"Boss, come, look at the camera, and say hello to the studio!"

"Ahem...Hello, everyone."

The owner of the supermarket, who seemed to be in his teens, smiled forcefully and waved his hands weakly at the camera.

The anchor didn't care about the boss's attitude, and asked directly:

"Recently, I heard that your supermarket has closed due to rat infestation. Is this true?"

Hearing this, the boss's complexion suddenly became worse, and he said through gritted teeth:

"Yes, those rats come to the supermarket every night to move things, no matter what I do, it's useless."

"It sounds unbelievable. Are you sure it was a mouse? Why is there nothing in the surveillance?"

"Hey... Would you believe me if I said that every time the mouse came, the monitoring wire was bitten?"

Hearing this, the anchor suddenly showed a look of surprise, as if hearing this news for the first time.

In fact, he has already investigated it, and the current questioning is just a process.

"Huh? According to you, those mice still know how to hide themselves?"

"Although it sounds a little appalling, I really feel that those rats are abnormal, and they seem to be intelligent."

Seeing that he finally got to the point, the anchor hurriedly signaled the cameraman Diao to point the camera at the collected 'evidence'.

For example, empty milk powder boxes, food packaging bags, bitten off wires, and dissected rat corpses.

While showing the evidence, he explained next to him.

"Dear viewers, please see that these are left by rats. From the traces, it can be inferred that they did not eat the food on the spot, but brought it back to their lair."

"And the stomachs of these corpses were also stuffed with rat poison. The cats in the supermarket died because of eating these rats."

"I boldly speculate, maybe the boss is not lying, those mice really have wisdom."

After the words fell, the live broadcast room suddenly boiled:

"They are all props. The anchor is trying to please the public. The appraisal is complete."

"The props are quite decent, but it's a pity that the script is too fake. Now there are really all kinds of monsters and ghosts."

"Boring, cancel it."

"If you're looking for an actor, you should also look for a professional one, okay? The uncle in the back is like a homeless man. Only ghosts believe that he is the boss."


Faced with the barrage of doubts, the anchor not only didn't care, but became even more excited.

The louder the voice of doubt now, the more he will gain when he presents a series of evidence next. .

As for rats being intelligent?

The anchor doesn't care at all, to put it bluntly, even if he has wisdom, so what, how can he beat humans.

Maybe he could still be famous in history for discovering a second intelligent race.

Thinking of this, the anchor's mood became even hotter. Taking advantage of the heat of the live broadcast, he began to restore the original appearance of the supermarket incident.

Deduce the route of the rats through the smell of the bathroom and the remaining footprints, infer the social structure of the rat group through the types of food that were stolen, and infer the location of the rat nest through the sewer drawings...

As time went by, there were fewer and fewer doubts in the live broadcast room.

"Fuck, are those mice really smart?"

"Fake, it must be fake, they are all props!"

"I don't believe it either, but it's too real. Many things cannot be artificially imitated."

"Sahua, the second intelligent race has appeared!"

"It feels like the plot in the novel, the rise of mice, the destruction of human beings, and the end of the earth."

"I'm afraid the upstairs is not a fool, so what about the rise of the Rat Clan, overheating weapons?"

"I'm a little curious about why they awakened to wisdom."

"Maybe it's some mad scientist."


At the same time as the excitement above, Caesar also started to move in the sewer.

The order Jiang Chen gave him was: take the initiative to attack outsiders!

Yes, you heard it right, just take the initiative!

But it's not the kind that does its best, but attacks humans without revealing superpowers and civilization systems, but only revealing a certain degree of wisdom.

As for why he did this, Jiang Chen has three considerations:

One, preserve the heritage of the Rat Clan.

Second, reduce the vigilance of human beings and buy precious development time for the Rat Race.

Surveillance is everywhere in modern society. Even if the Rat Clan is not exposed this time, it will be exposed sooner or later as the Rat Clan grows.

Instead of ushering in a full-scale rebound of human society at that time, it is better to reveal some insignificant things this time and control the damage within a certain range.

3. Put pressure on the Rat Race

Just like humans achieve rapid development through war, appropriate pressure can ensure the rapid development of the Rat Race, but the pressure must be well controlled, otherwise there is a possibility of collapse.

But with Caesar in charge, there must be no trouble.

Of course, these are all Jiang Chen told Caesar, and his ultimate goal is to test the authenticity of the game.

That's right, the above are just reasons. Jiang Chen's main purpose is to test the authenticity of the game. He suspects that "Rise of the Rat Kingdom" has already materialized in reality.

Whether it's the exaggerated degree of realism or various details, this fact is faintly revealed, and Jiang Chen couldn't help but not care about it.

When this incident is over, he can go over the wall to check the news of the Neon Kingdom to verify his guess.

This will directly determine his next move.

If not, that's fine, he can be unscrupulous in "Infinity Game".

But if true, that's a lot to consider.

And the sooner this problem is verified, the better. Fortunately, there is only one "Rise of the Rat Kingdom", which does not have much impact on human civilization.

In case there is something like "Resident Evil" or "Survival at the End of the World" coming out later, and it manifests inexplicably, Jiang Chen has nowhere to cry.

Therefore, the whole Rat Clan mobilized and began to hide all traces of civilization, and let No. 1 eat the ones that couldn't be hidden.

The cave was buried with rubble, the statue was smashed with the permission of Jiang Chen, and the reformed army on the 4th hid in the mud...

Looking at it now, there is no trace of civilization in the Rat Race, it is clearly a nest of rats gathered in groups.

After everything was ready, the anchor just followed the trail to the sewer entrance behind the supermarket...

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