Coaching legend

Chapter 455: Welcoming Juventus

Wenger told all Premier League clubs about Arsenal's ambitions by buying Reyes.

This is the fifth season since Arsenal won the Premier League title in the 1998-99 season. In these four seasons, Wenger's Arsenal has no other championships except the FA Cup. However, after four years of hard work, Wenger finally led his disciples back.

After the start of the second half of the season, Arsenal showed the entire Premier League what strength is.

On January 8, in the 20th round of the Premier League, Arsenal defeated Everton 2-1 away with goals from Kanu and Henry. From then on, it was out of control.

In the 21st round of the Premier League, Arsenal beat Middlesbrough 4-1 at home.

In the 22nd round of the Premier League, Arsenal beat Aston Villa 2-0 away.

In the 23rd round of the Premier League, Arsenal beat Manchester City 2-1.

In the 24th round of the Premier League, Arsenal beat Wolves 3-1 away.

In the 25th round of the Premier League, Arsenal defeated Southampton 2-0.

In the 26th round of the Premier League, Arsenal defeated the powerful Chelsea 2-1.

Before the start of the Champions League knockout round, Arsenal had completed a nine-game winning streak from the 18th round of the Premier League to the present. In these nine consecutive victories, Gunner Henry scored ten goals. He is currently the most popular striker in the world football.

And Arsenal also relied on a wave of nine consecutive victories to pull away from the pursuers behind.

At the end of the 26th round of the league, Arsenal has accumulated 65 points.

Chelsea, ranked second in the Premier League, showed a certain instability at this time. In the seven games after the start of the new year, Chelsea only won three wins, two draws and two losses. Ten points less than Arsenal.

At the end of the first half of the season, Chelsea was only five points behind Arsenal.

Unexpectedly, after the end of the 26th round of the Premier League, it was actually 15 points behind Arsenal.

Manchester United also had the same results as Chelsea.

Manchester United has only won three games, drawn two games and lost two games in seven games from the 20th to the 26th round of the league. Manchester United's performance is even worse now. It has fallen behind Arsenal by as much as 21 points.

Blackburn's performance during this period is slightly better.

Blackburn has four wins, two draws and one loss, at least three more points than Chelsea and Manchester United. In fact, four wins, two draws and one loss in seven games is already a pretty good result. Unfortunately, compared with the strong Arsenal, the gap can be clearly felt.

Blackburn is also lagging behind Arsenal by double digits. Blackburn is fourteen points behind Arsenal.

Blackburn has played slightly better than Chelsea during this period. It has climbed to the second place in the Premier League.

In fact, there is no difference between the second and third place in the Premier League. If there is a difference, it is that the third place in the Premier League has to play in the Champions League qualifiers, while the second place in the Premier League can directly enter the Champions League group stage.

According to the current strength of the Premier League, whether it is Blackburn or Chelsea, it is not easy to play in the Champions League qualifiers.

Therefore, as long as he is not the Premier League champion, the second and third place are of no concern to George.

However, at this time, everyone knows that there is no suspense in the Premier League this season. Arsenal's strength continues, while the performance of other Premier League teams is as sluggish as ever.

Everyone thought that after Abrahimovic took over, he spent so much money. Chelsea's performance should at least be able to compete with Arsenal. However, Ranieri's performance still disappointed many people.

Especially Abrahimovic, who appeared at Stamford Bridge in every game. He must be very disappointed.

Abrahimovic invested 150 million pounds, but now he is pulled 15 points by Arsenal. How could he be satisfied? It should be said that from this time on, Abrahimovic has been considering changing a head coach.


After the 26th round of the Premier League, George took the home court to welcome the Italian giants Juventus.

George has always been at odds with Italian football. Although George also stole the essence of Italian football in defense. But when it comes to Italian football, it is always full of contempt.

This is not that George looks down on Italian football.

In fact, George is full of respect for Italian football. The famous catenaccio defense has benefited George a lot. But George really despises the current Italian football, which is full of smoke and miasma.

Not only that, the development of Italian football is too slow.

Or the reform of Italian football is even slower than that of the conservative English Football Association. Not to mention other things, just the fact that Italy does not allow private ownership of stadiums has made Italian clubs lag far behind Premier League clubs.

And the Italian Football Association has done a really bad job in combating football hooligans and racial discrimination. There are fewer and fewer fans watching the Serie A live.

Such a bad environment has also made Serie A more and more declining. If it weren't for the three northern powers struggling to hold on, Serie A would have been left behind by other leagues.

But just like the English football world, when the Premier League declined in the 1990s, they arrogantly fantasized that they were the originators of modern football and that they swept the European football world from the 1970s to the 1980s.

The current Italian football world is the same.

They are immersed in the glory of the "Little World Cup". Serie A is still the center of European football. They are very proud and look down on other leagues.

And George has repeatedly ridiculed Italian football.

Therefore, many Italian media are quite dissatisfied with George.

And last season, Milan eliminated Blackburn, which was mentioned by them every day.

This time, many Italian reporters came to England with Juventus.

Before the game, Lippi faced reporters and praised Blackburn and George. "Blackburn has performed very well in the past few seasons. The three consecutive Premier League titles can be said to be a dynasty. Blackburn is now at its best. Facing such an opponent, we will be very cautious."

"Coach Levy? Coach Levy is a famous coach in Europe. It is amazing that he has achieved such results at such a young age. When I was his age, I didn't know where my future was. Coach Levy is a genius in the coaching industry. This time, playing against him, the pressure is very high."

George was very puzzled when he heard Lippi's praise for him.

Who is Lippi? Even if George wins a few more championships, his fame cannot be greater than Lippi. Or even if Lippi stops working from now on, it will take many years for George to catch up with him.

What does Lippi want to do?

Did Lippi really think that he would be flattered by just a few compliments? He really thinks that he is a young kid who has just started out.


But George already has a bad image in front of the media.

So he accepted Lippi's praise without hesitation. And said arrogantly. "It's just Juventus. I don't care about facing any team. As long as it blocks my way, I will defeat it."

Facing such a high-profile George, not to mention Italian reporters, even English reporters can't stand it. Did George really lose his mind after a few compliments from Lippi?

Although George's relationship with reporters is not very good. But he still has some reporter friends in England. A reporter kindly reminded George that George is facing Juventus this time, but "Silver Fox" Lippi.

Unexpectedly, George curled his lips in disdain. "Lippi, is he very good? Does he have as many championships as me?"

This statement really exploded.

Between Capello and Ancelotti, Lippi is the representative of Italian football.

Lippi has a very high reputation in Italian football. Now he is despised by a younger generation. But what George said is not all false.

Lippi is very powerful. But in terms of the number of championships, he is not necessarily more than George.

Lippi has five league championships, one Champions League, one European Super Cup, one Toyota Cup, four Italian Super Cups, and one Italian Cup, a total of thirteen championships.

And George has won countless championships since Burnley. Three Premier League championships, one European Champions Cup, one UEFA Cup, two European Super Cups, one Toyota Cup, one FA Cup, two League Cups, and two Community Shields, also thirteen championships.

Hearing George's words, the English reporters didn't care.

They don't like Italian football anyway. They would love for someone to come out and satirize Italian football.

Reporters from other countries don't care about anything.

They only care about the news, and they wish there would be more news for them to write.

Only the Italian reporters were quite angry with George. You used to ridicule Italian football, but now even Lippi, one of the representative coaches of Italian football, is so disdainful. This makes them furious.

However, they are furious, but they can't do anything about such a thick-skinned coach like George.

The best way is for Juventus to humiliate Blackburn at home. Then these Italian reporters will ridicule George again, and then it will be the most perfect slap in the face. Therefore, Italian reporters are waiting in their hearts, waiting for the end of the game.

George's words certainly reached Lippi's ears.

But Lippi smiled slightly, and did not fight back as people imagined.

Lippi really attaches great importance to George. But Lippi is a veteran after all, and he praised George a little. Lippi didn't expect George to be really proud. But as long as George is a little proud, Lippi will be quite satisfied.

When masters fight, as long as they reveal a little flaw, it will be fatal.

George is young after all, and Lippi believes that George must be a little proud. So just give him a little boost.

Seeing George as arrogant as ever, Lippi is still satisfied. As long as George is proud, Lippi believes that Blackburn will definitely show flaws.

No matter how the war of words was before the game, the Champions League knockout round finally began.

On February 26, 2004, at Ewood Park, the Champions League quarter-finals began. The two teams were the Premier League champion Blackburn and the Serie A champion Juventus.

A friend got married today, so I have been busy since last night. I am very sorry that there are only two updates today.

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