Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Travel Notes: What’s in Hulu’s mobile phone?

Chapter 1002 Journey Notes What’s in Hulu’s Cell Phone

Recalling the wind spirit, walking out of Ye Hui's cold bedroom, I subconsciously felt something in my heart and turned around.

When he saw the gorgeous silver-gray figure waving his hands and smiling perfectly at him, he seemed to have guessed that he would look back at this moment.

It's really all under her control...

Fangran smiled helplessly and sighed in his heart. Fangran also waved to her as a farewell for the second time the two met.

Then he turned around and left the room, heading back towards the ball hall.

Wearing a tall and straight suit, Fangran was the only figure in the luxurious corridor. Thinking back on all the words the Financial Queen had said to him just now, he looked at the night outside the corridor window in a quiet trance.

As for Veronica's invitation, he really had no intention of agreeing to it before.

After all, a college student and the world's largest financial empire are really not compatible.

But from that night when I rushed out of the campus gate, recognized my strength on the flight to Northern Europe, decided to move forward on the eve of preparations for the national war, lost my ability and traveled to a foreign country, and calmly maintained my status as an A-level high-ranking official in an underground mine,

Hearing the invitation from her again,

This time, Fangran seriously considered it.

Although it is still a little immature compared to other A-level top players in the world of night battles, each of which is powerful in its own right, the power unleashed by ‘Infinity’ is definitely not false.

If it is a financial empire that holds the largest wealth in the world, it is not surprising that it wants to have such power.


What does she want with her power?

This was the only thing Fangran felt he had to know.

Intuition told her that Veronica didn't just want to have the combat power of an A-level high-ranking person to fight against the hidden threats of the association.

Judging from the clear night network trading interface, her subordinates will definitely not have no participants working for her.

A person who controls Fiseld's wealth of more than 10 trillion will definitely have greater ambitions and plans.

It's just that even if he is calm and determined to face it as an A-level superior, his life, experience and everything else are still far behind Veronica.

So, although the conversation just now was said to be made up in the end, did she really think that way?

Fangran couldn't see through it at all.

At first sight, she was flawlessly disguised as a weak girl and hid in the crowd. The only bargaining chip was 'be my lover'. She could entrust the entire Chinese industry to her with a casual smile, and she could point a gun at herself with a smile without changing her expression. head,

To be honest, before meeting Veronica, Fangran had never imagined that there would be such a person in reality.

It can be so elusive.

"Oh...what a great person..."

Fangran chuckled helplessly, and sighed again to his most special 'friend' outside of daily life,

Then, when she was in a trance, her thoughts were uncontrollable and she imagined that if it was true what she just said,

Integrate the technological creations and mysterious items in the night battle world into the real social development of today's era...

Will times really change?

Feeling that it was impossible to imagine that it could only be the same scene in a science fiction story, Fangran shook his head and got rid of the complicated thoughts about what Veronica had just said in his mind.

His thoughts returned to his current critical situation, but his eyes only looked relaxed and relaxed.

Because of the power connected to the unexpected return of the black box, he didn't have to worry about anything tonight.

"Hmm...I don't know if Hulu's legs are weak from panic now, hehe..."

Thinking that Tang Bing would be alone at the dance party without him, Fangran muttered to himself and smiled secretly, and while saying this,

The girl's slender and straight legs came to mind subconsciously. She was wearing high heels and a beautiful white elegant dress tonight.

Exquisite and expensive makeup, like an ugly duckling turning into a swan in a fairy tale,

The completely different look from usual made me feel excited...


Ahhhhh! Fangran! What are you thinking about?

That's a gourd! Don't be fooled by her appearance that she doesn't drive!

As a boy's normal reaction to the opposite sex, Fangran suddenly had the crazy urge to hit a wall when he thought of Tang Bing's beautiful appearance as a completely different person tonight, coupled with the agitation of the magic bunny girl in black stockings just now.

Slowing down the stairs, taking three deep breaths, and silently reciting the Buddha nature that form is emptiness, I finally regained my composure.

By the way, maybe there was something strange in that cup of black tea...

She couldn't help but roll her eyes in her heart, thinking that the blame for Tang Bing's strange thoughts was thrown onto the same kind of person who had the previous record of adding medicine to the black tea. Fangran raised his hand to his forehead.

Then when he put it down, he suddenly touched it in his suit pocket.

Slightly startled,

Only then did he remember that he had something on him that Tang Bing had placed before him.

Perhaps people who have never taken a female companion to a dance may not know that due to the design of evening dresses for women attending such occasions, it is impossible for them to have such extraneous things as a 'pocket' on their bodies.

But if you look closely, you should be able to find that most women have a small handbag that is not too big.

But in this kind of social situation where you need to show your beauty in order to win more gains, sometimes even this is considered a burden.

So, you may be wondering about those women with low-cut backs and sexy legs under their skirts, where do they put their belongings?

The answer is, a lot.

Some are placed in the car, some are given to waiters for safekeeping, and some are hidden in some unknown places.

Of course, if there are not many things, the most common thing is to put them on the male companion who comes with you.

So what Fangran had in his pocket at the moment was the cell phone that Tang Bing had put in his pocket before changing clothes.

While walking through the corridor of this top club and returning to the dance hall, Fangran casually took out his suit pocket.

A red casing of Xiaomi.

Ah, if my Xiaomi is still there, it should be this big...

With a sigh in his heart, Fangran quickly focused on the millet in his hand, ready to make a move.

‘By the way, Hulu, don’t you worry about privacy if you put your phone on me? ’

‘Compared with the shame I’ve suffered in front of you, senior, in the past few days, there is no privacy worth worrying about in my phone. ’

Thinking of what Tang Bing said when he put his phone away without caring,

Fang Ran: ('~';) Well...

Since Hulu himself said so, let me take a quick look...

It shouldn't matter, right?

Since he has been single for approximately as long as his age, Fangran was very curious about what girls looked like on their phones, but in the end he couldn't resist the temptation.

After thinking about the movements of his fingers that he inadvertently scanned while working in the supermarket, he easily unlocked the Xiaomi in his hand without much effort.

Then the first thing that caught my eye was the QQ interface that had not yet been closed up on the screen. I remembered that I hadn’t added Tang Bing as a friend yet.

Fangran casually clicked on the profile picture on one side, wondering what kind of online name he would give to his funny and sunny schoolgirl.

The first thing he saw was the signature on Tang Bing's profile:

-'There are endless scenery in the world, and I want eternal love. ’-

I was attracted by the inexplicable artistic conception of this sentence, as if there was a magic power that made me trance. I was slightly surprised when I thought about my school girl who knew a lot about love and seemed to have good literary taste.

Fangran saw Tang Bing's online name the next second:


Fangran: "..."


No, the style of your signature and your online name are too different, right?

?(°Д°;)What the hell is this Mary Sue-like online name! ?

The first second after opening Tang Bing's phone, Fangran felt his brows jump and he was speechless. The corners of his mouth twitched and he sent QQ to the background.

Tang Bing complained about the obsessive-compulsive disorder arrangement of six APPs on one page: WSP, Jingxi, Dahongshu, Yiwang Mailbox Master, Yiwang Cloud Music and Dingmin Reading.

Fangran went straight to the point and opened the most private software!

ask! If you want to see the most shameful things on a person's phone, what should you open? ?

Give you ten seconds to think.

social application? chat record? Photo album? Short message?

Huh, naive!

Those are only choices for people who have goals, such as wanting to investigate whether the other party is interested in others. There is no need for this.

Simply out of curiosity and want to know the deepest things hidden in a person's mobile phone, there is no doubt that all you need is...!

——Open his mobile network disk.

This is the knowledge Fangran learned from a certain church member called Jotta who threatened others by exposing their Baidu disks.

Clicking on the network disk of Yingxueyu Hanling·Xueliji·Charming·Q, before Fangran could open the favorites, he was the first to see a recently uploaded photo with the name of ‘Straw Hat Male God’.

Fangran (thinking seriously): emmm....

Then after hesitating for half a second, he decisively took out his mobile phone from the black box and quickly sent a picture of the Magic City scene directly face to face. After they encountered the E-50, a certain old man's hairy legs were running wildly under the Lolita dress. photo,

Then rename it to...

‘Straw Hat 2’

After doing this, Fang Rancai said "hehehehe" and stretched his fingers towards the final target interface with a completely villainous look. He thought that with Tang Bing's small car driving around all day long, there was a high probability that he would be there soon. You will see the film and television works of some well-known teachers,

Fangran thought for a while about how to laugh at Hulu's good intentions. While thinking this, he clicked on the favorites in the network disk file list.

The moment when you make up your mind that no matter what you see, you will never be surprised!

Fangran saw that the file name on the first line in the favorites was,

——A collection of Megatron books.

Fang Ran, expressionless, fell into silence.

For a moment, his worldview was shocked, making him feel that he was still too naive.

Standing there, the air was quiet for three seconds,

Then he silently turned off the network disk, silently cleared the background interface, and restored the Xiaomi with a red phone case to its unopened state.

The one with a resolute and stern look at the end,

Put it back in your pocket.

Sorry, I was wrong, I didn't see anything...

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