Huanri heard the words of the ancestor Zhang Changsheng, and his eyes were moved.

"Master, you have been a hundred years old, but this idea is much bigger than those of us."

For Huanri, the master not only teaches his disciples skills, but also teaches him how to be a human being and how to go.

In this regard, the ancestor Zhang Changsheng did better than anyone else.

Zhang Changsheng half-squinted his breathtaking eyes, lying on the recliner, with a faint expression, "Huanri, first take Yueru and the people you lead, and arrange to rest in Wudang Mountain for a while. ."

"Yes, Master!"

Huanri heard his master's arrangement without delay, so he took his own Little Sister Yueru and left the mountainside behind Wudang Mountain.

After experiencing the Spiritual Recovery era, the sky is now more clear than usual.

The sunset glow is dazzling and beautiful, and the night is slowly enveloping Wudang Mountain.


"Whether zero one received, whether zero one received!"

An anxious tone came from Shen Mubai's black communication device.

At this moment, Shen Mubai had just finished the matter in his hands, and he didn't hesitate when he heard the sound of the communication device.

"Zero one received, what's wrong..."

Shen Mubai slightly frowned his good-looking eyebrows. After all, it was getting late, and the news at this time, fools knew that it was definitely not good news.


"Da da..."


All kinds of explosions, mixed with roars that are not human, came out of Shen Mubai's communication device.

"On our side, near the periphery of the Kunlun sacred mountain, there is already the idea of ​​upgraded creatures starting to gather and leaving the mountain to induce a tide of beasts!"

"It seems that there is something terrifying in it!"

Although the sound transmitted by the black communication device was not very loud, it also made Shen Mubai hear it very clearly.

Shen Mubai quickly picked up the black communication device and said, "I know, where are you temporarily guarding? If there is any accident, I will be notified immediately, and I will also send an additional guard to assist you 々〃 !"

After Shen Mubai finished speaking, she also hung up the communication device while rubbing her tired temples.

As the director of the capital's official Spiritual Recovery Institute, everything she expected, or hypothetical, began to happen.

Before the outbreak of Spiritual Recovery, many upgraded creatures have been born in the country with rare human traces or among various mountains.

But at that time, the threat to mankind was not a big deal at all, but now it is different, and Spiritual Recovery has exploded.

Not only did humans begin an unprecedented evolution, but also various creatures began to evolve.

As the underlying existence of the spiritual wisdom at the beginning, the evolution of various creatures in the early stage must be faster than the evolution of humans with too complicated thinking.

Although humans can catch up to the back, these upgraded creatures are the biggest trouble before this!

"Sister Shen, what happened?"

After two days and nights of continuous work, Qin Yin finally took a break, but was also awakened by the communication device that Shen Mubai used.

Looking at Shen Mubai's not very good face, Qin Yin was not a fool, and naturally he asked Shen Mubai with solemn and perplexity what happened.

For Qin Yin, this period of time should be the most difficult time for human survival. If something happens at this time, they can't do anything with the power they control now.


Shen Mubai sighed slightly, then waved his hand, his face calmed down again and said, "Nothing big, by the way, girl Qin, I just heard news reports that Wudang Mountain is the leader of the ancient Wu lineage."

"Under the arrangement of the ancestor and his elders, it seems that all the staff went down the mountain and started to clean up all the messy upgraded creatures along the way. Do you know this?"

Shen Mubai turned the topic off, and also mentioned the matter of Wudang Mountain.

In fact, for the occurrence of this kind of thing, Shen Mubai admired the grand patriarch in his heart.

When Qin Yin heard it, he nodded quickly and said, "Xiao Wangye secretly told me about this. At that time, I didn't have such a big reaction as Sister Shen. My ancestor does not need a human being. He is a human peak powerhouse, he What we do is naturally different from those of us."

"And this is also a great burden for us. After all, there are more and more cases of chaos caused by upgraded creatures across the country, and our current manpower is becoming less and less available. Look, Sister Shen, or we will increase that again. The development of an improved version of genetic evolution potion?"

Nowadays, the improved version of genetic evolution potion can only produce 50,000 in total, and this amount is already their limit.

Moreover, these batches of improved genetic evolution potions are to be allocated to the official military personnel of the capital first.

After all, compared with ordinary people, they experience more and more dangers all the time.

After hearing Qin Yin’s suggestion, Shen Mubai hesitated for a while and said, "This matter, with our current production line, 50,000 pieces is already the limit. If we are increasing production, I have to report to the above and give Our resources have doubled!"


"damn it!"

"Damn, these beasts!"

"The Shushan disciple took orders! Don't let any demonic beasts who flee!"

As the head of Shushan who has just been promoted to the Martial King level, his face is extremely ugly now.

He also never expected that Shu Mountain had been established for more than a thousand years and had been guarding this town demon tower that he didn't know when it was built.

But just now, this town demon tower broke open a crack!

The crack was not big, but it also made some low-level demons that had never been seen before, trying to escape from Shushan, and flee to the mortal world.

"call out......"

"Three talents sword formation!"

"Six-pointed star sword formation!"

Along with the appearance of blue Sword Ray, terrifying energy also appeared in the demon tower in the most tight corner of the entire Shu Mountain.

Headed by Shushan Qingwei Daoist.

The small sword formations merged and transformed into a terrifying blue-ray sword formation that stretched for ten kilometers.



The low-level Demonic Beasts with all kinds of weird appearances were also completely destroyed under the sword formation with Qing Wei Daochang as the core.

Although the chaos in Shushan had been stopped by Chief Qing Wei, his face was not pretty.

Because this is just a small crack leaking from the most common first floor of the Demon Town Tower, but the Demon Town Tower has 18 floors!


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