Zhang Changsheng looked at the Danxia Orb, which was still emitting light blue glow, placed on the damaged stone pier in front of him.

Slightly shook his head at Dragon Turtel and said, "It's useless, you should keep this Danxia Orb Turtle by yourself first, and take it out when you use it later."

Zhang Changsheng still understands the idea of ​​the Dragon Turtel in front of him, and naturally he doesn't say much. As for what, he knows what Dragon Turtel's cleverness is.

Good guy, Dragon Turtel was a little panicked when the ancestor Zhang Changsheng said so.

This is obviously because this Magical Item is missing. Doesn't it mean that as long as Zhang Changsheng needs it in the future, it will have to take out the Magical Item?

Dragon Turtel suddenly felt a bit of pain, after all, after all this, I'm afraid that all of own's privately hidden small vaults will be gone.

Dragon Turtel has been alive for hundreds of years, and naturally has a lot of inventory in his hands.

It can also be said that Dragon Turtel is a treasure chest in disguise. Although there are no extremely precious things in it, there are also a lot of ordinary Magical Items or some weird things.

For a while, Dragon Turtel felt like he was a little boss defeated by someone with explosive equipment.

But helplessly, why call yourself Zhang Changsheng's spirit beast now? Dragon Turtel nodded with tears in his heart, "Master, what you said is right, I was wrong. If you have any needs in the future, tell me."

This is the first time in history that Dragon Turtel has collected treasures so sad.

Many Guwu leaders present saw the terrifying and arrogant big tortoise behaving like a pet in front of Zhang Changsheng.

For a while, it's really good to be happy to see such a sight, or to feel sad for the tortoise.

Zhang Changsheng was very satisfied with the expression of Dragon Turtel in front of him, and then said, "Next, I will enter the Tower of Death to take a look. Little tortoise remember to watch them well and don't let any accidents happen."

In fact, at the beginning, when the teacher Zhang Zhiwei came out that day, Zhang Changsheng had already planned to enter the Tower of Death before Dragon Turtel came out.

But there is no way. If he just goes in like this, if something happens outside the Death Tower, it is unacceptable to the old ancestor Zhang Changsheng.

He can ignore other people, and he can also say that life and death have nothing to do with him.

But Qin Yin, as his own disciple, and the girl Shen is the partner of own, naturally Zhang Changsheng is unwilling to have any accidents between them.

Besides, it is nothing more than waiting for a while, this time Zhang Changsheng can still afford to wait.

And this time he entered the Tower of Death, with the performance of the Dragon Turtel, Zhang Changsheng also rushed to clear the Tower of Death.

Once the customs is cleared, this trip to Mount Tai Secret Realm can also be regarded as an end.

Dragon Turtel said with surprise and expectation in his eyes, "Then I am here to wish the master a perfect pass of the Death Tower!"

Dragon Turtel never doubted the strength of the ancestor Zhang Changsheng.

And it's also a tortoise that broke into the Tower of Death and cleared 30 levels.

Naturally, after knowing part of the Dragon Turtel of Zhang Changsheng's strength, naturally I also look forward to and hope that as its owner Zhang Changsheng will clear the Death Tower.

And it is also curious about what level of Magical Item treasures can be obtained in the Tower of Death if the ancestor Zhang Changsheng clears the level.

Or what can happen after customs clearance, these two points are what Dragon Turtel hopes to see and expect.

And everyone present also heard what the old ancestor said, and undoubtedly they were very expectant and surprised in their hearts.

Qingwei, the head of Shushan, and Feng Siyang, who is the head of Huashan next to him, looked at each other and whispered, "Feng Master, do you think that with the horror of the ancestor's unimaginable strength, can you break this Death Tower? Forty questions or more?"

In the eyes of Shushan Qingwei Daoist, although he very much agrees with and respects the terrifying power of the ancestor Zhang Changsheng.

But I also know the difficulty of the level of the Death Tower, after all, I can know the level of the big tortoise.

At this time, he never doubted that the Patriarch entered the Death Tower to pass fewer levels than the big tortoise.

But as to how many levels can be broken through, according to the inner estimation of Qing Weidao, the forty level of Death Tower is sure to be guaranteed.

Feng Siyang, the head of Huashan Mountain, shook his head and disagrees with Qing Wei Daochang’s statement, "Then you may be too underestimated by the old ancestor and his old man. According to my estimation, he might clear the Death Tower. , And there is still more energy, believe it or not?"

Feng Si Yang is still very accurate, especially when the ancestor Zhang Changsheng killed the abbot who was contaminated with the strange substance.

After all, the horror is like a Sword intent that seems to destroy the sky, but it is not something ordinary people can naturally have.

Even if it is the ancient Wu family of Huashan School who specializes in sword repair, the disciples of the school include Feng Siyang.

There are only four or five with natural Sword intent, but their quality is not high, it can even be said to be very rubbish.

But even if this is the case, Feng Si Yang relies on his own natural Sword intent, not as difficult as the other practitioners, and entered the Martial Master Realm.

Except for that Master Emei is too beautiful, he is also the youngest practitioner to enter the Martial Master Realm.

It can be seen how helpful this natural Sword intent is to cultivate the cultivation and attack methods of the Practitioner.

When Master Qingwei was said by Feng Siyang, he was naturally unconvinced in his heart, and he quickly bet, "That Feng Master, it seems that you don’t believe what the old Dao said, so how about we make a bet, I Bet that the Patriarch’s old man can’t pass 50 levels, you bet he can."

"If I lose, I owe you a favor, and as long as you have something to do with Huashan, I will help you once without violating ethics, and you only need to pay what you got this time. How about the Magical Item of Fanwu level?"

Obviously, the Daoist Master Shushan Qingwei was seriously injured and could not enter this Death Tower trial.

But I also want to get some benefits. Naturally, I also used the old ancestor Zhang Changsheng to enter the Tower of Death.

Let's set up a gambling game and see if the head of Huashan Feng Siyang has the courage to gamble with him.

After all, Feng Siyang is only over forty years old, and naturally has his own anger. Seeing this Qing Wei Dao leader, he is still betting on this matter with himself.

Naturally, he nodded quickly and agreed, "You are a lot older than me, but I have to tell you that your vision is not good. This time I accepted your gambling condition. I just believe in the old master. His old man can pass the Death Tower!"

On the side of Qingwei Daoist and Huashan's head Feng Siyang, they just decided to bet on the matter.

On the other side, outside the Tower of Death, Qin Yin and Shen Mubai walked to the ancestor Zhang Changsheng in unison and respectfully said "Congratulations to the ancestor, your elders, who can pass the death tower. We are waiting outside for you to return. "

At this moment, neither Qin Yin nor Shen Mubai believes in the ancestor Zhang Changsheng.

Only the two of them, apart from Dragon Turtel, have seen the power of the tip of the horrible iceberg of the ancestor in a real sense!

And Zhang Changsheng nodded faintly, as the blue vortex once again appeared at the stone gate at the lower end of the Death Tower.

The stalwart figure of Zhang Changsheng finally disappeared from the periphery of the Death Tower, entered the Death Tower, and started his journey of breaking the challenge.

While Shen Mubai and Qin Yin looked at each other, they both knew what each other meant. They stood directly outside the Tower of Death, and together with Dragon Turtel, patiently waited for their ancestor Zhang Changsheng to pass the customs and return of the Tower of Death!


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