The dragon carp was never seen such a magical spiritual treasure, and he asked with curiosity, "Old Patriarch, what is this? Why do I feel the danger from the breath of its body? It's a dying Calabash vine."

After all, dragon carp is also a mythical creature, and naturally has an extraordinary sensitivity to this spiritual plant.

This can't be wrong, the dragon carp has already felt the extremely powerful Sword Qi on this Calabash vine.

Although the breath of this three-color Calabash vine has been decayed, a lot of energy is needed urgently.

But this does not affect the dragon carp's fear of this Calabash vine.

Zhang Changsheng pointed to the Calabash vine in front of him and said softly, "This is a three-color Calabash vine, but it can also be called a Calabash vine with a particularly sharp Sword Qi. I found it in the Mount Tai secret realm. ."

"I don't know how many years it has survived, and it hasn't changed much. I am afraid that if I hadn't discovered it early, this three-color Calabash vine would have died because of the Spiritual Qi depletion in the place where it was staying. "

In fact, Zhang Changsheng now decided to plant it because he was interested in what could happen after saving this three-color Calabash vine.

After all, this three-color Calabash vine itself is an excellent material for refining. If Zhang Changsheng is allowed to refine it himself, and it takes a little time, then this three-color Calabash vine can at least refine a Spirit Lord-level Magical Item!

But with such a foundation, Zhang Changsheng believes that if he can save this three-color Calabash vine that is about to die, then he can get more than just this three-color Calabash vine.

If he can take it, then what he will get is many Calabash that contains all kinds of swordsmanship from heaven and earth!

This is a renewable resource. Once it succeeds, the value of the three-color Calabash vine will also be pulled to a high position.

After listening to the words of the patriarch Zhang Changsheng, the dragon carp said with a great shock in his heart, "Since this three-color Calabash vine has an extraordinary origin and is a very precious spiritual plant, I will naturally look forward to it. In the central area of ​​the Thunder Tribulation Pool, I can create a spiritual plantation garden of a few square meters."

"In this way, all the spiritual plants you have obtained, Master, can be transplanted into it, and I can also control the power of the power of thunder to make them rejuvenate."

On the one hand, the dragon carp is to help the ancestor Zhang Changsheng, and on the other hand, it is mainly because it is a bit boring to stay in this thunder robbery pond.

If you can plant some exotic flowers and weeds for it to look after, the dragon carp is also quite happy.

Zhang Changsheng nodded slightly and said, "Then you do it, I hope you don't let me down, little carp, I will wait here."

Zhang Changsheng is also unwilling to waste time. After all, this three-color Calabash vine really cannot hold it by itself. If it is not planted quickly, it will be successful.

Then Zhang Changsheng's plan would fall short, and a good opportunity was wasted.

An opportunity to obtain a steady stream of Calabash Sword Qi Magical Item, although this is just a steady stream of theory, after all, the more precious the treasure, the longer its growth cycle, and this law is impossible to change.

But Zhang Changsheng can wait completely without worrying about such a problem.

After hearing the decision made by Zhang Changsheng, Long Lei didn't hesitate to use his powerful physical power directly in the central area of ​​the stream in the thunder robbery pond.

Under a little bit of blue shimmering mud, the abutment of the Lingzhi Garden, which is only five square meters, was finally completed smoothly and satisfactorily.

In the distance, relying on past experience, I have already built a Dragon Turtel, a small wooden house that is almost finished, because I saw what the ancestor Zhang Changsheng and the dragon carp were doing mysteriously there.

Out of curiosity, Dragon Turtel still couldn't suppress his own curiosity and crawled over.

And seeing the dragon carp who is very happy playing in the mud in the central area of ​​the Lei Jiechi, Dragon Turtel is also a masked circle.

What kind of situation is this f*ck, I almost don’t understand. Dragon Turtel looked at the old ancestor who was silent beside him and said, "The master, what are you telling this dragon carp to do here, I see It’s a pleasure to be busy, this is preparation..."

At this time, Dragon Turtel hadn't finished speaking, and the sight of his eyes had been taken aback by the three-color Calabash vine Zhang Changsheng held in his right hand.

Dragon Turtel himself did not expect to encounter such a strange treasure here.

As a famous living encyclopedia in the outer starry sky, it naturally knows what this three-color Calabash vine can represent.

After all, this Calabash vine is also a rare exotic flower that Dragon Turtel knows and can slowly evolve on its own.

Zhang Changsheng looked at the surprised Dragon Turtel in front of him, and then said, "I don't know what your expression means, little tortoise. Could it be that before this, you already know what these three-color Calabash vines are?"

Zhang Changsheng only knew some of the functions of these three-color Calabash vines by simply relying on what he could understand.

Obviously, this Dragon Turtel knew this Lingzhi after meeting these three-color Calabash vines.

Naturally, Zhang Changsheng didn't mind that he took a little more time to thoroughly understand this plant, the extraordinary treasure he had obtained in that Mount Tai secret realm.

Dragon Turtel was also shocked by what Zhang Changsheng said, but it was not unexpected.

The ancestor Zhang Changsheng really got an unimaginable opportunity in the Mount Tai secret realm.

Just like this three-color Calabash vine, its real name is not really called the three-color Calabash vine.

The real name of the three-color Calabash vine itself is called, the kendo spirit vine, which has grown through itself.

In a specific time, Calabash, which is born to be a Magical Item, is born.

It's just that although such a spiritual plant is not too rare, in itself, this three-color level is already extremely rare.

Even if the swordsman spirit vine has two colors, it is considered a cherished existence after all.

Not to mention this kind of three-color swordsmanship spirit vine, this kind of dragon Turtel is only a little bit in ancient books.

But it never expected that in the hands of its owner Zhang Changsheng there would be an extremely rare three-color swordsman spirit vine.

Dragon Turtel finally eased his mind, and trembled, "This is a three-color swordsman spirit vine that is extremely rare even in the outer starry sky, and is only recorded in ancient books!"


"Dear readers, I'm really sorry. The author's tinnitus is still not healed, and I suffer from insomnia every day. I will try my best to update these days. I hope everyone understands.".

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