Naturally, the black flood dragon has never seen such an arrogant human practicing Practitioner. Naturally, he has to teach the damn man in front of him a lesson.

Don't pretend to be a human being, or you will definitely be struck by lightning!

With this thought, the body of the black flood dragon was completely wrapped in the black flame.

Generally, it is like reaching the six levels of the black dragon, basically finding a path suitable for own cultivation.

And this black flood dragon majored in this weird black flame that burned everything!

"Roar... roar roar..."

A terrifying dragon roar resounded in any corner of this world. The black dragon, which was close to four kilometers in size, looked at Zhang Changsheng with extremely horrible pressure with those dim and violent eyes.

The corners of that huge mouth that looked like an abyss had already gathered a huge amount of black flame energy.

"Black flames and muddy days!"

In an instant, accompanied by the sky-shattering roar of the black flood dragon, a group of terrifying black flame energy balls with a volume of more than three kilometers suddenly appeared in this space.

And this black flame energy ball is like that small black sun, emitting that amazing heat and terrifying pressure.

The terrifying high temperature caused the black river under the black dragon to evaporate in an instant, and some loess peaks in the whole body had begun to melt!

This really has achieved a legendary terrifying power like burning mountains and boiling the sea.

The black flood dragon unintentionally shook the dragon-like tail behind itself from time to time, and its big yellow eyes were proud to say, "Human, this is my strongest blow. Don't you say you want to fight with your own body? I want it. See if you are really not afraid of death, or if you are frightened by Long Ye's trick!"

"Don't worry, you will be melted by my trick in an instant, to ensure that there is no pain at all, you can go with peace of mind!"

After the black dragon had finished speaking, the huge black flame fireball with terrifying power rushed to the ancestor Zhang Changsheng.

Everything that the black flame fireball touched was completely melted, and there was no scum left.

Zhang Changsheng's face has not changed much, and the temperature of his body is already very high. If it weren't for Zhang Changsheng, he would have reached the level of fear of fire and water.

I am afraid that a mortal here will be melted by the terrifying temperature early.

But Zhang Changsheng was not afraid in his heart, on the contrary, he was full of interest in this strike of this black dragon.

This may also be the most powerful attack ever used by Zhang Changsheng among the enemies ever faced.

With such a thought, Zhang Changsheng still feels that it is a good choice to carry it down with his own body, and to feel this power in person.

With this in mind, the black flame fireball with a diameter of more than 3,000 meters, even if its surface temperature has reached 6,000 degrees Celsius, is no different from the surface temperature of the sun.

And no one knows how terrifying the core temperature of the black flame fireball is.

Zhang Changsheng's half-squinted eyes with a hint of golden light, he said softly, "Vajra is not bad magic 々〃!"

This is the first time the ancestor Zhang Changsheng has actively used Vajra not bad magical powers. It is important to know that in ordinary times, even if Zhang Changsheng does not take the initiative to open Vajra not bad magical powers.

Generally, it is impossible for a Practitioner or an upgraded creature to damage one of his hairs.

When faced with this huge black flood dragon, it was also the first time the ancestor Zhang Changsheng used such an attack, which is enough to look down on this black flood dragon.

Accompanied by the energy like a golden thread around the old ancestor Zhang Changsheng, the extremely heavy and solid breath circulates outside his body.

At this moment, Zhang Changsheng's body is covered with golden threads, and the body gradually shows a golden texture.

Together with the long black hair, it was refracted by the golden glow of the whole body, with a slight golden yellow feeling.

The black dragon looked at the Human Practitioner who was still floating in the air with a thick golden light glowing all over it.

There was also disdain and incredible in his heart. After all, the completely cultivated Black Flame was its natal supernatural power, generally speaking, even in front of Realm of the same level.

This move is a superior attack method, even the Realm repair Practitioner on the Martial Ancestor will be afraid of its three-pointer.

It's a pity that the brain of this human Practitioner has been broken, but the black dragon is still very interested to watch another pretentious Practitioner die in his own hands.

This feeling is a clear pleasure that is difficult to express in words.

The black flame fireball has approached the ancestor Zhang Changsheng, and now the distance between the two is less than 100 meters, and this black flame fireball emits terrifying heat.

All the materials around Zhang Changsheng have been melted completely, and even a corner of the sky can't bear such a high temperature and began to twist.

Zhang Changsheng's long hair with golden light was pressed by the black flame fireball and drifted in the wind.

But now he still didn't seem to have any action, as if he had completely given up resistance.

And watching the Martial Ancestor Realm human Practitioner at that moment has been swallowed by his proud ultimate move, Black Flame Eclipse.

The black dragon now also feels what it means to be truly invincible and lonely.

This time I don't know if I did it right. After all, I don't know how many years there have been no toys. This human ascetic has died, and the black water dragon feels that he will be bored for so many years.

". ‖ Hiss...hiss..."

The terrifying black flame fireball did not seem to have an extreme firework show like the black dragon expected, making this space tremble.

On the contrary, the volume of the black flame fireball was obviously under the observation and perception of the black dragon's naked eyes, and accompanied by the strange hissing sound, the three-kilometer-large volume quickly shrank.

At this moment, the countless golden silk energy body of Zhang Changsheng's body tightly protected Zhang Changsheng from any harm.

And Zhang Changsheng also didn't expect that, he just tried the Vajra not bad magical effect.

I didn't expect this effect to be a bit scary, it is simply comparable defense already invincible in the same Realm.

And with the support of the huge energy of the old patriarch Zhang Changsheng, Zhang Changsheng himself feels that he can drive this Vajra all day long.

But there is no need for that, and after I have initially understood the extremely powerful defensive characteristics of my own Vajra not bad magical skill.

Zhang Changsheng grandiosely ignored the black flame fireball with terrifying power and directly entered the most terrifying and core area of ​​the black flame fireball energy.

Thus directly operating the Sun's Scriptures, madly absorbing the energy of the core of this huge black flame fireball.


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