For these black bodyguards, the two companions who had just died were not enough to make them feel anything.

They have been serving Li Shengqiang all their lives. They have always been like this. Too many people have died before them. Naturally, they are not surprised by such things.

Wang Ye said with a different color in his eyes, "Sure enough, I am still confident. It seems that you all think that tonight's things will be successful, right? You don't even wear a mask?"

"And why the own companion has died, neither of them responds?"

After all, Wang Ye is just a young man. Naturally, he doesn't understand that people like Li Shengqiang, who play with their brains and hearts, are people whose interests are paramount.

Li Shengqiang half-squinted his originally small eyes and walked to Wang Ye, less than ten meters away, disdainfully said, "I raised two weak dogs and died, why should I act? But you, a little Taoist priest, have good potential, are you interested? Come into my hands."

"Naturally, I will train you well, how about it?"

After Li Shengqiang said this sentence, it was obvious that he said it in the same mentality that he should have said before.

The other four black-clothed bodyguards who followed him did not have any dissatisfaction and words.

Wang Ye smiled and shook his head and said, "Really, I am a young man who can't play with you, an old guy who is all 40 or 50 years old. It makes me give up and you can let me go."

"Let’s say, is the purpose of coming here this time for the carp, and if I didn’t guess, you should have colluded with the group of Shaolin disciples last time, but because of the existence of the old Patriarch and his elders, it’s not a long time coming. Dare to do it, and finally find such an opportunity, but I don't plan to let it go."

Wang Ye is very thorough. Although he doesn't know the identity of the group of people from the other party, he still knows the other party's purpose and thoughts thoroughly.

Li Shengqiang's eyes were full of killing intent and said, "You little guy is much more interesting. The waste of Shaolin is just my pawn. As for this time, if you hand over that damn carp beast, I will consider letting you die. Hurry up 々〃."

"Of course, if you don't want to, then I personally don't mind moving your hands more and sending you to death first."

Li Shengqiang likes talents, but he is too transparent to be able to master such a person. He likes to like them, but he must kill them if he wants to kill them.

And every time I met such a young genius and xinxing brain, I would think of my own wasteful son.

If it weren't for Li Shengqiang's birth, I am afraid that Li Feng would have died in his hands early.

Wang Ye's face dignified and put on Tai Chi, and said indifferently, "Although I am repairing the bottom of the Cultivation Base, I still want to fight it. Moreover, the carp is not your property. Now the carp is under the banner of my old ancestor. A spirit beast."

"Excuse me, I'm afraid the Ruyi Scepter abacus you played today will be shattered."

Although Wang Ye is now facing the guy he can't see Cultivation Base headed, he is not too panic.

He just wants to know where his own limit is now.

"Tsk tut..."

Li Shengqiang shook his head, then shook his head slightly and said, "I really don't know how to promote, young man, I want you to try before you die! What is true life is better than death!"

As soon as Li Shengqiang finished speaking, the four black bodyguards rushed towards Wang Ye with terrifying speed.

Although the highest Realm among the black bodyguards is not Practitioner third-level, they can't stand their long-term cooperation.

Making their fighting power together is definitely more than one plus one equals two.

Wang Ye has a calm face and uses his own practice of Tai Chi Fist Technique, Yin & Yang.

For a time, the four black bodyguards, who were both the ultimate move with one person's power and that move, fought back and forth.

Although Wang Ye's Cultivation Base is not as high as the fourth-level Practitioner, he can't stand his own Martial Skill. Even in the face of a four-person siege, not only is his defense perfect, but he also counterattacks from time to time.

There was already a bodyguard in black because he couldn't keep up with the attacking rhythm of Wang Ye, and he was blown out ten meters away with a punch.

With the sound of numbing bones breaking, Li Shengqiang who was present knew very well that his black bodyguard had lost his short-term fighting ability.

This was something he didn't expect, and the more so, it also aroused another ambition of Li Shengqiang.

He knew all about the Cultivation Techniques of each ancient Wu lineage, but this was the first time he really saw the original Tai Chi Fist Technique had such a mystery.

It seems to be much more advanced than the Shaolin Prajna palm, golden bell and iron cloth shirt he currently masters.

This kind of high-rank Gu Wu, he didn't really believe in how powerful Tai Chi Fist Technique was at first.

At this moment, Li Shengqiang's inherent thinking has been completely broken.

A trace of greed flashed in Li Shengqiang's mind for no apparent reason. At his age, at this time period, if he could obtain the essentials of Tai Chi Fist Technique.

Then it's not impossible that you can't learn Tai Chi Fist Technique, so it will make up for the disadvantages of your low Cultivation Technique Martial Skill.

And the little Wudang Taoist in front of him was of course Li Shengqiang's target, but he couldn't kill him right away.

Still have to get Tai Chi Fist Technique profound meaning as soon as possible before killing him!

Obviously, with one less person besieging, Wang Ye already had more spare power to fight back.

In an instant, Wang Ye didn't care about the powerful punch he had suffered.

Enduring the blood that was about to squirt from the corner of his mouth, he immediately used his strongest ultimate move again.

A large amount of blood spilled from the corner of Wang Ye's mouth, and his roaring fists quickly threw out (of the king's) ". ‖Tai Chi Yin & Yang Bai Shiquan!"

In an instant, countless fist prints brought the terrifying power of Yin & Yang's soft power and fierce power, and directly swept the three black bodyguards in front of them.

The power of this Tai Chi Yin & Yang Bai Shiquan is so powerful that Wang Ye is the center, and the rocks and the earth are beginning to crack.

The rocky ground over five meters has collapsed and collapsed to a depth of half a meter!

As the air was driven by the extremely fast Fist Technique violent sound, the three black-clothed bodyguards flew out with screams.


Wang Ye's vision has begun to blur, and his physical strength and energy have been seriously deficient.

Even the physical strength is exhausted, and the power of this trick is also terrifying.

With this trick, the three black-clothed bodyguards abruptly destroyed their opponent's internal organs with fist marks and died on the spot.


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