The next day, Jiang Chen, who was full of immortality, finally returned home.

In the room, the TV screen was still on, and a new reminder box popped up.

Returning to the game state, Jiang Chen moved away to open the task record, and began to check the prompts:

[Congratulations to the players for completing the mission of the first chapter, the main line of the next stage will be released]

[Middle Chapter: The Kingdom of Rats will be established]

[Task requirements: have a stable habitat with a population of more than 10,000]

[Task reward: depends on the scale and safety of the habitat, the degree of civilization, the quality of the tribe... and other factors]

PS: We Rat Clan will be great in the end!

It's nothing, it's just the main task of the next stage, Jiang Chen has not forgotten what this game is called, nor has he forgotten that the original goal is to establish the Rat Tribe civilization.

But the evaluation criteria for this mission reward is quite interesting. It is not as clear as the previous two missions, but is influenced by many factors.

However, it can be explained by thinking of the exaggerated fidelity of the game.

Anyway, Jiang Chen didn’t care too much about being able to do it again indefinitely. At worst, he could do it a few hundred times and it would be over, and he would always get a perfect evaluation.

Jiang Chen didn't miss that time. After receiving two S-level rewards, his lifespan has exceeded the limit of human beings. Although he doesn't know the exact number, it is estimated to be more than two hundred years old. He is not in a hurry.

But he had to pay attention to the task reminder below, otherwise his previous efforts would be in vain, and even the [Super Power Seed] would lose its maximum value.

[Emergency situation, it was detected that a human being noticed the abnormality of the rat clan]

[Release branch task: first contact]

[Task Requirement: Eliminate Crisis/Meet Tribulation (The specific choice is determined by the player)]

[Task Reward: None]

PS: This task is caused by the indirect behavior of the player, so rewards cannot be generated

Seeing this, Jiang Chen's expression remained unchanged. He didn't care about the rewards, and he was not short of a reward for a side mission. It is estimated that there would be no good things to come out of the perfect completion. The key is the information revealed in the mission prompt.

Someone has discovered the Rat Clan, or is about to!

This is not in line with his plan. Jiang Chen's plan is to keep the Rat Race until it can initially compete against humans and avoid being taken away by humans. Now it is a bit troublesome.

Of course, Jiang Chen also knew the reason.

The root of it is that he allowed Caesar to patronize a supermarket repeatedly, and even closed it down in the end.

Such arrogant behavior will undoubtedly cause waves in human society, and then lead some people with excess curiosity to come to investigate.

Do you regret it?

I don't regret it, I just did it. He is a human being and not a god, so he can't control everything. The most important thing now is how to get through this crisis.

After calming down and thinking for a while, Jiang Chen concluded three options:

One, break it up into parts, temporarily dismiss the Rat Clan, and let them disguise themselves as ordinary rats

The arrival of outsiders is unavoidable, and this choice can make them think that the supermarket incident is just an ordinary rat plague, which does not arouse the vigilance of human society.

But all things have advantages and disadvantages. To attract the attention of human beings, all traces of the Rat Clan's civilization must be destroyed, including rat nests, god statues, No. 4's laboratory, cannon fodder corps... and so on.

In other words, the heritage of the Rat Clan will be squandered, and even affect future development.

Second, kill the outsiders

With the Rat Clan's current ability, it is very possible to kill the opponent if they sneak attack, but Jiang Chen is not sure whether the outsider will have any equipment on him, or even live broadcast the whole process.

In modern society, money is the king of interests, and no one will come to explore the rat problem out of curiosity, so most of the people who come here are anchors or people who record urban talk shows.

It's not difficult to kill the other party, but the hard part is how to kill the other party without exposing the Rat Clan.

Third, expel outsiders

Don't think about it, this is the most stupid choice. Doing so will probably expose the existence of the Rat Clan, which will attract humans to pay.

Things are difficult to handle, not only to think about the current crisis, but also to consider the series of subsequent impacts.

From the incident in the supermarket that led to the extermination of 50 Rats, No. 3 dying, and the invasion of outsiders, we can see the horror of the butterfly effect, and the Rats have undoubtedly reached a turning point in history. Jiang Chen's choice will directly affect the Rats. The future fate of the family cannot be controlled by him being careless.

After thinking for half an hour and sorting out the pros and cons, Jiang Chen finally made a decision.

He decided to play a big game, which was very risky, but he could not only complete the task of the middle chapter, maybe even complete most of the final chapter.

Nothing else, it's so arrogant to be able to save and start again, if it's a big deal, just restart it.

The next moment, the screen was directly drawn to Caesar.

Unsurprisingly, this product is still working hard. Fortunately, this is a pixel game and it will automatically be mosaiced, otherwise Jiang Chen would have to wash his eyes today.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen began to convey his thoughts to Caesar.

That's right, after more than half a month of familiarization, he has been able to directly talk to the characters in the game, which is the main reason why he suspects that "Rise of the Rat Kingdom" is not a simple game.

Nonsense, players can communicate with the game characters in real time, and they think that this is a simple game because of their brains.

However, he still needs one piece of evidence to confirm his conjecture.

Meanwhile, the real world, the rat's nest.

Caesar suddenly paused in the movement of shrugging, and his eyes showed a pilgrimage-like excitement.

In the thinking network, the golden giant manifested again. Unlike the previous sluggishness, this time there was a faint light in the giant's eyes, as if the soul was suddenly injected into the body.


"My lord!"

"An outsider is about to arrive at the Rat's Nest." Jiang Chen revealed the key information without any nonsense.

Suddenly, Caesar froze, his emotions fluctuated rapidly like a roller coaster, but his thinking was still calm:

"Dare to ask my lord, how should the Rat Race behave?"

"You have two options..."

After a while, Caesar withdrew from the thinking network, pushed away the female rat under him, thousands of thoughts flashed in his eyes, and finally issued an order to all the rat clan:


In the real world, the TV screen suddenly changed to a supermarket.

I saw that a group of staff who were obviously from the live broadcast industry were wandering around, and there was not much time left for the Rat Race...

PS: Please ask for flowers and evaluation votes!

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