The huge dim yellow eyes of the black dragon looked at him with incredulous gazes, and his proudest killer move was slowly wiped out.

In this case, how could it know that it is also a Tier VI Realm, and this human ascetic is only a Martial Ancestor.

How could there be such a big gap, this situation must be false, it may be a phantom that I have fallen asleep for too long.

The unbelieving black dragon once again swallowed black inflammation, trying to melt away Zhang Changsheng, who was still consuming the energy ball of black inflammation using the characteristics of the sun's truth!

At this moment, Zhang Changsheng has no fear of any black inflammation attack from this black dragon.

Speaking of which, it is also bad luck for this black dragon. After all, the nine-sun magical art deified by the ancestor Zhang Changsheng has become the sun truth.

And one of the characteristics of its Sun Sutra is that the real fire in the world is used for it, and it is restrained by it.

Yang is the origin of all fire or temperature light, and the Sun Sutra is a Cultivation Technique of Yang manifestation.

As Zhang Changsheng swallowed the last trace of black flame energy ball completely.

At this moment, Zhang Changsheng showed a smile and looked at the black dragon with unbelievable and shocked eyes and said, "You are very powerful, but you have used the wrong person. Old man, I will return it to you now and let you taste it yourself. How powerful is the move!"

Zhang Changsheng ignored the sky full of black flames that struck him, and with a light wave of one hand, the energy engulfing the horror and treacherous atmosphere was instantly revealed in this space.


As the two forces collided, a sound resounded across the corner of the world.

At this moment, as the black dragon's this strike failed again, Zhang Changsheng did not hesitate and raised his right hand slightly.

As the index finger and middle finger stood up and fell, the space of this sky began to crack in an instant.

As a result, under the horrified gaze of the black flood dragon, a golden fireball that was more than four kilometers in size, with the power that almost destroyed the world, slammed onto the huge body of the black flood dragon.

"Roar... roar roar..."

Accompanied by a dragon-like roar of pain, the body of the black dragon was completely submerged by the golden fireball.

"Ka... Card..."


Along with the partial fragmentation of the space of this Death Tower, large areas of the original support points in the sky have disappeared.

Thus revealing the original dark sky, not exposing a lot of ancient desolation that does not belong to this period of time.

The golden flames wantonly, in this space of more than 100,000 meters, the general area has been illuminated by the flames.

The screaming roar of the black dragon from time to time let Zhang Changsheng know that his this strike is quite effective.


Zhang Changsheng didn't know now that there was already a shock outside the Death Tower.

Belonging to the core area of ​​the Mount Tai secret realm, the land began to shake violently, and from time to time golden fires overflowed from the Death Tower.

The extremely terrifying temperature was accompanied by destructive power, forcibly burning everything around it clean.

"Tai Chi Yin & Yang Picture!"

Relying on its own sense of crisis, Dragon Turtel abruptly used its own Tai Chi Yin & Yang map when a strong earthquake occurred in the core area of ​​this Mount Tai secret realm.

Along with the cyan light, the Tai Chi Yin & Yang picture with an area of ​​more than one thousand meters is revealed.

It can be regarded as protecting the lives of Dragon Turtel and everyone outside.

At the moment, the huge dragon head of Dragon Turtel was sweating, and it was really frightened.

And relying on my own understanding of the ancestor Zhang Changsheng, this can affect the horror of the outside world, which is the residual power caused by Zhang Changsheng.

And just such a small amount of overflowing energy is enough for Dragon Turtel to do its best to defend.

Fortunately, it is sensitive to danger, otherwise they will really have to confess here.

The celestial master Zhang Zhiwei showed horror, and hurriedly ran to the Dragon Turtel with lingering fears and said, "I'm really scared to death. Fortunately, Lord Turtle, you react quickly. Otherwise, we people have not been killed by the weird creatures in this Mount Tai secret realm. I'm afraid we will be killed. Patriarch, the few energies that the old man had inadvertently overflowed were killed."

"To be honest, the current Patriarch has already entered the level of the level. If this is in a while, will the Tower of Death be destroyed by him."

In fact, Zhang Changsheng is really not joking. From the outside, the surrounding stones of Death Tower were affected by Zhang Changsheng's unintentional aura, which caused a lot of damage.

Even if the Tower of Death has been repaired by itself, Zhang Changsheng knows very well that if Zhang Changsheng uses more energy than this, I am afraid the Tower of Death will really be destroyed.

Dragon Turtel shook his head and said, "Nothing, the spatial structure inside is different for each layer. Don't worry, let everyone leave the Death Tower a kilometer away."

"This is also to be on the safe side. If such a similar situation occurs, I may not be able to resist the situation."

As Dragon Turtel's voice fell, Qin Yin and Shen Mubai were worried, and left the Death Tower temporarily with the group of leaders and disciples of various schools that had evacuated.

And Dragon Turtel did not leave the Death Tower with them first. As far as it is concerned, its strength is not weak at first, so there is no need to worry too much. This slight overflow of energy can harm it.

According to Dragon Turtel own judgment, now its owner Zhang Changsheng has at least reached the forty-five level, otherwise the Death Tower would not be able to withstand Zhang Changsheng's power and such a thing would happen.


The huge body of the black dragon was no longer as smooth, white and translucent as before.

The scales in many places of the terrifying body that was close to more than four thousand meters have disappeared, revealing a large amount of only flesh and blood.

From time to time, a large amount of shiny black blood dripped from mid-air to the ground.

And the mountainous area with countless cracks came into contact with the blood of this black dragon in many places.

Accompanied by the sound of rustling, countless mountains and rocks were incinerated with the dragon's blood.

This is only the blood of a mythological species of Tier 6 creatures that has such an effect, and it really achieves the effect of a drop of blood burning a mountain stone.

And in the legend, a drop of blood that reached the Practitioner or upgraded creature of Martial God Realm is enough to destroy a Minor World.

The black flood dragon's gray eyes contained disbelief and horror. It was scared, and it hadn't been a feeling like this in a long time.

And Zhang Changsheng also slowly took out the broken sword behind him and said to himself, "What a good friend, I'm right, this black dragon also has Blood Essence, wait for you. Swallow a full, so that there are fewer rust stains on your body!"

The black dragon's face began to twist. It hasn't lost yet, but the damn repair Practitioner in front of him has already planned how to deal with his own body!


The dragon chants full of depression and anger. At this moment, the black dragon is wrapped in black inflammation and rushes towards Zhang Changsheng.

And Zhang Changsheng didn't panic at all, holding a broken sword and saying, "My knowledge seeks the way, one sword is withered, Yin & Yang transforms into ten thousand swords!"


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