This is also the first time Zhang Changsheng has entered this kind of challenge-like trial.

However, he has a goal for himself, which is to clear the Death Tower, which is the challenge of completing fifty levels.

Because what Zhang Changsheng needs is more than just wanting to know what kind of reward he will get after he has completely cleared the Tower of Death.

What's more important is the task of clearing the Tower of Death issued by his own system.

Among them, the rich quest rewards what he needs most when he is alive. As for what he can get from the Death Tower, it can be regarded as a surprise.

Enter the Death Tower at Zhang Changsheng, and disappear with the blue vortex entrance and exit behind him.

Looking at the card layer number marking the twentieth level in front of him, Zhang Changsheng didn't expect it for a while.

Is this Tower of Death still so human? After figuring out the strength of the ancestor Zhang Changsheng, Realm.

Even the first 20 levels were skipped directly, which directly allowed Zhang Changsheng to start from the 20th level.

Obviously, this Death Tower is quite familiar with the world. Sure enough, 19 Rivers and Lakes is not only about fighting and killing, but also more or less about the world.

And Zhang Changsheng looked at the copper puppet in the center of the 20th level.

Without saying much, waving with one hand, a large amount of black and rich yin aura, before the copper puppet had not reacted, it was instantly killed.

Zhang Changsheng shook his head slightly. It seems that he overestimated the difficulty of the Death Tower.

It didn't mean to make him serious, and afterwards, as Zhang Changsheng almost made a spike, he pushed all the way horizontally.

Pushing to the 30th level abruptly, it is obvious that the huge space, which is close to 10,000 meters, is full of sandy soil.

Driven by wind and sand from time to time, it is located in the core area of ​​this level space.

A terrifying giant snake made of unknown material with a volume of more than one thousand meters is spitting out the snake letter, looking at the human being who is too weak in front of him, Practitioner Zhang Changsheng.

And now this Tier 4 Puppet King Python was naturally the one just defeated by the Dragon Turtel.

Obviously, all card creatures in this Tower of Death are immortal.

As long as the Death Tower has energy, the creatures here will not die.

Of course, this is also the biggest reason why there are all puppet creatures left in the Tower of Death.

If it is a real creature with flesh and blood, how could it be possible to stay in this Tower of Death for so long.

And Zhang Changsheng didn't say much. Although it is a bit trickier to deal with creatures of this level, it is not enough for him to be serious.

It can only be said to move the bones and muscles, following the screams of the fourth-order puppet king python.

Zhang Changsheng has broken the 30th level of the Tower of Death, if there is time to remind him.

Well, it’s only less than six minutes for the Old Patriarch to enter the Tower of Death!

If this time were to let those outside know, I'm afraid it could scare them to death.

Afterwards, the ancestor Zhang Changsheng finally started to speed up, even if the 30th to 40th floors of the Death Tower are all creatures of the Cultivation Base Realm at the Martial King Realm level.

But for the ancestor, isn't it all a move in seconds? There is not much effort to waste either.

At the time when Zhang Changsheng, the ancestor of the Death Tower space logo, had reached the 40th level.

It has already surfaced that Zhang Changsheng has broken the Dragon Turtel record, and now as long as he clears the 40th level, he can quickly reach the fiftieth level.

Obviously this space is not very large, almost like a real desert world.

Zhang Changsheng looked at the humanoid figure a few hundred meters away, and finally brought a smile to the corner of his mouth.

After all, this is also the first humanoid puppet Cultivation Base ever encountered by Zhang Changsheng to reach the Martial Emperor first-level Realm!

At this moment, Zhang Changsheng could finally feel a sense of seriousness.

He also cherishes the existence that can make him serious. After all, he not only wants to defeat the humanoid creature in front of him, but also wants to use this puppet as a sharpening stone to try his own moves.

If what Zhang Changsheng is thinking now, let Dragon Turtel know about it.

Then Dragon Turtel will surely cry out in tears, this scene is familiar with such things.

Because Dragon Turtel was once fortunate enough to be used as a sharpening stone by the ancestor Zhang Changsheng.

Zhang Changsheng turned into a black and white escape, and finally arrived ten meters away from this human-shaped puppet at a very fast speed.

At this moment, Zhang Changsheng finally saw the true face of this Martial Emperor level puppet.

The body is nearly two meters tall, the whole body is wrapped in a white bandage, and the white hair that is so dry that it can fall off at any time, shows that this humanoid puppet was transformed by a living Practitioner before this.

And this puppet, who was wrapped in a white bandage, showed only a mouth outside.

It's just that the look of black with yellow and black teeth and sharp teeth, really makes people look very disgusting and uncomfortable.

However, the sword with the bandaged hands of this Martial Emperor puppet, which still looks extremely sharp and brave a little black light, is too extraordinary.

This is also the first time Zhang Changsheng has encountered such a well-preserved sword in this Death Tower, and with the breath of this weapon, at least it is the Magical Item long sword of the Spirit Lord level!

This is something Zhang Changsheng can't read wrong. You must know that even the Patriarch himself now has only one Magical Item of the extremely rare and precious Spirit Lord level.

That is the Lei Ling jade pendant that has a storage function and releases the power of thunder tribulation.

In this way, it also shows how precious the Magical Item of the Spirit Lord level is.


The weird sound rang in the ears of the old ancestor Zhang Changsheng, and I looked along the place where the weird sound was made.

It turned out to be the sound of the Martial Emperor sword repairing puppet's body having begun to move.

"Trialer, it's too late to quit now, here is that only Martial Emperor level practitioners can be qualified to challenge me..."

A hoarse and desolate voice came from the yellow and black mouth of the Martial Emperor sword repair puppet.

For a while, this situation was unexpected by Zhang Changsheng. After all, when he entered the Death Tower and broke through thirty-nine levels, no puppet creature could speak.

And this Martial Emperor-level puppet sword repair is beyond Zhang Changsheng's expectations. I wonder if the puppet refined tens of thousands of years ago still has own consciousness?


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