Clash Of Civilizations: I Really Don't Want To Destroy The Earth

Chapter 66 Rise Of The Rat Kingdom, Pass The Level!

After silently leaving the enthronement ceremony, Caesar walked into the underground laboratory of No. 4, where No. 4 had been waiting for a long time.

Without saying anything, the two mice just nodded to each other, and then Caesar went straight to the operating table and lay down.

"No more looking?"

"Don't watch it, what if you are afraid of death if you watch it too much, the rules I set with my own hands will naturally be followed to the end.


"Good night, Wang, I wish you a sweet dream"

"Good night, No. 4, I wish you the end of your pursuit of truth."

After the words fell, Caesar closed his eyes.

Accompanied by the piercing sound of the chainsaw and the sound of the body being torn apart, I began to recall my life.

Since when did you start remembering things?

It seems that it started when the first white mouse was dissected. It was really scary at that time. I remember that I seemed to be scared to pee.

It's a shame, this memory can't stay in the "seven-three-three" thinking network.

What were the names of the two experimenters?

Yamamoto? Ozawa? Forget it, it doesn't matter, they are all dead anyway.

I don't know what happened to the 11 mice that escaped from the laboratory together?

It should be dead, even if it is not dead, it will be regarded as material by No. 4.

In other words, why did God choose me as a waste in the first place?

Pity, it should be pity, after all, he is just a guinea pig, how can such a great existence value him.

Suddenly, Jiang Chen's voice sounded in Caesar's mind:

"Not pity!"

"My God?"

"Well, it's me."

"Sorry, my God."

"Sorry for what? You've done a good job and have always been good. I'm glad I chose you.

"Really, that's really an honor......"

"My God, can I ask you to take care of the Rat Clan in the end?"

"The most I can guarantee is that the Rat Clan will not be wiped out."

"This is enough!"

"Finally, thank you very much, for.......all........all..."

As the words fell, Caesar's thinking became weaker and weaker, and finally fell into dead silence.

Jiang Chen was silent for a few seconds, then continued:

"Thank you, Caesar, thank you for being able to believe in me."

After the operation was over, Caesar had disappeared on the operating table, replaced by a scepter made of bone and alloy.

At the top of the scepter is a small glass cylinder filled with concentrated energy toxins.

In the thick green liquid, Caesar's brain squirmed slightly, silently maintaining the existence of the thinking network.

Yes, Caesar died, just like No. 1 who was transformed into a star eater, he underwent a thorough transformation by No. 4, at the cost of sacrificing self-awareness, and permanently left [Thinking Network] for the Rat Race.

The scepter is like a cage, imprisoning Caesar's soul, allowing his superpower [Mind Link] to last forever.

In the room, Jiang Chen looked at the new prompt that popped up in "Rise of the Rat Kingdom", his eyes diverged a little:

【The game character is dead, do you want to choose a new character?】


After clicking [No] casually, Jiang Chen stared at the screen in a daze.

In his heart, there is only one protagonist in Rise of the Rat Kingdom, and since he is dead, there will be no more so-called protagonists in the future.

To be honest, Jiang Chen's mood is very complicated now.

resentment, admiration, anger

Reluctant to pass away Caesar, admired his persistence, and angry at his stubbornness.

In the end, all the complexities turned into a long sigh.

At this moment, Jiang Chen had a little understanding of the meaning of the [Death God's Eternal Life] note.

With the infinite extension of time, countless familiar things will eventually leave him, only he is eternal.

Just thinking about it, Jiang Chen could feel a bone-chilling chill.

So, is it really okay?

After a while, Jiang Chen suddenly smiled freely.

Sentimentality is not his style. People have different pursuits at different stages. Maybe when he reaches a higher level, he will not have this trouble.

People, it is more important to keep in mind the past and live in the present.

As for the future?

No matter how many there are, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain.

In the laboratory, after completing the transformation of Caesar, No. 4 still did not stop moving.

He put the scepter aside, lay down on the operating table, and began to transform himself.

Unlike Caesar who did it for the Rats, No. 4 did it more for his own pursuit.

Life is too short, the unknown is too fascinating, he wants to explore more truths, but time does not leave him a chance.

Therefore, he wants to live forever, even if the price is to lose himself and become a tool.

Two hours later, Number 4 also disappeared, replaced by an ultra-small metal octopus.

This was designed by No. 4 long ago. This octopus can parasitize on the Rat Tribe, allowing it to obtain all the knowledge and abilities of No. 4...

In this way, No. 4 will be able to explore the end of truth in endless time through infinite parasitism.

At the same time, it can also allow the Rat Clan's super energy system to continue, so as not to cut off the way forward.

The next day, when No. 4's assistant opened the door of the laboratory, the 'Octopus' exploded violently and parasitized directly on the assistant's body.

During Setsuna, countless messages flooded in, and the assistant who understood everything immediately handed over the scepter to No. 2.

Looking at the squirming brain in the glass jar, No. 2 was also silent for a long time, and then he said to himself in the thinking network to all the rats:

"All for the Rat Clan!"

"It's all for the Rat Clan!" *N

Since then, the Rat Clan has completely possessed the foundation of an eternal civilization.

It was also at this moment that "The Rise of the Rat Kingdom" sent the final mission reminder:

[Final Chapter]: The Rise of the Rat Country (Completed)

[It was detected that the damage to the Rat Race was minimal, and it has a complete civilization inheritance, and the evaluation task completion degree is S-level]

【Is it cleared?】


With a slightly heavy heart, Jiang Chen clicked [Yes].

On the world tree, the buds representing "The Rise of the Rat Kingdom" unfolded, and more mature rules were extended to the Kingdom of God.

And Jiang Chen also has a ball of light in front of him:

【Light of Mind】

【Function】: accompany

[Scope of application]: Jiang 1.7 Chen (only exclusive)

PS: My god, I will turn into light and always be by your side, you... are not alone.

Jiang Chen was stunned for a long time, and finally crushed the ball of light with a smile.

During Setsuna, an indescribable spiritual light shone on his heart.

It felt like there was an extremely gentle existence, gently smoothing all the heaviness and doubts in Jiang Chen's heart.

Diving into the deepest part of the soul, Jiang Chen can vaguely see a ray of light next to his own heart that is continuously exuding positive emotions such as admiration, faith, worship...etc.

Shimmer has no self-awareness, it exists just like in the introduction, just to accompany Jiang Chen until the end of time.

To be honest, this thing is not in line with the standard of "Rise of the Rat Kingdom" customs clearance rewards, but Jiang Chen likes it very much, even more than the one from "The Kingdom of God".

After all, this is the last gift Caesar gave him...

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