After Feng Yuxiu had been conditioning for half a year, his temper was not as strong as before. In general, some things were put down early, and some things were still in pursuit.

What is letting go is obsession, and what is still pursued is the peak of Martial Dao.

"Master, we understand. It is our blessing to finally follow the ancestor and his old man to practice Martial Dao."

Boxing champion Stent also nodded with excitement and said, "Master, I just heard about Spiritual Recovery and disciples in the conversation between you and your uncle. It seems that our Wudang Mountain is going to make a big move recently."

Zhang Huanjin looked faintly nodded and said, "Naturally, after you two little guys return to Wudang Mountain, don't lose your face as a teacher, just study the way of martial arts."


After Zhang Huanjin left the hospital, he directly began to use his own network to promote the collection of disciples in Wudang Mountain.

After all, this is the big thing in the minds of everyone in Wudang Mountain, and of course it is also treated with caution.

Time passed by.

At this moment, basically everyone in the country is in various media sections, and under the deliberate promotion of the capital official behind, the news about the opening of the Wudang Mountain is spread all over the country!

A large number of people in the country who love Guwu are all in madness. With their expectations of Martial Dao, they are also beginning to rush towards the ancient Martial Saint land of Wudang Mountain in their minds.

At this moment, Li Qi, who had played at the gate of Wudang Mountain, also opened his live broadcast room and watched that there were as many as 200,000 people online.

He also looked sincerely and said, "Dear friends, if you are interested in Martial Dao and dream of flying in the air, you can go to Wudang Mountain to register for the Wudang Discipleship Ceremony 々〃!"

Although Li Qi was abolished by the ancestor Zhang Changsheng, he was full of respect for the ancestor in his heart.

Things in the past cannot be changed. If there is a choice, he will definitely go to Wudang.

"Anchor, you really have changed a lot now. I want to compare it with before. At this time, you actually promoted Wudang Mountain. It's really like three autumns!"

"Sure enough, the anchor was convinced by the Patriarch's elders, and now there are only a few in the Guwu line that can be worthy of the Patriarch's elders. I have to say that fighting the Patriarch is also something to show off."

"Don’t make trouble upstairs. Are you all fools? Now the world is about to come, and this ancient Wu family line of Wudang Mountain is just the beginning to gather disciples, and the latter is promoted by the capital government. !"


In the case of Zhang Huanjin’s enormous manpower and material resources, and with the promotion of the capital’s official government, the matter of Wudang Mountain’s extensive collection of disciples also caused a national shock. A large number of young people interested in Martial Dao also came from all over the country. Everywhere rushed towards Wudang Mountain.

"Hey, Qingyan is me. Compared to you, you also know the actions of the old patriarch and his old man. It seems that we can't be idle anymore. This is the responsibility of all the ancient Wu family, and it is what we should do. "

The celestial master Zhang Zhiwei, who was staying on Longhu Mountain, had a dignified look at the Emeishan celestial master who was over the phone.

The light smoker at the moment also had a beautiful and unparalleled face and agreed, "It is true, now that Spiritual Recovery truly arrives, there is still a month and a half, leaving us with little time for the ancient Wu lineage, no one. I don’t know what will happen then."

"What we can do is to teach more people to understand Martial Dao, so that at least in Spiritual Recovery, we can bring hope to more ordinary people."

Because Zhang Changsheng, the ancestor of Wudang Mountain, started the action, it also made all the sects of the ancient Wu family use various relationships to start their respective sects' apprentice collection ceremony.

But the Guwumen faction that everyone in the country most wants to join is naturally Wudang Mountain.


Zhao Huantu came to the backside of Wudang Mountain with excitement and joy. He watched Zhang Changsheng, the old patriarch who had not changed his cultivation, and said, ". ‖ Good thing, good thing, Master, I didn’t expect that Wudang Mountain is now in the whole country. Is it so famous and prestigious?"

"In just half a day, more than one million people have registered online, and some of them have directly started to (Denuo Zhao) our Wudang Mountain Gate. So many people should be able to select 10,000 qualified people. Yes, disciple."

"I have to say that what Huan Jin and the capital official did this time are quite perfect and helped us a lot in Wudang Mountain."

Now Zhao Huantu also feels for the first time that in addition to Martial Dao, there are two other forces that can change and influence the country C.

That is the power of power and money!

These two things are not derogatory terms in the first place, and the main thing depends on who owns them.

The old ancestor Zhang Changsheng had a faint expression, but there was still a little joy in his eyes. It was obvious that he was very satisfied with the progress of this time.


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