And this is what Zhang Changsheng can assert, after all, this little Mingyue's aptitude lies here.

The root qualifications are even higher than Zhang Changsheng now, and he has reached the level of peerless genius.

The comprehension aptitude is not easy to judge, but Zhang Changsheng's basic aptitude is not very good, although he can use the longevity system to slowly Ascension.

But his comprehension of the extreme level of horror is already terrifying.

If it is to say that the basic qualifications can determine that a Practitioner can go faster and more securely in the early stage of practice.

Then its high-level comprehension can determine how a person's future should go.

In other words, if you talk about the basic qualifications alone, there is a high possibility of going to high places with high basic qualifications, but the comprehension qualification is the basic requirement that allows ordinary people to enter a higher Realm.

In other words, what a high-rank ascetic needs is an understanding of the Tao and oneself. This Ascension is undoubtedly very huge. On the contrary, at this stage, the basic qualifications are not that important.

Zhang Changsheng glanced at Mingyue beside his eyes and said, "Let's go, Xiao Mingyue, let you get familiar with the environment of my residence. Simple is simple, but it is better than quiet, which is also very valuable."

After Zhang Changsheng finished speaking, he took the lead with one hand behind him, and took the curious Mingyue to visit the back mountainside environment where he lived.

Although it is a bit rudimentary, the things that are contained in it are real. If an expert practitioner is here, he will definitely be surprised and speechless.

A divine stream with a length of nearly one hundred meters, glowing with blue light, flows out beside the old ancestor Zhang Changsheng and Mingyue beside him.

Mingyue looked at the stream in front of him with incredible eyes, saying, "Master, what kind of stream is this? Why do I feel the power of thunder and tribulation from it, and that big carp is really big, at least It's seven meters in length, what a beautiful fish."

As I haven't seen this scene before, but I can already feel the power of thunder tribulation, this also shows that the Martial Master Realm of the moon in front of me has a very deep foundation.

Zhang Changsheng looked faintly at the dragon carp wandering in the stream and water in the distance, and just raised his own right hand and waved it slightly.

The dragon carp naturally felt the call of his master Zhang Changsheng, without any more, quickly wandering to the corner of the river bank where the old patriarch stood.

The dragon carp's seven-meter-long body was glowing with golden red light, and the extremely beautiful red fish tail behind it was drifting along the river of thunder and tribulation power.

And the dragon carp’s big golden eyes looked at Mingyue with doubts, and a girly voice curiously asked, "Master, who is this little girl, why is there a Martial Master Realm Cultivation Base at such a young age," It really makes people feel scared々〃."

The dragon carp has a very high ability to distinguish between other practicer cultivation bases. Otherwise, it is impossible to feel the horrible cultivation base of the ancestor Zhang Changsheng close to 800 kilometers away, and absconded to Wudang Mountain to recognize Zhang Changsheng as Owner.

Zhang Changsheng said with a calm face, "This little guy is my new apprentice. She will often cultivation in this thunder tribulation pool in the future. You must take good care of her, little carp, after all, the destructive power in this thunder tribulation pool. It's still too strong."

Zhang Changsheng naturally wanted to greet this dragon carp first, after all, this dragon carp also has the ability to restrain the power of thunder.

The dragon carp also shook his huge fish head quickly, causing waves of waves to cause Mingyue on the river bank to laugh.

Suddenly, the look in Longli's eyes changed a few times, and he said to the patriarch Zhang Changsheng, "The master, I'm telling you a piece of news. After you and Dragon Turtel left Wudang Mountain, a group of mysterious people broke into the mountainside behind Wudang. , And I will never forget the head of that mysterious person."

"It was the Shaolin abbot who told me to show up with that Li Feng, that Li Shengqiang!"

The news that the dragon carp said is obviously a very big news in its own opinion.

But for Zhang Changsheng, the fact that Li Shengqiang had done this was a little surprising to Zhang Changsheng. The rest was exactly the same as what he used to calculate when he left Wudang Mountain.

It was also that the result of this incident did not exceed his expectations. Then Zhang Changsheng, whose face was still flat, said, "Then that Li Shengqiang than his accomplices have been dealt with by you, Little Carp."

Long Lei was not a little surprised when he saw Zhang Changsheng, and he was very surprised and admired in his heart.

After all, this news should logically be a very hot news for the ancestor Zhang Changsheng.

It feels like this news, for Zhang Changsheng, it seems to have been known early.

Seeing Zhang Changsheng asking himself this way, Long Li quickly responded, "I have all been killed by Wang Ye and I. No one has escaped and removed this Wudang Mountain, but it is not certain that Li Shengqiang stayed under the mountain at that time."

"." What should we do in case the capital official investigates it?"

For Long Lei, of course, he does not want to cause trouble to his owner Zhang Changsheng, who has given him a second life in front of him.

But apparently Zhang Changsheng slowly shook his head in disdain and said, "It's okay, this Li Shengqiang died, just a piece of rubbish, I am in that Mount Tai secret realm, and I have already notified the abbot of Shaolin Temple who caused you harm. It was dealt with. As for that Li Feng also died in the Mount Tai secret realm."

"As for the things you worry about Xiaoliyu, you don't need to think too much. The capital official will not give up cooperation with me in Wudang Mountain because of a dispensable Xiaoli. Moreover, this is also the front hall of Li Shengqiang who broke into my Wudang Mountain gate."

Zhang Changsheng never took Li Shengqiang to his heart compared to Shaolin Temple, but because of the trip to Mount Tai, he couldn't spare his hands and feet for a while.

That's why at that time, the Realm Ascension of the mythical dragon carp in front of me was the third-order Realm of the beast, (the Qian Zhao) is the Martial GrandMaster Realm of the Practitioner.

The dragon carp’s eyes were incredible, and then he reiterated his respect and gratitude in his eyes again. "Thank you, the master, for helping me avenge this revenge. My grievances and grievances in this life have all ended. From now on, I will be the true spirit beast of Wudang Mountain. Don't do what he wants!"

Zhang Changsheng nodded faintly when he heard the dragon carp's words, and then took out the Calabash vine that exudes three-color light from his own Thunder Spirit jade pendant.

The dragon carp was shocked when he saw such a strange treasure revealing, and he dared not speak for a long time.

Zhang Changsheng's purpose is simple, to plant this three-color Calabash vine in the middle of the stream in the Leijiechi.

Use the vitality of Thunder Tribulation Pond to see if you can feed it and even produce Calabash.


"Today there are only three shifts, everyone. Forgive me. The tinnitus is too painful. I am tired and exhausted for most of the day in the hospital. The tinnitus will be remedied.".

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