000 people to cultivate together."

Dragon Turtel made detailed use of what he knew, and gave a rough idea.

But that's it, all the people present who listened to it were also shocked for a while.

If the strength demonstrated by Dragon Turtel before, it has completely convinced the three leaders of Qingwei, the head of Shushan.

Then the explanations and insights spoken this time are breathtaking. Dragon Turtel is like an encyclopedia of the world of martial arts.

And now the celestial master Zhang Zhiwei and others finally understand why even if the old patriarch Zhang Changsheng is so terrifying, the repair Practitioner of the Cultivation Base, why this trip to Mount Tai secret realm space, but also the reason for bringing a Dragon Turtel.

With the existence of such a Dragon Turtel that knows a little bit about everything, still worry about encountering something that I don't understand?

Shen Mubai is worthy of being a very smart person, and immediately thinks of the elite disciples of various sects who came in with the other parts of the disappearance.

She hurriedly said "." The head of the various sects, the little girl here suddenly (Li Zhao) thought that we had not found the elite disciples of various sects when we came along this way. Is it possible that they are already there? Did they all enter this Death Tower without being known?"

To know that this is not impossible, remove the Shaolin lay disciple Li Feng who has been notified by the abbot to kill.

Whether it is Huashan School, Emei School, Shushan School, Dragon Tiger Mountain and Tang Clan, they all have the right to bring elite disciples into this Mount Tai secret realm space.

What Shen Mubai said is very likely to happen.

Dragon Turtel's golden beast pupils wandered around a few times from time to time. In fact, it didn't say the whole story. After all, there were other reasons why the Tower of Death was so precious.

And now Dragon Turtel itself does not have this qualification. The only person who is currently qualified to do this is Wudang Patriarch Zhang Changsheng.


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