Coaching legend

Chapter 454 Winter transfer is also lively

2004 started.

In January, the winter transfer period of European football began.

Generally speaking, there are few eye-catching transfers in the winter transfer. Because most teams have already made preparations in the summer. Important transfers will be completed in the summer.

As for the winter transfer, it is usually just a patchwork.

So no matter what team it is, important transfers are placed in the summer.

But obviously this season is different from the past.

The first to make a move was Chelsea, which attracted all the attention of European football in the summer. Abrahimovic is really a generous master. He doesn't care about money at all. He has already spent 130 million pounds in the summer.

Unfortunately, he is not satisfied at all.

Or he is very dissatisfied with Chelsea's current lag behind Arsenal.

As soon as the winter transfer arrived, Chelsea made another move. This time, their target was Makelele, who had been away from England for only one and a half years.

Makelele was bought when Cooper was there. And after arriving at Inter Milan, he was very popular with Cooper and became Inter Milan's main midfielder as soon as he arrived. Last season, he reached the Champions League semi-finals with Inter Milan, but was eliminated by Milan.

But Makelele performed very well.

Cooper attached great importance to Makelele.

But Cooper, the unlucky guy, was fired by Moratti after coaching for less than a third of the season this season. The newly appointed Zaccheroni, however, did not like Makelele very much.

Zaccheroni is an absolute lunatic.

He is also a famous Italian coach. Unfortunately, he is incompatible with the style of Italian football. Zaccheroni likes to play with three defenders, and he likes to attack, crazy attack. Somewhat similar to Schaff in Bremen later.

The attack was mercury pouring out. It was very exciting and beautiful for the fans to watch. If the game went smoothly, it could break through the gates of any strong team in Europe.

But there might also be a situation where someone would dunk.

This season's Champions League group stage was like this. Cooper led Inter Milan to beat Arsenal 3-1 away. But after Zaccheroni took office, Arsenal actually responded with a five-to-one.

This is Zaccheroni.

Watching his team is like a roller coaster.

Zaccheroni is not particularly fond of Makelele, who plays with consciousness. He prefers the kind of midfielder who can run all over the field, and the kind of all-around midfielder. Just like Zanetti, he is very popular with Zaccheroni. And at the beginning of the winter transfer, Inter Milan actively acquired Lazio's midfielder Stankovic.

Zaccheroni obviously prefers Stankovic. And there is Emre in Inter Milan, and Emre is also quite liked by Zaccheroni.

Although there are some twists and turns, there are basically no problems.

So Makelele is a little embarrassed under Zaccheroni. Makelele feels a little lost in Inter Milan. At this time, Ranieri took action. Ranieri has been in Chelsea for many years and is quite clear about Makelele's strength. Blackburn can win so many championships, and Makelele's contribution is quite large.

Therefore, as soon as the winter transfer window opened, Ranieri made a move on Makelele.

When Inter Milan bought Makelele from Blackburn, it cost 22 million euros. Converted to pounds, that is about 15 million pounds. Although he is already 30 years old and will be 31 in two months.

But Inter Milan is still unwilling to let Makelele go at a low price.

The most important thing is that everyone in European football now knows that Abrahimovic is "rich and stupid". The players who transferred to Chelsea in the summer, which one did not have a transfer fee exceeding their own value. So Inter Milan also wants to make a fortune in it.

After a tug-of-war between the two sides, Makelele transferred from Inter Milan to Chelsea at a price of 17 million pounds.

The winter transfer market, which was always quiet before, has just started with such a large transfer. It surprised many people. But at the same time, I sighed in my heart, damn, it's good to have money!

Look at Chelsea. It used to be just a quasi-strong team in the Premier League.

But now, after Abrahimovic threw 150 million pounds to Chelsea, which strong team in Europe dares to ignore Chelsea? Chelsea has not played in the Champions League yet, but Chelsea is so generous.

Once they qualify for the Champions League this season, who knows what Abrahimovic will do this summer.

But it doesn't mean that only Chelsea has big moves.

After Chelsea bought Makelele, there was another big move in the English football world.

The protagonist this time turned out to be the always stingy Arsenal.

Arsenal is the most stingy club in the English football world. Don't look at it as an English giant, but Arsenal rarely spends a lot of transfer fees since Wenger took over. When Manchester City began to replace Chelsea as the new upstart, the English football world once made a ranking of the value of English transfers.

As an English giant, Arsenal, which has won three Premier League titles, has no one in the top ten.

That's why Wenger got a reputation for being stingy.

But now Wenger still dares to make a move when he sees his favorite players.

This time, Wenger's target is the most promising talent in European football, Reyes, one of the "Spanish Twin Stars".

Don’t look at Reyes’ limited achievements later. In fact, Reyes’ fame in European football at that time was absolutely unimaginable to ordinary people. In the 2003 UAE World Cup, the Spanish twins shocked the European football world.

The Spanish twins refer to Reyes and Torres.

Reyes was the most dazzling talent in European football at that time.

Of course, Reyes also has a masterpiece. Reyes’ classic masterpiece appeared in this season’s La Liga. In the match against Real Madrid, Sevilla beat Real Madrid 4-1. In that game, Reyes was completely unstoppable on the left.

Even Figo, who was on the same wing, was dwarfed by him.

After the game, all the European football giants set their sights on this talented player from Sevilla.

At this time, Wenger, who always liked talented players, took the lead.

In the winter transfer, Wenger spent 10.5 million pounds to win Reyes. There are also floating clauses. Once those clauses are met, Arsenal will have to pay a maximum of 17 million pounds. If this transfer can be completed as scheduled and all conditions are met, then 17 million pounds will become the highest price in Arsenal's transfer history. Even in the next ten years, no one at Arsenal can break this record.

Of course, historically, Arsenal did not pay so much money.

Because Reyes failed to meet many of the clauses. I don't know if Reyes in this time and space will be braver.

Anyway, after Arsenal bought Reyes, many people kept complaining.

This season's Arsenal is already strong enough. In the Premier League, it is completely invincible. Except for the game against Blackburn, there was no defeat in all the games. This is a very mature and perfect team.

Your team is already so strong.

You still spend so much money to buy players? Wow! Don't let people live.

Other Premier League teams are shocked by Arsenal's transfer. Arsenal is getting stronger and stronger.

European football is immune to Premier League teams. The Premier League is now the league with the strongest purchasing power in Europe. Not only Chelsea, but even Manchester United, Arsenal, Liverpool and Blackburn have made some big moves in recent years.

It can be said that the Premier League is truly the best in European football in terms of funds.


However, there is no big opinion about Chelsea buying Makelele and Arsenal buying Reyes and George.

Chelsea has only spent 150 million pounds now. What is this?

By the next season and the next season, people will find that 100 million pounds is nothing to Abrahimovic. In the future, there will be Robben, Malouda, Cech, Horno, Alex, Carvalho, Ferreira, Kezman, all of whom were transferred at high prices.

Of course, they are also a small matter.

If Chelsea really acquires Shevchenko and Torres as in history, that would be a real big transfer.

Therefore, George is not surprised at Chelsea's move.

As for Arsenal buying Reyes, George doesn't care about it. A genius, if he doesn't have a strong heart, is a waste. Reyes is definitely a rare genius in European football. But can he bear it?

Reyes finally left London, definitely not because he was not strong enough. Nor was it because he couldn't adapt to Arsenal's style of play.

It was entirely because of Reyes' own psychological problems. Reyes almost fled London.

This kind of player is still pleasing to the eye when placed in a greenhouse for people to visit. But if he is allowed to live on his own, he will not be able to tell the front, back, left and back.

What George is concerned about now is the problem of Juventus.

This winter, Davis, who could not reach an agreement with the club on salary issues, had a complete fallout with the club. Therefore, Davis was loaned to Barcelona, ​​and this news is what George cares about most.

Blackburn's opponent in the Champions League knockout round is Juventus. To play against a team like Juventus, George must of course do his homework in advance. After so many days, George knows a lot about Juventus.

In Juventus now, there is one person who is absolutely indispensable. He is neither the Zebra Prince Piero nor the Czech Iron Man Nedved. Of course, he is not Juventus's powerful central defender, nor their world's No. 1 goalkeeper Buffon.

In Juventus now, Davis is the most important.

With Davis, there is a depth of defense in the midfield. George attaches great importance to Davis. He did not expect that Juventus had a conflict with Davis at this time, and Davis was loaned to Barcelona.

This is good news.

Very good news. Without Davis, Juventus' midfield defense will definitely have problems.

This is the best news George has heard this winter.

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