In a conference room, elites from all over the world are sitting at a long table, listening to the report of the fourth director of the Metropolitan Police Department:

"First of all, I would like to thank everyone for coming to help our country. To make a long story short, I am sorry that we cannot provide too many clues."

"From the currently known intelligence analysis, the target's gender is unknown, his age and location, and we don't even know whether he is a human being."

"We only know that the other party has some kind of weapon of mass destruction, and there is an intelligence network behind it that can easily investigate everyone's past crimes."

"At the same time, the target has a certain extreme sense of justice, and only kills the most sinful people. So far, there has been no exception."

"The location where the target originally committed the crime was in city A, and the city was paralyzed in just four days, forcing our country to lock down the city."

"It stands to reason that the other party will be caught sooner or later for this kind of mobilization of the army level to close the city."

"But we were wrong. The other party quietly broke through our encirclement like a ghost, and carried out massacres in four cities one after another."

After listening to this, everyone present was silent for a while.

Either regret the mission, or sum up the information and think about the way to break the situation.

After a while, the representative of the beautiful country broke the silence first:

"Is there a roadmap to the goal?"


The chief of the Metropolitan Police Department quickly pulled out a whiteboard, on which Zhao Shuai's travel route was clearly marked with thumbtacks and red lines.

"What time did the target arrive in each city?"

"There is no specific time, but there are approximate statistics of the order in which the deceased appeared."

"Bring it!"

The commanding tone made Director Nehong's face stiff, but he still distributed the documents honestly.

The representative of the beautiful country flipped through it for a while, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Immediately afterwards, he unceremoniously walked up to the stage and pushed Director Neon away.

Chief Nehong opened his mouth, but in the end he still didn't dare to say anything, and walked down with a gray face.

"Everyone, time is precious, please listen to my plan first."

"According to the time when the deceased appeared and the distance between the cities, I can roughly judge that the speed of the target is basically the same as that of an ordinary family car."

"Since we can't find him, there's no need to look for him!"

"Now that we know that the other party is in City F, we urgently extract some death-row inmates from the prison, install pacemakers, and place them around City F."

"At that time, when the target finishes sweeping City F and goes to other cities, he will definitely meet a criminal in a certain direction. If the other party is really that righteous, he will definitely kill the criminal."

"Once the heartbeat signal is received, we will use missiles to carry out carpet bombing of the corresponding criminal within a radius of 20 kilometers, and we will never be able to run away at the target's speed!"

After the words fell, the entire meeting room suddenly fell into dead silence, and everyone was stunned by this crazy plan.

Then he started to think about the possibility of the plan, and it seemed quite reliable to think about it this way.

Why can't Nihong find Zhao Shuai? Isn't it because he can't find it?

Simply put, it is fishing.

The only downside is that using criminals as bait can be somewhat controversial.

But now that Neon has been tossed to the point of disintegration, do you still care about the impact?

As a result, the plan quickly passed the decision, and a total of 500 criminals were drawn out and placed in various directions around City F.

100 kilometers away, more than 20 missile vehicles are ready to launch at any time.

Zhao Shuai knew nothing about this.

At this moment, this guy is immersed in the joy of cleaning.

It was a kind of joy that couldn't be described in words. Seeing cities being wiped out by him, and feeling the thinner karma in the air, Zhao Shuai couldn't be happier.

By the time he came back to his senses, the small city of F had already been swept away by him from the beginning to the end.

Not even intending to rest, Zhao Shuai immediately prepared to go to other cities, and then...he felt the breath of sin in the suburbs.

In fact, there is no need to feel it at all. With the current level of [Death Eye], Zhao Shuai can see the criminal tied into a rice dumpling in the distance with his eyes.

Without the slightest concealment, any fool could see that this was a trap specially aimed at him.

It has to be said that the representative of the beautiful country is really powerful, and he can figure out Zhao Shuai's character just through some documents.

At this moment, Zhao Shuai faces two choices:

one, kill

Two, don't kill

If he killed him, it would be like stepping into a trap. If he didn't kill him, the belief he had always insisted on would collapse in place.

Zhao Shuai just smiled at this.

The next moment, thousands of evil spirits surged out.

He, Zhao Shuai, is a killer with no tolerance for crime!

Almost at the same time, the missile vehicles that received the signal in the distance all turned their heads, and dozens of missiles pierced the sky and flew towards the criminal.

During Setsuna, a deafening explosion resounded throughout the sky.

Countless shock waves tore at Zhao Shuai's body wantonly, putting him on the verge of death in a short time.

Looking at half of his body that had turned into coke, Zhao Shuai suddenly grinned, and said to himself:

"Human abilities really have limits. I learned one thing from my short life..."

"The more handsome you are, the more you will be targeted by the world, unless you surpass humans!"

"I'm not a human anymore!"

After playing the meme, Zhao Shuai didn't hesitate to use the sin points accumulated in three cities to buy a skill that he had long wanted.

【Body of Death】

[Function]: Hold thousands of sins

PS: Embrace the darkness...

The skill introduction is very simple, but the effect is against the sky. After possessing this skill, Zhao Shuai will turn into a container to store endless sins and condense the body of karma.

Since then, the karma in the world has continued, and he is eternal, and even after death, he will slowly come back to life.

The only downside is that from then on, Zhao Shuai will struggle with sin all his life until eternity.

In a disguised form, this is also some kind of curse.

However, for Zhao Shuai's mental illness, it might not be a big deal.

I saw that countless black mud was born out of thin air and sprinkled on Zhao Shuai's remnant body.

Repair, fill, inject, optimize...

Like the most skillful craftsman in the world, countless black mud fundamentally transformed this body.

It didn't take long for Zhao Shuai to have no more scars on his body, and even his suit was reshaped.

At this moment, he still has the appearance of a human being, but his essence has changed. You can feel it from his breath. Staring at him is like staring at all the malice of human beings, but in the deepest part of that malice, there is a touch of incomparably pure whiteness. '.

Turning his head to look in the direction of the missile vehicle, Zhao Shuai followed the established route to the next city as if nothing had happened.

Enmity and grievances are too boring, it is more interesting to clear up sins.

Two days later, representatives of various countries received news that large-scale casualties began to occur in City G.

"What to do now, missiles are useless against that guy."

"How about trying a nuclear bomb?"

"You are crazy and want to start World War III."

"Then what to do?"

"How would I know."


Just when the countries were at a loss, Jiang Chen received a piece of good news.

It may be influenced by Zhao Shuai, or it may be that the Rat Clan has accumulated enough, "The Rise of the Rat Kingdom" finally released the final chapter mission:

[Final Chapter]: Rise of the Rat Kingdom

[Task Requirements]: Let the Rat Race become the second intelligent civilization on the earth, coexisting with humans in the world

[Task evaluation]: Assess the remaining forces of the Rat Clan

PS: We have been silent for too long, it is time to let the world know that we exist...

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