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Travel Notes French Bed and Breakfast (Part 1) [Thanks to Phantom Sky Wing, the wealthy leader! 】

Chapter 1003 Journey Notes French Bed and Breakfast (Part 1) [Thanks to Phantom Sky Wing, the wealthy leader! 】

"Yes 4...."

"Right 9."

"Uh... don't."

"don't want."

"Right 10."

"no, do not want..."


"The last one, 3."

In the southeast of France, in the suburbs that are already regarded as the border, on a relatively remote mountain road,

The moment the pale young man in the Humvee smiled and played the last card in his hand, the 'landlord' beside him immediately put his hands on his head and shouted in unbearable shock:

"Ahhhhhhh!! Eight possibilities! Take the thief! Why is it me who loses again!"

And looking at Fang Ran who had lost twelve games in a row, he thought about how many times he had heard such embarrassing screams in the past few days.

It was finally discovered that he was not a special case among the participants. He was simply good at anything. Tang Bing stared at him speechlessly and complained silently:

"Senior, how about accepting the reality? Why do you always feel like you lose because of a desperate comeback..."

"I won't listen! I won't listen! I won't listen! You gourd!"

From Texas Hold'em, Blackjack, Jinhua... and finally to Landlord, Fang Ran, who had never won a single game and had begun to reject reality, scratched his hair frantically.

Then he looked at Kerim in front of him, with the last stubborn and arrogant expression of a villain on his face, and snorted coldly:

"Don't think you'll win like this. I'm just not good at poker. Next, let's use the deck... Woohoo!!!"

"Shut up, senior, don't be embarrassed! Won't your duelist soul hurt when you play cards with a layman who doesn't understand anything at all?"

Then before the declaration of war was over, Tang Bing covered his mouth with force, desperately trying to prevent him from further embarrassing himself. He looked at the interesting scene between the two people in front of him,

Nothing forced,

Krim couldn't help but laugh softly. In one afternoon, he laughed from the bottom of his heart more times than in the past six months.

As for the blond figure in the driver's seat, Osphia also looked through the rearview mirror, her blue eyes inadvertently scanning the young man's profile.

Fold the passenger seat flat, and the Hummer, which is highly capable of off-road use, will have plenty of space.

The clear and bright sunshine and sunset, the fresh and ethereal forest fields, the clear blue sky dyed with warm colors, the rural air flowing in from the car window that makes people unable to help but take a deep breath, and the looming villages.

I rushed out romantically from the golden boiling Paris last night, walked through the pastoral and beautiful hillside roads, and occasionally leaned against the car window to encounter the surprise of the scenery.

Chatting, playing cards, and laughing, the afternoon of the four people rushing to the mentor's base felt more like a road trip where they temporarily left behind their burdens than running around in a huge plan.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your exchange of feelings,"

After taking a look at Fang Ran, who was quarreling and quarreling with Tang Bing because his attempt to regain his position through a duel was blocked, Osphia's voice from the driver's seat sounded calmly and calmly at this moment.

"We have almost reached the border with Switzerland, and because I don't know why the French officials didn't chase us, the time spent on the road was much shorter than expected,"

"Before it gets dark, it looks like we have to find a secluded place to stay for a while."

With the existence of white wings, it is easy to avoid radar searches and cover up the figure to cross the border customs from high altitude, but even so, it still requires the cover of night.

If you act during the day, the risk of exposing your traces is still too high.

Hearing her words, Fang Ran, who was holding two small hands, and Tang Bing, who was about to strangle his neck, were both stunned. Krim smiled gently without any objection:

"It would be better if nothing happened."

After coming back to his senses, Fang Ran looked at her and asked curiously:

"Exactly how long will you stay?"

"It takes about three hours until late at night when it's completely dark."

A glance showed Sphia holding the steering wheel and answering in a calm voice.

"Eh~ about three hours..."

Just as he was easily grabbing Tang Bing's two small hands with a bulging face, Fangran heard Ao Feiya's reply and lengthened his tone thoughtfully, as if he was thinking about something.

Then he seemed to have thought of a great idea, and suggested with excited eyes:

"Then how about we go find a B\u0026B nearby to take a short break!?"


When they heard Fangran suddenly say such words, except for Tang Bing who was still puffing up his face and exerting force, Ophia and Kerim were slightly startled.

"Anyway, it's still early in the evening, so I have nothing to do. How about we go find a B\u0026B nearby to celebrate the successful resolution of this crisis!?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? You must have forgotten that our whereabouts cannot be exposed, right?"

His blue eyes glanced at Fangran, who was bright and full of expectations. Osphia's clear words reminded him of their current situation, and her eyes looked straight ahead without any fluctuations.

"It's too early to celebrate the resolution of the incident."

"Hey...what does it matter? We are going to find our mentor soon anyway. Once he unlocks the scene blockade, our mission will be completed soon. We can leave the remaining troublesome issues to those big shots,"

That's right, for example, a certain head maid who has become ridiculously powerful in the past hundred years!

Fang Ran, who had already distributed the pots, looked at Ophia with sparkling eyes, winked at her and smiled happily:

"It will all be resolved smoothly in the end. It doesn't matter if we celebrate a little early."

I didn't know what to say about his unfounded confidence.

Osphia heard Fangran behind her persuading her in a child-like way. Her tone didn't need to be seen to tell that his face was full of uncontrollable expectations.

"This is the French border. There is no surveillance in small towns and rural areas like this. If you only stay for a few hours, the risk of exposure is minimal,"

"We have to find a place to stay anyway. If we go to a B\u0026B, we can not only rest, but also have a good meal of local specialties. Hulu and Kerim will definitely be hungry too!"

The more she talked, the more she looked forward to it. By the end, Fangran had completely concealed her desire to go to the French countryside to eat, drink and have fun, and shouted righteously:

“And it’s so rare to come to France and not experience a country B\u0026B. I don’t want to eat compressed biscuits anymore!”

"That last sentence is your true thought, senior..."

Still being grabbed by the wrist, Tang Bing muttered something in a low voice with his face already turning red. On the other side, Krim also laughed helplessly and echoed:

"If it doesn't cause any trouble...B\u0026Bs in the French countryside are indeed worth a short stay."

"Yes, yes! Yes, yes!"

Upon hearing this, Fangran nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and then tried his best to open his eyes wide, hoping to impress Osphia with his handsome appearance.

Slowing down the car slightly, Osphia looked at him and Tang Bing and Klim on both sides through the rearview mirror with her blue eyes.

I don’t know if they saw the intention of all three of them to go, or if they considered the fact that they were about to find a mentor, which was a real situation,

Recalling the afternoon when Fangran woke up and the four of them laughed in the car like friends,

Osphia sighed in helplessness at the end, and then spoke in a still clear and calm voice:

"We must leave at ten o'clock at the latest."

"Yah ho——!!!"

The moment a cheer rang out, the black Hummer, which was running straight towards the border, turned around at a highway intersection.

In the perfect warm orange sunset, the wilderness and countryside of the hillside forest open towards a small rural town nearby...

[Thank you for the 19,000 reward from that wealthy book friend] [Thank you to Yu Yao, a rich book friend, for the 40,000 reward] [Thank you for the 10,000 reward from this rich book friend, Draw Your Sword] I’m really sorry to come to Chengdu In the future, the incident of losing the cat hit me hard. My writing style was poor and updates were slow. Looking at these large reward records, I felt ashamed. If you want to reward for the purpose of adding more updates, please don’t do it. The story in the latest volume has made me see the limit of my ability. Rewards and subscriptions are different in nature. I don’t want to be the kind of person who can’t write because I owe you a favor. The author who was stabbed in the spine, thank you for your understanding]

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