Just like what Jiang Chen thought, the mission of the final chapter of "Rise of the Rat Kingdom" is to make the Rat Race the second intelligent civilization.

Then the question arises, how should the Rat Race co-govern with humans?

You know, Caesar's previous worries were not unreasonable.

If human beings know that there is a second intelligent race on the earth, in order to ensure their dominance, they will definitely launch a war of extermination at all costs.

One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, this is the instinct of all intelligent creatures.

So here comes the question again, can the Rat Race beat humans?

There is no doubt that you can't beat it.

Although the Rat Clan has a superpower system, even though the Rat Clan has been strengthened by the power of faith, it still cannot change the fact that they have only developed for less than half a year.

However, human civilization has gone through tens of thousands of years, such a huge time gap, especially Caesar can catch up in just a few months.

Therefore, the key to the mission in the final chapter is not to make the Rat Race stronger, but to find a balance between the two civilizations. In the end, human beings have no way to destroy the Rat Race and can only accept the existence of the Rat Race.

There are many ways to balance, such as imitating nuclear deterrence and letting No. 4 develop a super virus involving all carbon-based organisms.

For example, let the rat clan be broken up into parts and scattered to all corners of the world.

Another example is to let the Rat Clan secretly manipulate the upper echelons of humans.


During Setsuna, countless plans emerged in Jiang Chen's mind, and then he rejected them one by one.

There is no way, there are too many loopholes, the high-level human beings are not fools, but they have a chance to take advantage of it, and it will be a catastrophe to meet the rat clan.

In the end, after some thought, Jiang Chen decided to leave the choice to Caesar.

In other words, this is the first time he has actively contacted Caesar.

In the thought network, Jiang Chen turned into a giant of golden light, calmly looking at Caesar's consciousness.

"My lord!"

"Caesar, it's time to make a decision. The Rat Race is too big. If you want to develop further, you must step up to the front."

"How do you choose, war or coexistence?"


Without the slightest hesitation, Caesar immediately stated his choice.

His mind is still very clear, the more he understands human beings, the more terrifying he can find human beings.


Ha ha... It would be better to say that it was a unilateral massacre of the Rat Clan by humans.

"Well, I understand. It's up to you how to do it. I won't interfere this time."

After the words fell, Jiang Chen disappeared into the thinking network.

It's not that Jiang Chen doesn't care about the Rat Clan, it's that he can't.

It is a matter of the survival of the race, and Caesar must make his own decision, otherwise the Rat Race will sooner or later become a civilization without autonomy.

Anyway, if you fail, you can start again, and sooner or later you will find a correct path.

This is the power given to Jiang Chen by the real world, and it is also the truth that "Infinite Games" can be rolled back.

God has bestowed a cheat, it's hard to lose.

After Jiang Chen left, Caesar fell into a long silence.

In fact, during this period of time, he was also thinking about how to get the Rat Clan from the dark to the bright.

The result is similar to what Jiang Chen thought. There are many methods, but it is difficult to find a real balance point.

Just when Caesar convened all the Rat Clan to think about countermeasures, new changes also appeared on Zhao Shuai's side.

Having obtained the [Body of Death God] and completely incarnated him as an inhuman, at this moment it can be said that people block and kill people, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas.

Not only has the distance limit of the ghast been expanded to hundreds of kilometers, but even the movement speed, which was originally a short board, has been breakthrough enhanced, completely becoming a veritable humanoid natural disaster.

Worst of all, this is an undiscovered natural disaster.

The representatives of various countries are really at a loss what to do with Zhao Shuai now, they can't really use nuclear bombs and hydrogen bombs, right?

If that thing is not well controlled, it may trigger World War III, and no one can bear the consequences.

After a heated debate, the representatives of various countries finally came to a conclusion:

Since Zhao Shuai is an invincible existence, instead of targeting, it is better to take the initiative to go along with it.

That is, let Nihong take the initiative to gather the guilty people in one place and let Zhao Shuai kill them.

That's right, take the initiative to let Zhao Shuai kill him!

This will not only control the disaster within a certain range, but also alleviate the panic of the people.

Then representatives from various countries returned home one after another regardless of Nihong's persuasion.

Immediately afterwards, countries around the world unanimously quarantined neon lights.

Well, quarantine!

Just like treating infectious diseases, cut off trade, cut off all traffic lines, and make neon an island.

After learning about Zhao Shuai's horror, all countries in the world have the same idea:

For such a 'big baby', it's better to stay in Nihong, and don't come over and bully us.

After hearing the news, the faces of high-level neon executives turned green, but what can they do?

They don't even know what Zhao Shuai is, and they can't resist the joint blockade of various countries. They have nothing to do.

They can only grit their teeth and continue to select all kinds of criminals. As the representatives of various countries said, instead of being passively restrained, it is better to actively join in and control the losses within a certain range.


There is no more, the neon is completely blown up!

It is not known whether someone leaked the information, or the high-level guards stole it, but the plan quickly spread throughout the Neon.

Those high-ranking officials and businessmen with ghosts in their hearts, and even the people, rose up one after another.

Being sealed off in the country and unable to escape, they were naturally unwilling to be killed by Zhao Shuai, and they also did not want to be wiped out by their own country.

What else can I do?

In order to survive, they can only reverse it!

So, neon completely messed up.

Cities have declared autonomy one after another, wealthy businessmen have formed their own legions, and criminal gangs hidden in the people are destroying everywhere...

The jurisprudence is in disarray, and there is no order. The current neon is no different from the end of the world. The teeth of other countries are gritted by seeing it, and the decision to isolate the neon is further strengthened.

They don't want their country to become like this.

But Caesar saw a glimmer of opportunity in it, a glimmer of opportunity for the rise of the Rat Kingdom.

At this moment, Neon is blocked, news from all countries is blocked, and even Neon itself is caught in civil strife, which happens to be the opportunity for the Rat Clan to step up to the stage.

As for Zhao Shuai?

He would never target the ratfolk.

Nothing else, the Rat Clan is not only innocent, but full of merit.

Knowing about nuclear waste, in a disguised form, is treating the world. Isn't that a lot of merit?

So, is there a better chance than this?


This is the time God bestowed on the Rat Clan to rise up!

As for the occupation of Neon, how can other countries recognize the existence of the Rat Race?

Caesar already had a plan secretly in his heart, the most important thing now is to occupy the neon first!

Neon knows nothing about this...

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