Time goes by little by little...

Today's day is destined to be the longest day for all living people.

The sky and the earth, the purple Spiritual Qi that arbitrarily flows to conceal the world, has slowly disappeared, slowly blending into the mountains, rivers and the earth.

Mountains, forests and oceans are now roaring, one after another.

For them, an unprecedented evolution has come-come!

Human beings are not between heaven and earth, the only protagonist, everything has the opportunity to evolve on its own!



"Now, the peak of the national Spiritual Recovery outbreak has ended and it is slowly fading, but according to reports from the guards everywhere, there have been a large number of Demonic Beasts upgraded biological recovery."

"The most serious thing is the Kunlun mountain, and the most uninhabited mountains and rivers!"

"Ore, Ore, the 430 team has reported!"

A husky, slightly vague voice came from the black communication device of Shen Mubai.

Shen Mubai has just gone through a day of cultivation at this moment, and it is such a good cultivation today as a day of Spiritual Recovery.

For her, she finally touched the final boundary from Martial Master breakthrough to Martial GrandMaster.

However, the news from the exploration team under the Super S-Class Spiritual Recovery Research Institute is not good news.

Now the whole era of Spiritual Recovery has just come, there are too many things that urgently need her to deal with.

Shen Mubai hesitated for a moment, and also picked up the black flashing blue communication device and said, "Forty-three zero team, if there is any emergency, everything will be the first for the safety of the people, and now I will also send a defense team. The army arrives in the city where you exist."

These exploration teams were all emergency teams trained by Shen Mubai using the genetic evolution potion that hadn't been improved at the beginning.

Of course, the strength is there, but these exploration teams in disguise also don't have the potential to climb up.

The independently produced improved version of the evolution potion also enabled Shen Mubai and Qin Yin to create a Practitioner defense force of 400,000 people.

This is the most critical existence that allows the country to survive the period after the Spiritual Recovery outbreak started.

Generally speaking, the energy that Shen Mubai now possesses is much stronger than that of the average ancient martial arts sect.

Qin Yin said with a dignified face, "Sister Shen, now all the famous mountains and rivers in our country have begun to recover. This kind of thing is not very good news for us, and the most important thing now is The Kunlun sacred mountain and the Five Sacred Mountains."

What Qin Yin worries about is not alarmist talk. You must know that those famous mountains and rivers are all ancient martial arts sects, so naturally you should pay attention to it at this time.

Hearing this, Shen Mubai nodded in agreement and said, "It is true, this matter, girl Qin, I have too many things here, I can't be too busy, you can see that the things waiting for the Spiritual Recovery explosion in the past few days have stabilized. You go to Wudang Mountain."

"It happens to explain our current situation to the patriarch and his elders, and at the same time tell him what we have guessed, what do you think?"

Qin Yin didn't immediately agree with the plan envisaged by Shen Mubai, hesitated and nodded slowly.


The old ancestor Zhang Changsheng, a white robe, merged into the mountain forest with the last trace of purple Spiritual Qi left on that day.


The white robe was blown by the cold morning wind on the top of the mountain.

At present, the late autumn has passed, and the cold winter has arrived. This is also the place where Patriarch Zhang Changsheng is a little worried.

Now the great era of Spiritual Recovery has finally come, and the mountain beasts have begun to evolve. The faster they evolve, the smarter they will not be low.

Then there will be a biggest problem. With so many Demonic Beasts in the mountains, once they can't get enough prey, then they will definitely lock the target on humans.

Maybe it will trigger the Spiritual Recovery era, the first and most terrifying beast wave!

Although the old ancestor Zhang Changsheng was unwilling and didn't want such a thing to happen, the fact was that he had to pay attention to it.

"The world has begun to change..."

The ancestor Zhang Changsheng held his hands, half-squinted his breathtaking eyes, looking at the world that is becoming clearer, but containing more than a hundred times more Spiritual Qi reserves than in the past. It is also in his heart that he is worried about this world. .

· ··········Ask for flowers········


"Master! Are all the demons in The Underworld crazy? I thought they were all legendary creatures, but now they have recovered from the ground!"

The current Holy See, Holy Maiden, Leilia's face is not good-looking, and she looks at Conna, the Queen of the Holy See, who uses her own powerful terrorist power to suppress the devil that exists under the Great Hall of the Holy See.

The Queen of the Holy See, Kang Na, finally took advantage of the Spiritual Recovery explosion to integrate the last trace of the Star Avenue and achieve a half-step Martial Saint Realm.

Before she was happy, it was rumored that the gate of The Underworld, which was suppressed by the Vatican under the Holy See in the Vatican, was imprisoned by many demons, Demonic Beasts. It was also because of Spiritual Recovery that it began to wake up.

.. .. 0

For the time being, Empress Conna of the Holy See, for the sake of the world, can only choose to hold the golden staff and use the power of the Universe Star.

So as to suppress the gate of The Underworld.

Fortunately, the opening of the door of The Underworld was only a little bit, but for her now, there was no difficulty.

But it can't stand it. The gate of The Underworld is also affected by Spiritual Recovery, and the opening behind it is getting bigger and bigger. By then, even if the Queen of the Holy See has the strength to reach the sky, it is already the top powerhouse on the original ancestor star.

It can't stop the gate of The Underworld from opening wide, and the demon demon appears in the whole world!

"It's okay for the time being, Lelia, you are good for cultivation, and strive to enter the Martial Venerate Realm as soon as possible, so that you can contribute your own strength to this fickle world."

The Queen of the Holy See, Kang Na, didn't say much. As a strong person, she was arrogant. Naturally, she would not say anything in front of the own apprentice.

"Master, the disciple knows, if you have anything that needs to be done by the disciple, just contact me directly."

Holy Maiden, Lei Liya, also knows the temper of his master, the Queen of the Holy See, although he is very worried in his heart, but there is no way.

Whether it is the Empress of the Holy See, Kang Na, or the Master Wudang Patriarch that she has just worshipped, they are all people who only want to rely on their own.


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