And if the ancestor Zhang Changsheng succeeded in breaking through half a step to Martial Saint's Realm.

Then the breakthrough half-step Martial Saint task of the longevity system can also be completed.

That strange treasure grinds the sword blood gold stone is also what he had been looking forward to earlier.

With such a strange treasure, it is natural to repair the broken sword.

For Zhang Changsheng, in his expectation, this broken sword is his true Magical Item, and it is also the only Magical Item that can accompany him to successfully enter the Martial God Realm!

Now the old ancestor Zhang Changsheng needs to complete the final 100% of the last successful integration.

For him, this final degree of completion is estimated to be completed in just a few days.

He also looked forward to it.


At this moment, when the sky is just bright, Zhao Huantu, the senior brother of Wudang Mountain, also used his own mobile phone to contact the own junior Zhang Huanjin.

"Brother, the sky has just been bright, why did I remember contacting me at this time? Is something wrong with Wudang Mountain, or what should I say?"

At this moment, Zhang Huanjin was staying in the hospital, looking at Feng Yuxiu and the world champion Sant, whose injuries were almost healed.

For Zhang Huanjin, these two guys in front of him are also disciples of own.

Naturally, sometimes he will take a part of the time to look at these two guys.

However, he rarely contacted his senior brother Zhao Huantu and suddenly contacted him.

This also made Zhang Huanjin a little worried.

"Haha, what's the matter, Huan Jin contacted you today because I have good news to tell you. I should have contacted you last night. After all, I still need your help for this matter."

"But last night we were a bit slow in Wudang Mountain, and I didn't get in touch anymore. Now I'm not busy anymore. Naturally, I have to make this call."

Holding the mobile phone in hand, Zhao Huantu stood up, washed his face and said to Zhang Huanjin.

At this moment, Zhang Huanjin looked surprised and said, "What kind of good thing is it? Just talk about it, brother now, you are not as honest and honest as you were before, how can you still like to always behave when facing me? ?"

Now Zhang Huanjin is also slightly relieved, as long as it is good for him.

Although he has too many chores in this world, his heart always remembers Wudang Mountain.

He also never hoped that anything bad would happen to Wudang Mountain.

After Zhao Huantu put down the towel in his hand, he looked solemnly and said, "This is the order of the patriarch and his elders. The outbreak of Spiritual Recovery is about to come. Now, in order for the world to cope with future crises, we have decided to open the mountain in Wudang Mountain."

"According to the requirements of the ancestor and his elders, almost 10,000 disciples and disciples were collected, so you also know that Huanjin, in terms of influence in the world, you played a big role this time."

Zhang Huanjin doesn't need a person, he can become the boss of the world's top 500, naturally he himself is extremely sensitive to many things.

And what he said from his senior brother Zhao Huantu's mouth also made him notice a lot of things instantly.

First, the outbreak of Spiritual Recovery should have been determined by the Patriarch and the capital government.

Secondly, from the perspective of this incident, as long as Wudang Mountain began to receive disciples, then other sects must have known such news early.

In order to seize more qualified disciples, Zhang Huanjin knew very well that he would play a big role in this matter.

Thinking of this, Zhang Huanjin also looked excited and promised, "Brother, you look down on me too much, don’t worry, I will take care of this matter. In addition, the two little guys on my side are injured. It's done, do you want to arrange for them to return to Wudang Mountain for cultivation in the near future, they can't help me much in the world."

Zhang Huanjin still attaches great importance to his own apprentice, which is very similar to the ancestor Zhang Changsheng.

As long as you accept disciples, you must teach them carefully.

When Zhao Huantu heard his junior’s request, he nodded quickly and said, "Don’t worry, junior, I will definitely help you do what you said, not to mention that the two little guys have good temperaments and are good at martial arts. The seedlings are not."

As everyone knows boxing champion Stent and the Feng Yuxiu Zhao Huantu, it is natural that the two little guys are very happy to return.

In the ward, Feng Yuxiu and boxing champion Stan, who can get out of bed at will and start cultivation, looked excited.

After all, the two of them have truly understood the power of the ancient Wu Cultivation Technique in Wudang.

Although the two of them became the second generation of Wudang disciples early, they had no time to return to Wudang because of serious injuries.

Now it's different. The two of them have recovered from their injuries, and of course it's time for them to enter the Wudang Mountain cultivation.

After Zhang Huanjin hung up the phone, he looked expectantly and solemnly said, "You two little guys, don't let me down. I have already agreed with your uncle in Wudang Mountain. You two will be there tomorrow. Go to Wudang Mountain."


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