Coaching legend

Chapter 13 A Beautiful Start

Today, Burnley's opponent is Swindon Football Club from Wiltshire in southwest England. Swindon's history is not worth mentioning compared to Burnley, and it has not yet appeared in the English top league. The only honor is the League Cup.

However, in the current situation, Swindon's situation is much better than Burnley. Although it was relegated from the English League One last season, its strength has not been damaged, and it is still the most popular team for promotion to the League Two this season. It has received much more attention than Burnley, which has changed its coach and most of its players.

Although it is a strong team, it is not without shortcomings. Otherwise, it would not have been relegated in the end. The biggest problem is the same single offense as Burnley. After digging Neil Lennon and Danny Murphy, George is very satisfied with the midfield defense. Especially with a running Ballack in the middle, George is confident in defending Swindon's offense.

For this game, George sent out the best lineup in his mind - goalkeeper Miller, defenders Grant, Mitchell King, Gary Breen, Daniel Morrison, midfielders Karel Poborsky, Michael Ballack, Danny Murphy, Neil Lennon, forwards Darren Huckabee, Richard Brodie.

Watching Burnley's wave after wave of attacks, Steve McMahon smiled. Turning to his assistant coach, he said, "I heard that Burnley's head coach is 27 years old this year. He is indeed a young coach and can't keep his cool. He wants to show off in front of his fans. He is too immature."

"Steve, you have to understand him. Young man?" Steve McMahon is already 51 years old. He has been coaching in low-level leagues, from the First Division to the Second Division, and even coached the Third Division when he debuted. He is experienced and looks down on George, who became the head coach at the age of 27.


Barry Kilby wore a suit and tie and came to the box to watch the game. Next to him was Burnley's new operations director, Keller Varga. Unlike Keller Varga, Barry Kilby was born and raised in Lancashire. So when watching football, he didn't like to wear a suit and tie.

But there was no way, because all British stadiums had a rule: anyone who entered the box to watch the game must wear a tie. This is a dead rule. Even if the president of the United States came, he had to abide by it.

But Kilby had no choice but to do so. He had just become the chairman of the Burnley Club. At the most critical moment of the club, home games must be watched live. Burnley Club has many directors, although Kilby has the most shares. But he also has to consider their ideas.

Sitting next to him was the chairman of Swindon Club, Simon Iverson. Iverson was very proud. Although their club had just been relegated, Iverson still had a sense of confidence when facing Burnley.

So when they just met, Iverson laughed at Kilby. He thought it was ridiculous for Burnley to choose a 27-year-old young man as the head coach. In order to save a little money, such a ridiculous decision was made.

After facing these, Kilby smiled. But he was quite angry in his heart. The two clubs can be said to be brothers in distress. Both were relegated from the First Division. What is there to be proud of?


After more than 20 minutes of the game, Burnley's attack has not had any effect. Facing Swindon's iron barrel defense, Burnley has no way to do anything. Bobowski's speed and technical advantages are not brought into play at all. Swindon almost has nine people defending in the 30-meter area.

This is not what George thought before the game. Swindon should be considered a strong team in the Second Division. Such a shameless tactic is really eye-opening for George.

George has been standing on the sidelines since the start of the game, and he can't sit down all the time.

"Michael, Michael." George suddenly came to the sidelines and shouted Barack. No one expected George's voice to be so loud. In the shouts of tens of thousands of people, George's voice was clear.

Barack's tall body came to George, and George grabbed Barack. "Michael, don't pass the ball in a small area in the midfield. Make full use of the width of the field and keep passing the ball with medium and long passes. Also, your position is too far back. When you have the opportunity, you should move forward boldly. Even if there is a little chance, don't hesitate and show your long-range shooting skills. Tell Karel, there is only one word, break through resolutely." George danced with his hands and feet and told Ballack to be more resolute.

Breaking through dense defense is a headache for any top team in the world, but there is also a very effective way, which is long-range shooting. Some defensive teams don't even give long-range shooting opportunities, but Swindon is just a second-tier team. The defense has not reached that level yet.

"Press up, Karel. Break through, break through, where are your usual skills?" George kept signaling the team to press forward.

Soon Burnley gave up the practice of passing the ball in the midfield and then looking for opportunities. Most of the balls were sent to Bobowski's feet. Bobowski's skills are the best in Burnley, even in the second and first leagues. It is very outstanding. As soon as Bobowski got the ball, Swindon's midfielder and left back looked at Bobowski nervously.

Although the game was only half an hour old, they had fully witnessed the skills and speed of Bobowski. Therefore, both of them stabilized their positions and did not dare to kick easily. Bobowski looked leisurely, without passing the ball or dribbling past anyone. At this time, Grant came up from behind at high speed, connected with Bobowski, and distracted the attention of Swindon's left back.

At that moment, Bobowski suddenly passed the ball and rushed away from the gap between Swindon's back waist and left back. When the two reacted, Bobowski had already left the two of them three meters away, and Swindon's defense was completely shattered.

Swindon's central defender hurried over to defend Bobowski. This central defender was very experienced. Knowing that his speed was not as fast as Bobowski, he had been stuck in the penalty area, not allowing Bobowski to step in and have a chance to shoot directly. At this time, the effect of George's usual training came out, and Richard Brodie quickly pressed down and immediately made Swindon's back line retreat many steps. It also attracted the attention of all defenders.

Instead of passing the ball, Bobowski passed it sideways, and the ball flew to the penalty area. A tall figure rushed up. George saw this figure and shouted nervously. "Shoot, shoot!"

There was no player defending Ballack at that position. Ballack did not hesitate and fired a heavy cannon directly. The ball was so fast that the Swindon goalkeeper did not react at all.

"Beautiful!!" George breathed a sigh of relief and shook his fist fiercely on the sidelines. And behind George, there was a huge cheer. The cheers of tens of thousands of people shook the entire stadium.

At this time, Ballack, who scored the goal, got rid of all the players. He opened his hands and shouted, ran straight to George, and hugged George. "Boss, thank you." Ballack was deeply grateful to George, the young coach who brought him from the amateur league to the professional league.

It's just that Ballack is not good at expressing this kind of emotion. George was hugged by the 1.9-meter-tall Ballack, and felt that his whole body was about to fall apart. "Ahem, Michael, I'd be more grateful if you put me down."

"Sorry, boss." Ballack said somewhat at a loss.

George patted Ballack on the shoulder and said with a smile: "If you want to thank me, do your best."

"Carl, we've won this game." After scoring a goal, George was already confident of winning the game. With Darren Huckabee and Karel Boborski, two fast horses, as long as Swindon dared to attack, they would die ugly.


At the moment when Ballack scored, Kilby shouted, regardless of being in the box or the chairman of Swindon beside him. Then he hugged Kyle Varga beside him and cheered loudly. Simon Iverson next to him had a sullen face and despised Barry Kilby, a country bumpkin. The owner of a small town team with only 80,000 people can indeed be regarded as a country bumpkin.

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