This is the fourth day that the old ancestor Zhang Changsheng of Wudang left this Wudang Mountain.

As the current temporary manager of Wudang Mountain, Wang Ye is naturally also a sensitive person after Zhang Changsheng left Wudang Mountain.

After finding a tent, I honestly slept on the shore of the Leijie Pool behind the Wudang Mountain every night.

For Wang Ye, the Thunder Tribulation Pool refined by the ancestor of Wudang Mountain and this dragon carp are very important, in case a deliberate villain deliberately appears when the ancestor is not there.

At least I am here, and I can make this naive dragon carp seriously resist.

After all, Wang Ye didn't worry about the dragon carp's combat effectiveness, even if it was not a spirit beast that was good at attacking.

But it can't hold people. Realm is high. At present, the dragon carp is currently the very few in the world is the third-order realm of beasts!

Far more powerful than the repair Practitioner of the ordinary Martial GrandMaster Realm.

Of course, the gap between this kind of repair Practitioner and the mythological species of beasts will also decrease with Realm's Ascension.

But in the low-level Realm, it is obvious that 19 is the mythological creature to take advantage.

After all, with its own powerful flesh and blood strength, it is enough to make many repair Practitioners of the same Realm ashamed.

But there is only one exception, that is Zhang Changsheng, the ancestor of Wudang, who is currently the only Practitioner who is invincible at the same rank.

This is a fact that cannot be changed at any time, and no one can do that like the Patriarch.

In the dark night, with the passage of time, several figures finally successfully crossed the front mountain of Wudang Mountain and entered the back mountainside, which was the area where the original ancestor lived.

At this moment, Wang Ye fell into a deep sleep early. After all, people who were vigilant would naturally relax their vigilance without any disturbance for four consecutive days.

This is not be lazy, but human nature, and the simple dragon carp has entered a semi-drowsy state.

In the corner of the mountainside behind Wudang, several figures in a forest have slowly moved towards the small wooden house of this iconic building.

Through the night, Li Shengqiang took his black bodyguards through the woods. After all, he came to this small wooden house as the center, which stretched beyond the daily activities of the old ancestor of a thousand meters.

There was a hint of surprise in Li Shengqiang's eyes, but he did not expect that there would be a tent on the bank of the river with a little blue light from time to time.

Immediately, Li Shengqiang squatted on the ground, making professional gestures to the six black bodyguards behind him from time to time.

Obviously, this is not the first time that Li Shengqiang and these black bodyguards have cooperated in this way.

Naturally, two agile bodyguards, holding sharp starting ten-strength daggers, bent over and walked quietly in the direction of the tent.

Wang Ye's Cultivation Base has risen very fast, and now it has reached the fourth-level of the Practitioner, and all five senses are extremely sharp.

And the two bodyguards of Li Shengqiang who were lurking to capture him were not the second-level of Practitioner.

Naturally, the ability to control his own body is far weaker than Wang Ye's.

Being in the tent, Wang Ye suddenly opened his slightly bright eyes.

He already knows that someone is approaching him, and the other person can't be alone!

In this case, I was suddenly thankful that I finally understood the good intentions of the old ancestor, why the dragon carp should be Ascensioned to the Beast Realm before leaving.

I'm afraid it's just for the sake of preventing villains, but Wang Ye also plans to deal with it by himself if he can deal with it himself. It really can't be called a dragon.

Immediately, Wang Ye had a trace of killing intent in his eyes, carefully disguising the own quilt as the illusion that he was still sleeping in it.

Then he cautiously got out of the tent, and his body crawled on the rocky ground near the shore of Lei Jiechi.

And Li Shengqiang's two black bodyguards sneaked into the tent fiercely and unusually.

Then one person decisively took out his own dagger with great strength, and slammed the bedding in the tent.

The soft touch caused the dagger to pierce the bedding and drive a large amount of cotton in the bedding to fly out with the gap created by the dagger.

The black-clothed bodyguard's eyes were surprised and shouted, "No, I'm fooled, let's withdraw first!"

But what Wang Ye was waiting for was such an opportunity for the opponent to lose Fang Cun's heart, and Tai Chi Fist Technique had already opened the battle.

Wang Ye didn't give the opponent any chance, his eyes were bright, his hands suddenly turned Yin & Yang, with Yin & Yang's combined boxing power, shouting "Tai Chi Yin & Yang Bai Shiquan!"

Driven the pressure of the whole body, countless fist marks blasted open along with the tent abruptly, almost instantaneously when the two black-clothed bodyguards had not had time to defend themselves.

He was directly overwhelmed by Wang Ye's densely mixed Fist Technique with femininity and fierceness.

Although the current Wang Ye is no Practitioner fourth-level Realm, he can't even release energy from his body.

But this move he is most proud of, and it is also the ultimate move given to him by the ancestor Professor Zhang Changsheng.

Together with the powerful power of own, there is actually a trace of Tai Chi Yin & Yang Fist Technique.

With the fist marks of great strength and the sound of air riots, the two bodyguards were directly broken by Wang Ye, their bones and internal organs were instantly violently killed and flew dozens of meters away.

Wang Ye's eyes were indifferent, and he gasped slightly and calmly said, "I don't know who your Excellency is. I rashly entered Wudang Mountain at this time. This is the heavy land of Wudang Mountain. Wudang disciples are not allowed to come in at will."

"If the guests have tea, if the enemy is embarrassed, my fist won't agree."

Although Wang Ye is now a Practitioner fourth-level Realm, this Tai Chi Yin & Yang Fist Technique is too exhausting.

According to the attacking style just now, he is still making two strikes at most, hoping that the grade of the enemy this time will not be too outrageous.

Li Shengqiang's eyes were sulky, and he really didn't expect that old ancestor Zhang Changsheng would even guard here.

There are also special people guarding here, and what he didn't expect is that the attack Fist Technique of this little Wudang Taoist in front of him is really mysterious.

Although Wudang disciples have deliberately guarded this place, this also let Li Shengqiang know that something does exist here, and that damn beast spirit carp is also here!


Li Shengqiang didn't care about the death of his two black bodyguards, with a trace of appreciation on his fat face, he walked out from the mountain forest on one side with extreme disdain.

And the four remaining bodyguards in black followed behind them. Judging from their expressionless faces, it seemed that they didn't feel the death of their own companion at all.


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