Coaching legend

Chapter 14 Perfect Debut

The first goal occurred in the 34th minute of the first half. In the next ten minutes, Swindon tried to attack. Unfortunately, under the joint stranglehold of midfielders Ballack, Murphy and Neil Lennon, their attacks ended in failure every time they reached the midfield.

In this way, both teams wasted time in the midfield competition, and the first half ended with the referee's whistle. The home team Burnley temporarily led the visiting team Swindon 1:0. George stood in front of the court to greet everyone. When someone came, he would pat the players on the shoulders and encourage them.

"Daniel, the team should raise their heads and be happy that the team is leading. Why are you walking with your head down?" George looked at Daniel Morrison, his favorite player who he had trained himself, and smiled and touched Daniel's hair.

Daniel was stunned and saw George's smiling face. "Boss, I was wondering if the club would give us a bonus if we won today." Daniel's answer was very brief, but it made George laugh and cry. It's only halftime now, and this kid is thinking about the winning bonus.

George shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Daniel, you performed well in the first half. You should do the same in the second half, otherwise you will have to stay on the bench from the beginning. As for the winning bonus, let's talk about it after we win." Bullshit winning bonus, Burnley is so poor now, where can they afford to give out winning bonuses.

Daniel's eyes lit up and he nodded heavily. "I know."

"Let's go in." George didn't care what Daniel thought, hugged his favorite player and entered the locker room.

Entering the locker room, I found that everyone had a happy face. After all, they were very happy to be ahead of the biggest promotion favorite team in the second division this season. George was the last to come in. When he saw George coming in, the locker room was silent.

"Didn't I say that we should be in a higher-level league. The second division should not be where we stay." George asked loudly.

"Yes." All the players answered in unison.

George waved his fist and said, "Swindon is the biggest favorite, so we can still beat them. We have to beat those second-tier teams one after another. Then we will go to where we should go."

"Yes, we have to go to where we should go." Mitchell King stood up and cheered loudly.

Thompson, who was next to him, watched George's performance in the locker room and knew that George had begun to conquer the players. George pressed his hand to quiet everyone down. "Of course, we have to play one game at a time. Swindon will definitely counterattack in the second half. Now deploy the tactics for the second half. Michael, you retreat and Murphy will take your position. In the second half, Michael, you have to make full use of your long pass ability."

"Mitchell, after the defense line or the midfielder steals the ball, don't kick it blindly. If there is no good opportunity, let Michael handle it. As long as Michael has the ball, Huckabee and Carrell, you two should try to spread out as much as possible, so that you can completely break their defensive system." George is to further consolidate Ballack's position in the team, although this puts a lot of pressure on Ballack. But George was not worried that Ballack would not be able to bear it, because Ballack had such a psychological quality.

"Michael, if there is no opportunity, don't rush to attack. Controlling the rhythm is also a quality that a midfielder must have."


George asserted that Swindon was definitely not satisfied with failure and would definitely attack wildly in the second half. But George was not afraid at all. Swindon's style of play has always been very simple. This is not only the case for Swindon, but also the English Premier League. At this time, the English clubs' style of play is a fixed 4-4-2, long passes, two wings flying together, a routine.

It should be said that there is a person who has made a huge contribution to the English league, that is, the Frenchman Arthur Wenger. Wenger's contribution to English clubs is not only to bring out European giants such as Arsenal, but more to bring England a new training method and new football tactics. These have a great impact on major English teams.

Sure enough, Swindon started to counterattack just after the second half began. Unfortunately, the back line performed well under the leadership of Mitchell, not to mention the midfield. Neil Lennon's sweep in front of the defenders, coupled with Ballack's move back in the second half, gave Burnley a firm advantage in the midfield battle.

If Ballack was not still immature and unfamiliar with how to control the team's fast and slow rhythm, Swindon would have surrendered long ago. Swindon once again passed the ball into the Burnley penalty area, but was headed out by Breen. After Neil Lennon got the ball, he passed it to Ballack as George had arranged.

After Ballack received the ball, he directly made a long pass and passed over Swindon's defender. At this time, the blond Bobowski showed unparalleled speed. In an instant, he passed all the defenders and got the ball before the goalkeeper. Facing the goalkeeper, he easily dribbled past him and then scored into the empty goal.

"It's Karel Popovsky, he's already facing the goalkeeper. He dribbled past the goalkeeper and the goal was empty. The ball went in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The commentator's voice suddenly became louder and louder, and his speech was like a gunshot. "Poborsky, the international from the Czech Republic, has already scored one goal and passed one pass in this game. Coach George spent 400,000 pounds to buy Popovsky. At the beginning, many people laughed at him, saying that the Czech Republic also has football? But Popovsky fought back with such a performance. Popovsky, listen to the shouts on the field, these are all praises for you. Everyone shout with me, Popovsky!!!"

When the goal was scored, Popovsky ran around the field. The field was full of cheers, and they followed the commentator to shout "Poborsky" rhythmically. Hearing these shouts, Popovsky felt that it was right to come to England, where there is a head coach who trusts him and so many fans who support him.

With Popovsky's second goal, the game was basically over. Before the end of the game, Huckby received a wonderful pass from Popovsky and scored another goal. In the end, Burnley defeated the aggressive Swindon 3:0 at home. It was a good start for the journey of the second division.


"Miranda, aren't you going to congratulate your brother George?" The companion asked with a smile as he looked at Miranda who was about to leave.

"No, brother George must be very busy now. I can see him when I get home."

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