"Jian Chen, this time we can say that we have successfully passed the crisis in Shushan, and we have done a little good deed for the people of the world."

The head of Shushan said with a hint of happiness with a look of Qing Wei Dao.

As far as Dao Qing Wei was concerned, this time it was their Shushan luck, this time it was just a crack in the first layer of the town's demon tower.

But that's it, and it took Shushan a lot of effort to deal with the crisis that appeared in this crack.

But what about the back?

If such a crisis occurs in the future, I am afraid that he will not be able to stop it by then.

As the most outstanding disciple of Shushan, Shen Jianchen naturally knows what kind of mind his master has.

"Master, the matter of the demon tower in the town right now, if a similar situation occurs later, I am afraid it will be more dangerous than this time."

"So Tu'er thinks, if you think this will work, let's rescue it directly, and then join forces with the other leaders of the ancient Wu family to enter this demon town tower, and completely stabilize the eighteenth floor of the suppression tower. What do you think of the seal?"

Although Jian Chen's idea is simple, it is the most effective method.

But don't forget that the strength of the demon on the first floor of the demon tower in this town is at the Practitioner ninth-level.

It is hard to imagine what kind of monsters will exist on the eighteenth floor of the suppression tower!

But this idea once and for all, if it can be operated, it is inevitably a very good idea.

Upon hearing the words, the head of Shushan Qing Wei also fell silent.

He naturally knew that this was indeed an idea once and for all, but it was really difficult to operate.

It would be very difficult to accomplish this thing only by relying on his own power.

But if it is to gather the power of the masters of the ancient Wu family, maybe it is really possible!

Dao Qing Wei suddenly opened those bright eyes and said, "It's better to hit the sun if you choose a day! Jianchen, now you and your teacher will be separated. I will go to see the Wudang Patriarch, and you are going to visit other ancient martial arts. The head of the family!"

"Remember, this matter is mainly the responsibility of our Shushan. We should be grateful for those who are willing to come, and there is nothing for those who do not."

Qing Wei Daoist, in fact, in his heart, felt that such a thing, as long as Wudang Patriarch was willing, the chance of success would be great.

"Follow the order of the teacher!"


"Haha, my Dragon Turtel is finally out!"


Accompanied by the tremors of the Wudang Mountains, a mythical species of Dragon Turtel with an extremely rich Yin & Yang two-qi all over the body has also completed this Closed Door Training, and finally left the customs!

Before Closed Door Training, Dragon Turtel’s Cultivation Base had reached the third-level Martial Emperor, and now it has become the seventh-level Martial Emperor.

You know, that mythical white snake has a natural talent, and now it is only the Martial Emperor ninth-level consummation, stuck in the last step.

That last step was still too difficult.


After leaving the customs, the mythical Dragon Turtel felt the trap for a while.

Why is Wudang Mountain exceptionally quiet today? This is abnormal?

In the early morning, the Wudang Mountain Range should have the sound of the martial movement of nearly 10,000 Wudang disciples in the morning class.

Today is indeed too unusual.

If it weren't for the mythical Dragon Turtel, it had seen the old ancestor who was drinking tea first outside the small wooden house not far away. It really thought that the Wudang Mountain had disappeared and don't want it.

The dragon head of the mythical Dragon Turtel walked to the old ancestor Zhang Changsheng with a simple smile and said, "Well, that old ancestor, your old man is drinking tea, I am out of the customs, why is Wudang Mountain so quiet today? Ordinary?"

For Dragon Turtel, Wudang Mountain was very noisy in the past, and such a sight really makes it a little uncomfortable.

The ancestor Zhang Changsheng listened to the sound and looked back at the Dragon Turtel. He praised, "Little turtle, this Closed Door Training has broken through three small Realms in a short period of time, which is not bad. Now most of Wudang Mountain Disciple, as long as there is nothing in your hands, you will all go down the mountain."

"You take a rest, and go down the mountain to find that Xiao Wangye. With you, Wudang disciples are safer."

When I heard the mythological Dragon Turtel, I naturally understood the reason why the old ancestor did this.

"I see, Patriarch, but there are not many people in Wudang Mountain. What if?"

The mythology Dragon Turtel is not completely spoken. It is also a bit worrying. After all, there are so few people on Wudang Mountain. If something happens, it is true that if there is no time for the Patriarch, it will always be bad.

Zhang Changsheng shook his head slightly, and randomly shook his hand to the Jinjia Road that had been guarding the periphery of the Lei Jiechi. "With it, nothing will happen to Wudang Mountain, not to mention that I will leave Wudang Mountain soon."

At present, the old ancestor, who can cover nearly 100 kilometers of the Wudang Mountain Range, naturally feels a familiar breath is coming to Wudang Mountain.

Dragon Turtel had doubts on his face. Although he didn't know what the ancestor in front of him was saying, he didn't ask much.


"This is Guwu Taidou, Wudang Mountain?"

At this moment, after a night of rushing and flying, I finally arrived at the head of Shushan in Wudang Mountain.

After all, this is the place where the ancient Wu is absolutely the place where Zhang Changsheng, the ancestor of the peak powerhouse of human beings, lives.

With respect from the heart, Qingwei, the head of Shushan Mountain, also stepped into the gate of Wudang Mountain, but to his surprise, doesn't Wudang Mountain have nearly 10,000 disciples?

Why is Wudang Mountain so quiet today, and it's unusual everywhere. If he hadn't felt a trace of horror from the backside of Wudang Mountain, he really thought there was something unexpected in Wudang Mountain.

"Dragon Turtel, go and meet a friend. You have also met this guy, the guy who was in the Mount Tai secret realm at that time."

Although Dragon Turtel was a little confused, he didn't ask too much. It turned into black and white glow and disappeared in the backside of Wudang Mountain.

Dragon Turtel flew very fast, and when he rushed to the front mountain of Wudang Mountain and saw the people coming, he finally knew who the old ancestor said was.

"The head of Shushan?"

Qingwei was still watching the scenery of Wudang Mountain while advancing towards the backside of Wudang Mountain, but the familiar ridicule sounded.

It was also forcing him to raise his head quickly, and a Dragon Turtel with a volume of more than ten meters and a black and white Yin & Yang rotation appeared in front of him.

"Master Turtle?"

Qing Wei Dao Chang blurted out.

It is difficult for Chief Qing Wei to imagine that after he entered the Martial King Realm, when he saw this Dragon Turtel again, the aura on it was even more terrifying than it was in Mount Tai!


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