Neon, no, it should be called Rat Country now.

When the outside world was turbulent, the rat country had already undergone earth-shaking changes unknowingly.

On the outside, all the old human buildings were demolished, and replaced by various caves and transformation rooms full of Rat style.

What is the style of the Rat Clan?

Simple and solid!

To sum up, it is to completely ignore messy things such as aesthetics, and focus on efficiency.

But precisely because of this, the Rat Clan has an iron-blooded and capable taste on the whole.

In order to keep humans away and let the newborns wake up better, the Rats also sprinkled nuclear waste all over the neon, directly pulling the radiation index to the explosion table.

Fundamental changes have also taken place within the Rat Clan.

Since the establishment of the Rat Kingdom, Caesar seldom showed up, and now most of the Rat Clan's affairs are taken care of by No. 2.

Possessing [Super Intelligence], he is like a mouse-shaped quantum computer, which can easily deal with any problems faced by the Rat Race. He is currently the most suitable king of the Rat Race and the successor trained by Caesar himself.

The character of No. 2 is just one word, stable.

Such a personality is not suitable for pioneering and enterprising, but it is extremely in line with the current market situation of the Rat Clan.

Caesar has basically finished the pioneering work, and the next step is naturally the wretched development.

Therefore, Caesar gradually pushed No. 2 to the throne.

Of course, this is also the result of the vote of all the Rat Clan.

In the past six months, No. 2 is not just for nothing, he is the well-deserved big housekeeper of the Rat Clan.

From small disputes among the Rat Clan to large plans for their rise, everything is basically in his hands.

Without No. 2, the Rat Race really couldn't develop to where it is today.

As for Caesar?

Now he is completely relaxed, just reminding No. 2 from time to time, and wandering around in the rat country all the time.

Since signing the peace treaty with humans, Caesar has been aging rapidly every day. It feels like he suddenly lost his spiritual support, and the whole mouse began to collapse from the inside out.

In other words, Caesar no longer wants to live.

That's right, I just don't want to live anymore.

Even though the feedback from the power of faith has restored his overdrawn lifespan, if Caesar wants to die, it will be useless even if Jiang Chen personally takes action.

He has struggled and struggled all his life, and he has dragged the Rat Clan to where he is today.

Tired from the soul, he yearns for rest, for tranquility.

What's more, there are no two masters in a country. If he is here, No. 2 will never be able to get ahead.

What's more, his thoughts are too extreme, and he is no longer suitable for the current Rat Clan.

Therefore, he must die.

Only when he is dead can the Rat Clan move on.

Many Rats could not accept this result, but Caesar himself was very calm.

Every day, like a retired veteran cadre, wandering around in the rat country, silently watching the rat clan gradually grow in the corner.

It's as if he wants to keep every mouse family and every street in the mouse country in his mind.

One day, when Caesar was standing by the sea and looking at the rough sea in the distance, a voice suddenly sounded behind him:

"King, you are ready."

Caesar did not reply, still quietly watching the sea.

No. 4, who came behind him at some point, was not in a hurry, and just stayed with Caesar.

After a long while, Caesar broke the silence, his tone seemed to be asking No. 4, but it was more like asking himself.

"Number 4, do you think I am wrong, should I not define the Rat Race so cold?"

"Wrong and right are temporary, what we seem right now may not necessarily be right in the future, and what is wrong now may not necessarily be wrong in the future.

"That's right, when you're old, you're old after all. Once this mouse gets old, it's easy to think wildly. Now I understand why those wise kings in human history will become dull in their old age. It turns out that when intelligent beings get old, they will really change their minds." Get confused.

Caesar let out a long sigh, as if he had let go of the knot in his heart, more like relief.

No. 4 did not answer, but continued to remain silent.

For some reason, he, who was crazy in the early years, has become more and more rational recently.

It may be due to physical reasons, or it may be that I am completely immersed in my own world, and I am not so calm to the outside world.



"That's good. I, an old guy, should be lonely too. One generation of rats does the work of another generation of rats. After my work is done, it's time to make room for the next generation."

The words fall, just as the tide is ebbing.

The sea water receded, leaving only a wet mark on the beach.

However, the ebb tide is for tomorrow's high tide, as Caesar is today.

The next day, all the Rat Clan gathered in the capital of the Rat Country.

I saw that a 100-meter-high statue was standing in the very center of the capital.

Caesar stood under the statue, facing the hundreds of millions of rats, and quietly looked at No. 2 who was kneeling in front of him.

This is the resignation ceremony that Caesar prepared for himself, and it is also the enthronement ceremony on the 2nd.

At a certain moment, Caesar's voice sounded in the thought network:

"The Rat Clan was born insignificant, but thanks to God's blessing, they have been able to make it to where they are today."

0...asking for flowers...

"However, there is a time for all things to become old and faint. I have come to an end, and today I will pass it on to No. 2!"

As he spoke, a gratified smile appeared on the corner of Caesar's mouth, and then he immediately became serious.

The tiny body burst out with a terrifying aura again, even more shocking than when it deterred all human beings before. It felt like a raging fire cooking oil and thunder, as if it was burning itself.

"Number 2, you are the mouse king, are you willing to bear the burden of a family and move forward?"


"Would you like to be selfless, selfless and desireless all your life, just for race?"


"Are you willing to sacrifice everything to pass on the torch?"

Number 2 raised his head suddenly, stared into Caesar's eyes, and said firmly.

The three questions are engraved with an indestructible will, constantly echoing in the thinking network, and last for a long time.

"Good, good, good!"

"From now on, you are the new mouse king of the mouse clan!"

There were no complicated ceremonies. After affirming No. 2's determination, Caesar handed over the power neatly.

The next moment, Caesar suddenly turned around to face the statue of Jiang Chen, and bowed his head in worship.

He didn't say anything, but Jiang Chen already understood what he meant.

During Setsuna, the golden light fell, and the original stone statue suddenly turned into white jade.

The statue looks down on all living beings, and where the eyes pass, everything is silent.

When the eyes swept over Caesar, the statue seemed to pause slightly, and then aimed at No. 2:

"You are the second generation Caesar of the Rat Clan!"

Hearing this, Caesar's body trembled slightly.

He understood that this was the last grace God bestowed on him.

With this beginning, the name of "Caesar" will always be passed on to future generations of the Mouse King, and his existence will be passed down from generation to generation until eternity.

At this moment, countless emotions rushed into Caesar's heart, and he really had the urge to leave with Jiang Chen, but in the end he remained silent.

The rat country still needs him, he does not belong to the gods, but only to the rat clan.

The golden light faded away, and the statue returned to its original shape again, as if nothing had happened.

But the rat clan knew that their new king had been recognized by the gods, and was even given the title of the second-generation Caesar.

This is the purpose of Caesar's coronation ceremony, and he is building momentum for No. 2.

Jiang Chen is the only faith of the Rat Clan, and if they want to firmly secure the throne, they must get Jiang Chen's approval.

Now, he has succeeded.

So, amidst the cheers of hundreds of millions of Rat Clans, Caesar took one last look at the land he had laid down, and then quietly disappeared in place.

It's time, time to go... six....

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