Between the dim world, all kinds of rays of light flew.

The long-lasting, nourishing heaven and earth revives the Spiritual Qi rules of heaven and earth, and not only that, but also the famous mountains and rivers are undergoing great changes.

It is estimated that only practitioners at the level of Zhang Changsheng can perceive this change.

This also means that the last barrier that envelops the original ancestor star will also be torn open.

According to the estimation of the ancestor Zhang Changsheng, this opening is not enough for the existence of the peak powerhouse Martial God level to enter.

But under Martial God, Realm's repair Practitioner is accessible.

In other words, the various mythological races remaining in the outer starry sky, or the Practitioner family of the ancient race, can enter the world of this primitive ancestor star.

In this case, the patriarch Zhang Changsheng sighed slightly.

At this moment, he decided to use all of his six random chances on the first floor of Ascension Emperor Cultivation Technique.

Once again, his own strength was ascending to a new level, so that he would have a great deal of confidence in the face of the coming danger.

The unknown is the most terrifying. The Patriarch Zhang Changsheng expects the strong to fight with him, but he does not want to fail.

Located in Wudang Mountain, the famous mountain that has begun to recover, the world that stretches for a hundred kilometers around it has begun to tremble.

It was at this time that the ancestor Zhang Changsheng's mouth and nose were extremely yin, which was too terrifying.

His stalwart-like figure has disappeared, and instead it seems that a white moon has appeared on Wudang Mountain.


【Longevity System Attribute Edition

Zhang Changsheng: 100 years old

Cultivation Technique: Taiji Emperorquan (first layer)

Tai Chi Sword (ninth floor) Cultivation Technique is complete, and the current level of upgraded mythology is zero%.

The Sun Scripture (ninth floor) (evolved from the Nine Sun Divine Art, belongs to the emperor Cultivation Technique)

Taiyin Scripture (eighth level) (evolved and evolved from the application of the Jiuyin Scripture, belonging to the Emperor Cultivation Technique)

Eternal Immortal Sutra (first layer) Specially enhances flesh and blood power. Emperor level Cultivation Technique, each cultivation layer increases lifespan by 500 years and gains the world of law to strengthen oneself by 30%. The duration depends on its own strength.

Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong (ninth level of perfection) special enhancement of flesh and blood power Cultivation Technique, each cultivation level obtains the power of one dragon and one truth, cultivation to the ninth level of perfection obtains the power of eleven dragons, and can use its own lifespan Ascension dragon elephant The number of prajnagong cultivation layers!

Kunpeng treasure (6th floor)

Tai Chi Yin & Yang Picture (Dacheng)

Refining level: Master

Life level: Half-step Martial Saint level

Convergence Avenue: The Avenue of Yang (All fusion has been completed so far) The Avenue of Yin (Currently 50% has been fused.)

Remaining lifespan: Seven thousand and thirty-year lifespan

Companion Magical Item: Spirit Saint's Top Magical Item Sword of Slaying the Sky

Current long-term task: For every disciple who has a talent exceeding the elite level, he will get ten lifespan points.

Root Qualifications: Peerless genius level (respectively ordinary, elite, genius, elite genius, peerless genius, and the highest level currently)

Comprehension: the ultimate level

Current long-term mission: Now for every Realm disciple cultivated with a Martial Master or higher, 30 life points can be obtained.

Seven-star mission: On the day Spiritual Recovery comes, destroy the invading Devil Dao Lin family, two half-step Martial Saint level Elder! The outer starry sky Demon Cultivator descends on the follow-up mission of the initial planetary event.

Task reward: get a piece of Shenyuan fairy crystal.

Remaining lifespan: seven thousand and thirty points

Remaining merit points: 180 points (can be exchanged for life yuan points at a ratio of one to fifty. You cherish the energy points, please use them carefully.)

Obtain the Cultivation Technique 50% level chance four times, obtain the core of the fine iron spirit mine, and a piece of the god source fairy crystal. 】


"Now I have more than 7,000 longevity points, and there are more than 3,000 points. It must be possible to complete the next step of the evolution of the qualifications."

The ancestor Zhang Changsheng, feeling his current increasingly powerful Yin & Yang Avenue, also instantly associates himself with the foundation of his current qualifications.

At present, his qualifications belong to the level of peerless genius, and there is still a very large distance from the highest level at present.

Everyone knows that the difference between ninety-nine points and one hundred points is actually only one point difference in the eyes of ordinary people.

But if the real thing falls into place, it will be different.

In the eyes of the patriarch Zhang Changsheng, this point gap is not too far from the zero to ninety-nine points.

In the next step, to save a little life point, you must root your own qualifications, and once again Ascension is the kingly way.


A day in the past passed very fast, but today because of the Spiritual Recovery, it is a bit slower than imagined.

This point must be felt by all human beings on the original ancestor star.

"Big Brother, now the era of Spiritual Recovery has finally come, and the two Elders in that family will probably descend on the original ancestor after Spiritual Recovery today."

"At that time, I don't know if Patriarch and his elders can stop them..."

At this moment, taking advantage of this Spiritual Recovery time, when everyone in the world seems to fall into a deep sleep, the magic sect Holy Maiden Yueru, who has become a member of Wudang Mountain, and the master of that magic sect, Huanri, are also leading the 800 Many of the talents are mostly in Practitioner Realm, and there are even many Martial Master level Practitioners.

Also hurried to the direction of Wudang Mountain.

Everyone knows that after today, the original ancestor star is not the original ancestor star before, but has entered a new era.

That is to say, the capital official and the various ancient martial arts sects have revealed the world and controlled the time of the world!


"Sister Shen, is this the Spiritual Recovery explosion?"

"It's too magnificent, but it makes people feel worried and inexplicably scared."

Qin Yin also ended early at this moment. The research in his hand, with Yin & Yang on his face, used that Taijiquan.

With the help of this incredible energy-rich today, Spiritual Recovery is trying to make oneself enter a new level.

Shen Mubai wore a solemn face and trembled, "The great Spiritual Recovery era that we are looking forward to and cowardly facing has finally arrived. No one can imagine that this era is truly too magnificent. It belongs to the era of human evolution, but we are Can people control..."

Shen Mubai's mood is also very complicated now, nervous, nervous, expectant, confused, excited...

Only those who really know about this from the beginning, in the great era of Spiritual Recovery, can have such extremely complex emotions.


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